"Retake Hakodate...what age is this, these antique-like resentful spirits, are you kidding me?!"

"Even if the ghosts and gods are increased to three, they are still ruthless characters like Kondo and Okita?!"

"Deputy Captain, disperse and break through, you must take out the news here!"

Without time to pay attention to the situation outside the city, Sun Luosi and the team looked at the three ghosts and gods standing side by side in the city with sullen expressions, and their bodies shivered unconsciously.

The strength of ghosts and gods is often positively related to the "belief" they can condense.

Shimazaki Katsuda, Daimyo Kondo Isa, Director of Shinsengumi, the fourth-generation head of the natural flow of mind.

Okita Soujiro, also known as Okita Souji, is the leader and deputy chief of the first division of the Shinsengumi team, assisting in duties, and instructing swordsmanship.

These two, but in the history of Xinsengumi, no matter how strong or famous they are, they are not inferior to the existence of Tufang Sansan.

It can be said that it is these three people who are both Tama's natural rational flow and the "Kondo system", who are deeply bound, as the core figures, supporting the rise of Shinsengumi from a commoner samurai to a mistress.

Of course, along the way, the blood of "companions" with different political opinions is also flowing under the feet.

"Mr. Tufang, the equipment of those guys outside the door... looks very similar to the continuous firing gun of the Sa Changjun..."

In the next second, Okita Souji squinted his crescent-like smiling eyes, and keenly glanced at the dilemma Mori Luosi and his party outside the city gate: "Can you cut it?"


As if he had expected Tufang Suishan's answer a long time ago, the thin young figure disappeared in the city without warning before getting the answer.


His sight suddenly distorted, and Sun Luosi subconsciously pulled a player beside him and fell backward...


But the one who fell down with him was only half of the player...

A lower body that was divided diagonally from the waist, stood in place without knowing it, gushing viscous blood like a fountain.

"Yah, ah, sorry... I just woke up, this sword cut a bit rough..."

The delicate young man with a sword in his hand, standing in front of everyone at some unknown time, unavoidably let blood splash on him.

"...Slash it again."

"Boom boom boom!"

Looking at the blood-stained innocent smile in front of him, everyone who was dominated by fear pulled the trigger one after another.

"Your guns are too slow."

In the light of the burst of spiritual power bullets, Souji Okita's figure made waves like ripples in the water, making it impossible to see clearly.

At the same time, it became blurred, and the dark and slender Tachi in his hand...

"No, the psychic bullet is ineffective. Disperse quickly and quickly!"

"Oh? You seem to be the leader..."

In the next second, the sword turned into black lightning, passing through Sun Luosi's pupils.

A kind of murderous intent that seemed to be strangled by the god of death, which could not be avoided anyway, enveloped him.


Just when Mori Luosi thought he was mortal, a touch of pitch black like a waterfall spread from all around like running water, blocking the entire city gate, separating everyone from the inside and outside of the city.

"Huh? This is much more interesting than a musket!"

In the young boy's whispered voice with joy, the life-threatening Taito pierced through the darkness with difficulty.

At this moment, Okita Soji's sword, which was so fast that people could not see clearly, seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, and it seemed extremely jerky no matter whether it was advancing or retreating.

"This is...hair?!"

Recovered from the fear of death, Sun Luosi, who was sitting on the ground, discovered that the thing blocking the city gate in front of him was dark, beautiful, densely packed long hair!

These long hairs were cut by the sharp blade, but they were entangled incessantly and unrelentingly, and they were stuck in it alive.

"Uncles who can't help themselves..."

A slightly low but innocent female voice sounded abruptly behind everyone.

"If you don't run away now, there will be no chance...A Ju said with a contemptuous expression."


Everyone turned their heads and found that there was only an empty arch bridge behind them...


It wasn't until they lowered their sights that they noticed a petite figure less than twenty centimeters tall standing in the middle of the bridge.

"It's not a doll, it's Aju..."

The girl dolls in black floral kimonos and pink belts are watching them quietly with the cold and stiff faces of white porcelain that are smiling but not smiling.

"Of course, there are Mannen Temple, and the good children of Hokkaido... Aju introduced it with a slightly airy expression."

It is her long hair that hangs down to the ground that seals the city gate and entangles the sword of Chief Okita.

I don’t know when, that black and beautiful hair has bloomed like black roses on the outskirts of Goryokaku Castle, covering the ground with a radius of several kilometers...

In the cherry blossom forest outside the moat, those warrior warriors who had marched outwards were entangled in their long hair and could not move.

A densely packed petite doll is moving between the black hair at an unrecognizable speed to the naked eye, and the locusts will tear the resentful warriors to pieces as if they were crossing the border.

"Hokkaido, what's wrong..."

The brains of everyone in the disaster prevention mobile team were completely blank, and they had no intention of thinking about why the weird puppet at Qiaotou would save themselves.

"What happened to Hokkaido... Why, so many ghosts and gods appeared one after another?!"

Because, looking through the spirit detective goggles, the girl doll is burning with a grayish breath that is not inferior to the three newly selected groups in the city!

They have seen more ghosts and gods today than they have in their entire lives combined.


Hokkaido, Hakodate City.

At twelve o'clock at midnight, a dilapidated white bus maintained a speed sufficient to exempt the driver from being suspended, and drove violently into the dark downtown area of ​​Hakodate from its empty lane.

At the rear of the car, there were not only several large sleds hung, but also a five-line long line of nearly a hundred men who stepped on sleds with life ropes...

From a distance, it looks like a fishing boat returning with a load of fishing nets.


"Uh uh uh uh uh... I'm back... open the door..."

"Boom boom boom!"

As the bus continued to deepen, from time to time we could hear the weird roars, sometimes mixed with the cries of resentment and gunshots, coming from the surrounding black reinforced concrete jungle.

Attracted by the dazzling headlights at the front of the car, and at the same time the only light in the entire city, a group of figures quietly passed by the surrounding buildings, converging here...

But the giant chrysanthemum hovering on the roof of the car, inadvertently revealed the sacred breath, but they felt the obvious threat and did not dare to approach.

"Hello, is there a power outage in the city?"

"I was expecting to find a hot water bath in the money soup... Since I came out of Tokyo, I haven't had a chance to wash it now, and it's starting to smell bad here and there... Will it be misunderstood by Yuuji Kotori? I have a problem with my life style......"

Looking at the pitch-black streets that looked like a dead city, Sosuke Araki curled his lips in disappointment in the cab.

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