I’M Really Helpless In Tokyo

Chapter 882 How Do You Want Me To Launch

"No, this little power is not enough to feed this thing..."

With the continuous influx of divine power, a scorching breath like the scorching sun radiated from the gou jade...

"Lu Ren, this is the time, don't hide it, give it all to me!!!"

The originally chilly Goryokaku inner city instantly turned into a steaming desert.


In a short period of time, an overly majestic divine power erupted, even if the "strongest tool priest" Fujiwara Takumi who was a "liquid corpse", he could only kneel to the ground...


Even so, he fell soft to the ground, still desperately dragging the Gouyu that had turned into a red fireball in his hand, and while continuing to squeeze out the last trace of supernatural power in his body, he breathed and called someone's name: "Wang, Wangyueche..."

"Just let it out if you have a fart!"

Not far from him, Mochizuki, who was called with a cool back, asked loudly.

At this moment, under the heat and dazzling light, his red and black body was covered with glistening sweat, like a freshly baked suckling pig.

"I don't have the strength to fly...you, launch this thing...to Zongjie!!!"

"What?! Launch it...how do you want me to shoot..."

Hearing this "extreme" request from the other party, Mochizuki was taken aback.

"It doesn't matter, this is what you asked for!"

Immediately, he stepped forward with a grinning grin, and reached out to take the "fireball" that grew bigger and bigger in Fujiwara Takumi's hand.

"Hi...so hot..."

A high temperature that seemed to melt even the soul, came from the Gouyu in the palm, and hit along the left arm...

"Hey... this thin boy..."

The extremely hot crimson light in the Gouyu stirred up with the gray flames of Wangyueche's body!

"Have you been holding such a hot potato?!"

This is a higher-level power that is of the same origin as Fujiwara Takumi’s divine power, but cannot even be resisted by the "True Power of the Great River and Mountain"...

"Uh ah ah ah... I, I will not lose to you!"

Mochizuki Che's strong body trembled like a sieve, stubbornly holding the left arm of the ball of light, suddenly soaring tenfold...

The scorched black that originated from the left arm spread and extended like life, leaving his entire upper body in the firelight like charred black charcoal...

Power of the Great Jiangshan·Fifteenth Floor!

"Araki Sosuke...this straight ball..."

Suppressing his instinct to throw away the gouyu jade in his hand, Mochizuki refused to admit defeat and raised his left arm that had soared tenfold, carrying the ghost hand shadow like an illusion, and hurled fiercely towards the sky above his head...

"You connected Laozi!!!"

A dazzling round of "little sun" from within Goryokaku Castle, like a rocket launching, seemed to rise into the sky slowly and quickly!

Inside the Goryokaku Castle that looked like daylight, among the ruins where the heat was rising, only Mochizuki and Fujiwara Takumi were left...

The two, exhausted in their bodies, lay on their backs on the ground, squinting at the "scorching sun" above their heads.

"Then, that horrible thing, what is it..."

The scorched black body gradually faded, and Mochizuki, whose black left arm was thin to the skinny, asked fearfully.

Just holding that Gouyu for a moment and throwing it into the sky, he has exhausted all the power of the world.

Now he is like he finally got up to the sunrise after experiencing seventeen times a night, but he can't even move a finger.

"That thing, we have always called it'Wild Boar Tooth' since we were young... but the scientific name should be called Yasaka Qiongquyu..."

Lying next to him, Fujiwara Takumi, who looked like "hollowed out", replied in a thin voice.

"What?! Shouldn't that kind of ‘sacred artifact of the country’ be kept in Ise Jingu?!"

Hearing this name, Mochizuki almost didn't get over.

Yasaka Qiongquyu, commonly known as the eight-shaku Qionggou jade, is said to be born in the Jomon and Yayoi period. Its material resembles gold and jade and agate. Its surface resembles the "eight light pattern" of a six-pointed star. It is also the god pattern of Ise Jingu. Represents the brilliance of the sun and the moon and the light of Amaterasu.

It is said that Yasaka Qiongquyu originally belonged to the emperor’s sister Weiji, and then accompanied Wuzun to the Eastern Kingdom with the grass pheasant sword. The fire of the sun burst out to help him get out of trouble.

Today, Yasaka Kiyomizu along with Kusanaru sword and Yata mirror are known as the "Three Sacred Artifacts of Japan". They are also royal tokens that must be inherited when the emperor of Japan ascends to the throne. They are never revealed to others.

"Hey hey, Ise Jingu or something, it's just an official excuse to the outside world..."

Seemingly satisfied with Mochizuki's exclaim, Fujiwara Takumi laughed infatuatedly: "It's a'sacred tool' anyway, it shouldn't drop the chain!"

"Have you ever thought about the consequences if that thing falls or breaks?!"

"I don't know... Besides, that was also what you threw out..."

"What, bastard!"


"Running quite fast..."

Above Goryokaku, Sosuke Araki, who hovered under the black Buddha, naturally noticed the "black clouds" that escaped in the distance.

"Which side should you chase first?"

Just when he was about to launch "Supernatural Foot Power" and chase them one by one...

"Araki Sosuke...this straight ball...you have taken it for Laozi!!!"

At his feet, Mochizuki's hoarse roar spread into his extremely keen five senses.

"Ball? You ball, is it serious..."

Lowering his head, a red fireball like the sun, already carrying a suffocating heat wave, came under him at lightning speed...


Arakizong's face was expressionless and slowly raised his hand, the "scorching sun" with fire and heat disappeared instantly over Goryokaku.

The "little sun" that suddenly rose from below Goryokaku and disappeared suddenly was like an illusion that had never existed before.

"Miss...Miss?! This is what you said...sacred tool...Bachiqiong Gouyu?!"

"Hey, that idiot Zongjie, wouldn't he use the'artifact' as a threat to smash it..."

Inside Goryokaku Castle, Mochizuki Che and Fujiwara Takumi, who were slumped to the ground, looked at the night sky as darkness returned with complex expressions...

The mood of the two at this moment is like putting all their savings on and buying 10,000 fireworks to propose. As a result, apart from the first one that illuminates the girlfriend who is lying in front of others in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows upstairs, the rest are all turned into dumb guns... …

"Where is this thing like a ball..."

Above Goryokaku, Araki Sosuke, who couldn't sense the complex feelings of the two, was staring at his palm...

There, a gou jade shining with crimson light was spinning at high speed between the smoke and the aftermath of the heat wave.

"Oh, it's hot..."

In the next second, the crimson light on the gouyu, along the arm of Araki Sosuke, continuously spread towards his whole body...

"What's going on... Although it's hot... but also very comfortable... It's the same as a sauna..."

Araki Sosuke, who has always felt a little "full" because of his resentment, suddenly snorted in the warmth of lying naked in the sun.

His body surface is surging with fire and flaming tattoos, all glowing with red light that makes people unable to look directly...

In the sky above Goryokaku, a shiny human figure appeared first, and then, like a light bulb with increased brightness, it turned into a round of "sun" that people could not look directly at.

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