I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 857: Looking forward to the end of spring

"Hurry... the situation has changed... all retreat... exit Goryokaku!"

"But, Captain, the road behind has been blocked by those resentful spirits..."

In the city, he was a famous shogunate who was brave and good at life and turned into ghosts and gods when he died.

Outside the city, there are thousands of resentful warriors standing silently under the cherry tree.

Under the feet, in the moat that turned scarlet as blood, countless withered arms squirmed.

Recovered from this shocking scene, Sen Luosi and his party standing at the gate of the city were already trapped under the gate of this black pentagram fortress. There was no way to the sky and no door to the earth!

"Oath in the distance, be sincere!"


In the city, the men kneeling behind Ichiro Kono, following the order of the earthwork, the long knives were drawn out of their waists.

"Today, use the blood of these emperor's running dogs to offer sacrifices to Goryokaku Kaesong!"

Immediately afterwards, they hung their knives to their sides, and rushed enthusiastically towards Sen Luosi and the others outside the city gate!

"After doing it for a long time, these lunatics know that we've been smashing the door..."

"So, from the beginning, did you treat us as dead and spare sacrifices..."

"Stop talking nonsense, shoot!!!"

Looking at the cold blade in the hands of the "Earthwork Mission", there was no need to order from Sen Luosi. The team behind him had used the city gate as a cover and opened fire without hesitation.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

In the intensive gunshots, the light green onion-dyed feather feathers were shot through, leaving small holes, blooming with a touch of red blood.

Although the members of this group of "earthwork sects", who are too old and have mixed good and bad, look aggressive, they are only "amateurs" regardless of their physical fitness and kendo training...

In the face of a disaster prevention mobile team with terrain advantages and professional military literacy, their various cold weapons are not much better than bare hands in front of a powerful fire blockade.

But they ignored the "companions" who fell one by one next to them, just moving on with frenzied eyes and a grinning smile...

It seems to be participating in the "Turnbo Suizo Acting Conference", repeating the last charge of Shinsengumi that year under Goryokaku Castle.

In less than a minute, the blood-saturated stone road inside the city gate was covered with dozens of corpses.

"Stop, cease fire..."

Looking at the "earth (evil) sect" that was wiped out by the entire army, including the priest Kono in front of them, Sen Luosi and the other team members were even colder than the black snow above their heads.

"You lunatics, what are you thinking about, do you just like that for a long time?!"

Because what happened just now is not a battle at all, it's just a mere massacre.

"Death is not the end... Earth... Lord Earthman... will give us... immortality..."

The black snow fell, the blood solidified, and the men who gradually lost their breath of life, their eyes wide open, and their faces still had that sweet smile...

"Hey, the era of the sword is over."

Standing still on the spot, Tufang Sui San just glanced at the light green-colored woven feather that was torn apart by the rain of bullets and fell in a pool of blood, and turned his back unmoved...

Similar images, he has seen too much in his life, so much that there is no ripple in his heart.

"However, the Shinsengumi where I am alone is incomplete."

In the middle of the two narrow wooden boxes, the blade light flashed silently, and there was a crevice with deep bones in each of the wrists of the earthworker about three years old!

"I hope that spring will come to an end, and I also know the time when I like ice and snow, and only today is the ablation."

The pitch-black and sticky "blood" gushes out from his wrist like a waterfall, soaks down the gap in the wooden box, dyeing the original wood color into pure black.

"Just like I swore...Even if we are separated by death, our souls will still be under the banner of honesty, and we will be one!"

Tufang Sui San's body, the ghostly aura that was originally through the sky, began to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"The blade is soaked in blood, you who don't even have the qualifications to go to hell..."

On the contrary, the two black coffins in front of him suddenly stood upright from the ground, bursting with a strong gray aura.

"Come and reshape the glory of Shinsengumi with me!"

He was unreservedly releasing his precious power of ghosts and gods!

"Kacha, Kacha..."

In the sound of the coffin shattering, two figures, one tall and one short, dressed in black weaving feathers and wrapped in gray arrogance, stood until the earth was about three years old.

"Tonight, Hu Che is very hungry for blood..."

On the left, there is a Kong Wu man with a Chinese character face, ginkgo biloba, tall, well-developed muscles, and his hands folded in his sleeves.

"This time, I want to die purely as a samurai."

He just stood there, giving people a sense of stability and stability.

"Sorry, in the end, the half-sick tuberculosis ghost swordsman, Soujiro Okita, who failed to advance and retreat with everyone, see ginseng."

On the right, a delicate young man with big pure eyes hanging on his face and a grin out of tiger teeth is slowly tying his forehead guard.

Obviously the clear eyes and the innocent smile, but the indifference that makes people stand up.

"It's been a long time, Asheng, Soujiro."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, but a few words are worth a thousand words.

"Mr. Kondo, Mr. Suishan, according to the appointment, I have come back from the hut to recover from illness."

"Sorry, three years old, let you fight alone for so long!"

After sharing the power of ghosts and gods from Tufang Suishan, the two of them seemed to understand the situation at hand.

"No, for this day, it was worth betting on all the arrangements."

Seeing these two people who had regained their right and left after a century and a half, a drop of black blood fell from the corner of his eyes.

In the last battle of the year, when the independent Goryokaku Castle was lonely and hesitated and stood silently, I never expected that loneliness would be filled again as it is today.

At this moment, it seemed that even time was frozen by the black snow above his head, returning all the faces lost in the long river of miss.

"The whole army listens..."

In Goryokaku Castle, the earthwork was three-year-old with high spirits, heads up tall, and the banner of Makoto as a cloak behind him hunted and hunted.

"Follow me and take back the Hakodate!"

His voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the depths of the soul of the black samurai inside and outside Goryokaku...

"Retake Hakodate!"

"Retake Hakodate!"

"Retake Hakodate!"

Throughout Goryokaku, a huge black wave was set off in a roar that was not flat but wary.

Nearly a thousand black figures were neatly lined up in several squares in the mountain whistling tsunami, stepping out towards the area beyond Goryokaku...

With their firm footsteps, the black snow-covered ground turned into stiff and smooth frozen soil, spreading towards the surroundings.

Seen from above, Goryokaku is like a rotting black scar, which gradually grows larger and erodes the surrounding city.

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