I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 875 Black Crescent

"Good job, hard work..."

Kneeling on one knee in front of the remains of the doll, Sosuke Araki stretched out his hand to caress the small ceramic face of Aju's humanoid that looked like a smile...

Under the black snow, a burst of white light bloomed at the head of the pitch-black bridge.

After looking back, the fragmented "Aju humanoid" had disappeared without a trace.

In the original position, there was an extra cute girl about three years old, wearing a black floral kimono, combing a watermelon head, and having fleshy cheeks.

"Go with peace of mind, and leave the rest to me!"

Araki Sosuke's palm, which was bigger than her head, was whispering dozingly on her head.

"It is the Buddha that Aju said, has he come to bless us?"

"Dad, mom..."

The fluorescence spread, and the dolls that were originally surrounding them all turned into a petite and cute girl with folded hands.

"A Ju... finally has her own expression..."

Regardless of the crazy rubbing "big hands" above his head, A Ju, standing in the "crowd", first rubbed her fleshy little face vigorously, and then began to try to smile, be angry, sad, serious, etc. Various expressions...

"Brother Yong, Yongji?"

Suddenly, she looked behind Araki Sosuke, and tears began to fill up in her eyes.

"Are you here... to pick up Aju..."

With a happy smile, A Ju slowly folded her hands in front of her, and together with the girls beside her, she scattered the sky with colorful flowers and falling flowers.

"Our family, Aju, was taken care of by your lord. 』

"Aju...I'm so sensible...I didn't cause trouble..."

"Don't be naughty, bow to the adults with me! 』

"Aju and Yongji have gone, this person's favorite figure, I will give you as a gift! 』

In a daze, Araki Sosuke seemed to see a thin middle-aged man holding Aju’s small head and bowing deeply towards him, holding hands and disappearing into the mass of fluorescence...

After a long while, everything at the bridgehead disappeared and returned to darkness again, leaving Araki Sosuke alone.


Under the cherry blossom trees, the resentful spirit warriors who broke out of the ground again without the black hair hindered, the trembling sound of killing awakened Araki Sosuke who was in a daze.

"Recover Hakodate!!!"

"Faithful soul..."

In the next second, the innumerable army was run over by black arms like a black train and shattered into a spot of light.

"Hey, next, it's time to visit the master in the lower city."

Bending down, picking up a "March Figure" wearing a black kimono from the ground, and stuffing it into the inside of the coat, Sosuke Araki strode towards the pitch-black Goryokaku without turning his head.



Outside the northeast gate of Goryokaku, the Samurai army surrounded by Samurai and fought with Fujiwara Takumi endlessly. Suddenly, he turned his head in disbelief and looked to the south.

"How, how is it possible!"

At that location, the Soji Okita, who had the same origin with him, suddenly disappeared.

It was as if he had never returned.

"What did you guys do to Soujirou?!!!"

Regardless of Fujiwara Takumi, who crossed his hands in front of him and blasted the beams frantically, the three-year-old figure of Mufang flashed into the city gate.

"Ahahahaha, comfortable, come again!"

Inside Goryokaku Castle, Kondo, who was laughing wildly, stepped out of the autonomous hall, and once again rushed out toward the southwest gate!

Although he doesn't remember how many times it was "resurrected in situ", he seemed to enjoy this kind of battle extremely, and he became more and more happy.

"Asheng, have you seen Soujirou?!"

The space was distorted for a while, and Mufang Suizan appeared next to Kondo and asked eagerly.

It stands to reason that as long as the "reverse pentagram" cast by the Goryokaku wall is immortal, Okita Souji and Kondo, who have shared the power of the ghosts and gods of the earth, and become ghosts and gods, and the new ones under the cherry trees The soul of the selection group is an immortal existence.

Isamu Kondo is the best example.


Shaking his head, the fiery fighting spirit in Kondo's eyes dissipated, and then he calmed down: "If you say this, you really can't feel the breath of that kid..."

"At the same time, there is the breath of that doll."

In the sense of the earthwork that merged with Goryokaku, the ghost and god doll that originally blocked the crowd in Goryokaku, as well as the black hair and the group of dolls trapped around Goryokaku, and Okita Soji The breath disappeared without a trace.

"On the other side of the South Gate, what is going on..."

The "Deputy Chief of Ghost" looked at the South Gate, which was silent and did not feel a trace of energy fluctuations, with a jealous look.

"Or, what did they encounter?"

It seems that there is a giant beast that can swallow everything quietly.

"Why, Kondo-san, can't you finally get up?"

At the same time, Mochizuki, who was entangled in gray and red flames and had a bright bald head, had already arrived outside the city gate with an arrogant figure.

"No matter how many times you come, I will turn you into ashes!"

Although he still looked like a furious ghost coming, he was densely packed with numerous knife marks than before, and his breath was slightly gasping.

Obviously, in the short period of time when the two played against each other, Kondo was beheaded several times in a row, but it also left him with scars that could not be easily recovered.

Under the circumstances, the outcome of the two is still unclear.

"Huh...A Sui, wait until I solve this guy first before..."

Seeing that his opponent had been blocked in front of the city gate and clamored, Kondo Yutoru pulled out and lifted his footsteps...


In the next second, a dark crescent composed of black flames came from the south gate, passing silently and lightly by the two ghosts and gods.


At the moment when he passed by the dark crescent, a "great fear" that annihilated everything was enveloped in the heart of the earth, making him unable to move as a ghost.


When he came back to his senses, the black crescent had disappeared...

"This is... a wooden knife?"

Where the crescent moon dissipated, a wooden knife plunged straight into the stone wall.

"A Sui."


Hearing the too affectionate call behind him, Tufang Sui San turned his head subconsciously...

"A Sheng...you..."

"As a samurai, I can fight side by side with the kings again and sleep in the battlefield. I have no regrets..."

What appeared in front of him was Isamu Kondo, standing proudly in place, with the knife in its sheath, and his hands folded in his sleeves.

"The son of Kanto, he can finally die like a son of Kanto..."

"No, A Sheng, we are not over yet...no..."

"Feel sorry."

Kondo stretched out his big warm glowing hand, lightly put it on the shoulders of the maddened Mu Fang.

"It's just that I'm going to let you go on alone again..."

This situation seems to go back to the scene when the two were separated in Edo many years ago, before the battle of Katsunuma in Koshu.

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