I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 881 It's Time to Let the Big Guy Come Out


Fujiwara Takumi squinted his eyes laboriously, and he could only see a small black spot in the "mushroom cloud" hole.

"Well, although I can't see clearly, that guy definitely went there..."

As far as Mochizuki Che's eyes were, the cloud that was expanding and exploding began to collapse toward the cavity at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A thousand meters above, in the middle of the clouds.

"The air is good."

The flames all over his body surged with Araki Sosuke, standing in the air with no expression on his face, staring blankly at his palm...

"Is it because the concentration of those ‘hidden energy fields’ was too low in the past, so I didn’t notice it?"

At this time, the resentment in the clouds was pouring in rapidly with Araki Sosuke as the center, but still couldn't keep up with the terrifying suction speed of his body, so that a large empty "vacuum zone" was formed in front of him.

"It's not so much'passive resonance with the same frequency', but my body is actively longing for the'hidden energy field'?!"

The entire Hokkaido Island has accumulated a full 150 years of resentment. Perhaps only the resentment that gushes out of the gates of hell and floods the entire Taitung District on the night of Obon can be compared.

That night, perhaps due to the effect of Mai Hanyu's "Sarin Psychic Gas Antagonist" disguised as Ito Oolong Tea, he absorbed a lot of grievances along the way, and he didn't have any special "feel".

But now it is different from the past, and a strong resentment quickly enters the body, Araki Sosuke's brain has never been sober, immersed in a kind of "control everything" transparency and excitement.

He can even "feel" clearly and slowly that every tiny grievance around him is being compressed and absorbed by his own pores, turning into pure black "ink drops" into the tattoo on the body...

"However,'cleaning' is too slow..."

With a grinning smile, Sosuke Araki clenched a fist with one hand and spread his palm with the other, and snapped his chest together!

"It's time to get the big guy out!"

In silence, a huge black shadow rising from his back...

A black Buddha with three heads and six arms, full of anger, sitting cross-legged on a skeletal lotus platform, directly filled the void in the clouds above Goryokaku!

The black Buddha in front of me is not only larger in size than that of "Kato Yanshang" not long ago, but the flames on the body surface of the scriptures are also burning, almost trying to escape...

"Hush...Is it so spectacular to take out the whole ‘Black Big Zhuang’?"

Below Goryokaku, Takumi Fujiwara raised his sore neck, staring at the giant Buddha that suddenly appeared, and couldn't help blowing a whistle.

On the night of Obon, he, who was favored by Emperor Meiji and turned into a "tool man", did not remember what happened after Emperor Shongde's "black tiger's heart", and he had no chance to see this black Buddha.

Therefore, although I have seen a video taken by a video blogger from a distance on the Internet, I have heard Araki Sosuke brag about "the dark, thick and big guy who can hit his body" many times along the way, but with my own eyes This is the first time I have seen the whole picture.

"The Heijian Black Buddha... the indescribable Blessed One..."

Mochizuki, who was beside him, also maintained the same posture of "raising his head and looking at the moon", and his pupils murmured to himself with shaking.

"No matter what the name is... it turns out that this thing is the Law Bodies of Sosuke Araki!"

The two "large supernatural disasters" on the Obon Festival and Kato Yan's cessation of Tokyo’s endangered events were accompanied by the figure of the unknown black Buddha behind them. Mochizuki naturally recognized it at a glance.

Regarding the source of this black Buddha, the Disaster Prevention Mobile Team also listed all the Buddhist cultivators in Tokyo on the list and checked them one by one...

The greatest possibility fell on the Kawasaki Daishi Temple presiding over the teaching and the group of "Buddhist chanting heaven groups" under him.

But no one has thought that this black Buddha has always been on the body of a new spirit exterminator of "Kawasaki Master Temple post-class teaching class", who is shameless and has to smoke and drink when eating and taking cards!

"This monster... unexpectedly condenses the law body with resentment... No wonder it can absorb so much resentment..."

After thinking about everything, he suddenly stretched out his hand to help his forehead, and laughed madly: "Hahahaha... I actually have been delusional to compete with such a monster..."

The war intent in my heart had already been wiped out the moment I saw this black Buddha.

"Yes, I can't think of it, others can't think of it, and those who don't die must never think of it!"

In those squinted eyes, the shock gradually became hopeful.

"Hahahahaha...Let his agency count for a lifetime, it is absolutely impossible to count thousands of calculations, Araki Zongsuke is a monster that is a hundred times more terrible than the "blood of heaven and man"!"

A drop of tears quietly slipped from the corner of his laughing wildly...

"I'm really looking forward to... the old thing finally kicked the expression on the titanium alloy steel plate..."

Turned into, endless joy.

"No, the area of ​​this grievance is too big, even if Zongjie shows the Law Bodies, there is no way to'eat' them all before they disperse..."

Just as Mochizuki Che was thinking a lot, Fujiwara Takumi beside him suddenly became anxious.

At the moment this black Buddha appeared, the super-giant cloud that was still torn apart, shrank rapidly toward the hollow in the center, and disappeared into the night sky in an instant...

However, in that majestic sea-like cloud covering a range of tens of kilometers, there are still many "clouds" on the edge, which had already dispersed at the moment of the previous explosion and fled like four or four weeks!

These escaped "clouds" may only account for less than one-tenth from a ratio, but at least they also contain the grievances of the entire Hokkaido for more than a decade...

If it turns into resentment and is scattered all over Hokkaido, it will probably lead to countless tragedies.

"Yes, yes!"

As the ants on the hot pot moved around for a few times, Fujiwara Takumi's palm, which he clenched subconsciously, suddenly encountered a thick, long, round hard object in his trouser pocket...

"For Yuxue...this thing...how much help..."

He put his hand in the crotch and fumbled anxiously, and he took out a large gou jade with a simple appearance and a shape like "C".

Before coming, Qian Zizi gave him the Gouyu he had carried with him since childhood.

"I want to use my light, Mercedes-Benz to the end!"

Without hesitation, Fujiwara Takumi held Gouyu to his chest, and then smoothly raised one hand to the night sky.

"Ah ah ah ah ah..."

The surging golden chrysanthemum pattern burst out from his body surface, and the Gouyu condensed into his palm...

"Hi... is this?"

Mochizuki turned his head, and saw the gou jade in Fujiwara Takumi's hand. I don't know when it has been like burning iron, blooming with a crimson light that cannot be seen directly...

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