"Do not!!!!!!!!!!!"

Above the pentagram-shaped black fortress, there was a cuckoo's cry of blood.

"Hahahahahaha... so... in the end... is it the new seng group with me alone again?"

Under the resounding desolate laughter, a series of pure black barriers were erected along each side of the wall of Goryokaku, completely enclosing the fortress.

"Although no matter how hard you struggle, the results are complete defeats one after another..."

Those immortal resentful warriors, as if they sensed some call, transformed into black tides and poured into the city quickly...

"But as long as the word'sincerity' is still throbbing in my heart, no matter what kind of hell he is next, I will only move forward!"

Surrounded by the crowd, Tufang Suishan, wearing a motorcycle helmet and wearing a red flag, was gradually covered by the power of ghosts and gods that was so substantial that it drowned out his original figure...

"Even if... don't hesitate to turn into a ghost..."


At the deserted northeast gate of Goryokaku, Mochizuki's dark left arm with red flames fiercely bombarded the black barrier in front of him.

"For Laozi... open!"

But no matter how hard he exerts his strength, the crack that has just appeared on this barrier will be restored to its new shape in the next second.

"This is……"

A terrible breath, with a deadly chill, spread out from behind the barrier...

"Inside, what is going on?"

The heat that Mochizuki's mouth sprayed instantly turned into ice crystals.

"Mochizuki Che, don't be in a daze, join hands with me to break this barrier!"

Fujiwara Takumi, who came into the sky from the northwest gate not far away, crossed his hands and shot a thick beam of light, constantly impacting on the dark barrier!

"If you let that stuff in the city get relieved, it's over!"

Although it is not clear what happened, the more and more majestic atmosphere of the cold in the city, it seems that a ghost king is ready to go, and is about to break out at any time.

"Joining hands?!"

Mochizuki Che's left arm soared to the size of a siege hammer, and with the ghostly shadow of a ghost claw, he smashed the barrier in front of him fiercely!

"I alone can smash this stuff!"

The power of the great rivers and mountains, fifteenth floor, and ghost claws are recruited.

The black barrier of silence silently shattered a huge gap...

A biting cold wind blows out from the gap!

The golden glow and red flames on the bodies of Fujiwara Takumi and Mochizuki Che solidified with the wind...

"What kind of breath is this... actually it can freeze my "power of the great river and mountains"? ! "

"Damn it... Didn't that guy Lu Ren say... Use this supernatural power as you want, and take care of your fill?!"

The power surge in the body became extremely obscure, and not only did the two of them move slowly, but even their thoughts became extremely rigid.

"Look at..."

"What kind of monster is that?!"

Their sluggish gazes crossed the slowly recovering barrier to look into the city, and then they were "frozen"...

In Goryokaku Castle, the square where the lions originally gathered has become empty.


A vague figure with a height of ten meters and a gray slime all over the body was standing there alone.

The end of its left arm is sharp and slender like a sharp blade, while the right arm is a stubby cylinder.

The scarlet flag embroidered with the golden "sincere" is flying around its thick neck like a scarf!

On the face without facial features, only a pair of bloodthirsty pupils were left, blooming with an immovable killing intent.

"No, this is not a monster..."

"This is, aggregation...Ghosts?!"

This is, forgetting the language, forgetting the memory, forgetting the self, forgetting the body...

It was born from the "killing intent" that freezes everything and purifies everything by condensing the residual consciousness of the battle on the battlefield with the rich and liquid power of ghosts and gods...

Ghost on the battlefield!


This gray and vague "Ghost of the Battlefield" roared up to the sky, and countless ice-covered killing intents rose up with his actions, spreading towards the entire Hokkaido through the clouds...

"Don't be in a daze, if the low temperature is allowed to spread outside, everyone will be hopeless!"

"Asshole, drive me..."

Restoring the outside of the black barrier that was as smooth as a mirror, Fujiwara Takumi and Mochizuki who came back to their senses, working hard to mobilize the solidified power in the body, began the "barrier demolition operation" again.

However, under this utter killing intent, the destructive power they can create is far less than before.


In Goryokaku Castle, the "Ghost of the Battlefield" who was wailing looking at the sky suddenly lowered his head and looked at the gate to the south.


Through the dark barrier outside the city gate, a figure with his hands in his pockets was vaguely visible, coming closer and closer to the sound of footsteps.

The condensed and indestructible barrier of resentment was touched by this man and disappeared out of thin air like evaporation...

"excuse me……"

A "too"-shaped hole was left on the barrier, and the man in winter clothes walked in naturally as if he had lifted a curtain into an izakaya.

"Hey, it's colder in this city than outside. Has it been transformed into an industrial freezer?"

This man who probed his head and looked left and right was the one who drove straight into Sosuke Araki after Nanmendu turned the "Bakushou Heaven Sword" Okita Souji.


At the moment when Araki Sosuke’s toes stepped on the land in Goryokaku Castle, the grievances that originally gathered as a beam of light, surging toward the sky, and the cold killing intent blooming on the "Ghost of the Battlefield", all turned their directions and moved quickly. Coming with him...

It seems that someone suddenly turned on a high-power industrial exhaust fan in the smokey "smoking room".

"Wow, although you don't have the ‘petite and beautiful’ as you imagined, you should be the ‘Mr. Earthwork’ that the guy said, right?"

Looking up, Araki Sosuke looked at the gray "giant" in front of him.

This freezes all the gray killing intent, but even his down jacket can't be frozen.


At the same time, feeling that his "killing intent" was out of control and leaving his body quickly, the "ghost of the battlefield" let out a spiteful roar, and raised the left arm of the "eighteen" at a speed that was incompatible with the huge body. Mi Dadao"!

The blade light flashed out of thin air like hoarfrost, drew a full arc, and went straight to Sosuke Araki...

This is a sword skill that is still engraved in the subconscious even if everything is forgotten.

Natural flow of mind, secret sword, round moon dance!


The buildings that Dao Mang passed along the way were neatly divided into two and collapsed...


Between the ruined walls, Araki Sosuke, who was in the center of a black tornado, stretched out his hand without evasiveness...

"Hey, shoot at the unarmed ordinary people. Is this the style of the legendary ‘last samurai’?"

The super giant "long knife" that was so fast that it could cut everything, was so firmly held in his palm.

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