I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 553 Textbook-like Teaching

"It's okay, let me say hello to you, okay?"

The corner of Bai Lin's mouth twitched, very speechless.

Judging by Ling Hua's appearance, she doesn't look like a mentally retarded person, she shouldn't ask such a pediatric question.

In fact, Linghua also knows that her problem has no nutrition.

But this is just a polite remark.

"Sect Master Bai, what a great trick."

"The headquarters of our Ling organization has never been discovered by anyone for hundreds of years."

"You are the first and the last."

At this time, the Ling organization was ready to escape.

Among Ling's plans, the last plan is what to do if the headquarters is found.

Because there is a list of all killer members in the headquarters, if this list is leaked out.

All the killers in Na Ling's organization could not escape the disaster of killing themselves.

So, their last plan was to escape.

But for so many years, it has never been enabled.

After some people procrastinated for time, the list was burned.

If you have to, you can die with the enemy.

Now Ling Hua is planning to delay time, burn the list, and die together with Bai Lin.

But it's not like it's an individual, so Ling Hua is still doing the final struggle to see if a miracle happens.

"Actually, I came here to talk to you about something."

"I don't know if you are willing to submit to the Eternal Sect."

Bai Lin took the lead in throwing out his chips.

Bai Lin bluntly said that he wanted to recruit.


Ling Hua smiled, as if hearing a very funny joke.

"It's not a wise move to provoke our Ling organization!"

At this time, Bai Lin also smiled slightly, then shook his head and said: "No, no, no... Miss Ling, you seem to have misunderstood something. I am definitely not here to ask for trouble."


Ling Hua was startled.

Bai Lin continued: "I am here to destroy your organization."

A Mie only shows Bai Lin's aura, and the word Mie bites very hard.

Although the beauty Ling in front of him is very alluring, but Bai Lin definitely didn't let her go because she is a beauty.

If Bai Lin is merciful at this moment, will future enemies be merciful to Bai Lin?

The answer is definitely no, and the people from the Ling organization came to attack the Wangu faction before, and they didn't mean to be soft-hearted. They forced all the disciples of the Wangu faction into the gravity building.

Otherwise, the current Eternal Sect might no longer exist.

This is also one of the reasons why Bai Lin wants to destroy the Ling organization.

After all, they provoked him first, otherwise, what would Bai Lin do to trouble them? Bai Lin also knew that it was definitely not fun to anger a killer organization.

But someone else's knife has already reached your neck, Bai Lin can't let others slaughter him, can he?


At this moment, Ling Hua showed anger.

"What?" Bai Lin smiled coldly.

"How many times has your Ling organization been attacked by our Eternal Sect? Presumably, Miss Ling, you know it better than me."

"Could it be that your Ling organization is only allowed to kill people, and our Eternal Sect is not allowed to take revenge?"

Immediately, Bai Lin took out the unicorn sword.

Since the other party didn't want to surrender, there was only one result, and that was to try it with Bai Lin's unicorn sword.

At the same time, Ling Hua was also getting ready, only to see his cuffs moved slightly, and several exquisite willow-leaf flying knives appeared in his hands.

"Our Ling organization is just doing business."

"Someone wants the secret of your Eternal Sect."

"We take people's money and help them eliminate disasters."

"That's all."

Ling Hua's righteous words, since this is the case, there is no need for Bai Lin to say more.

However, Ling Hua was just delaying time.

"In that case, let's see the real chapter under my hand!"

Immediately, Bai Lin's aura was fully opened, and the aura of Benyu's realm rushed towards the surroundings like a wave, and swept the entire headquarters of Ling Organization in an instant.

Everyone around gasped.

"What a coercion!"

"Sure enough, he is a strong man in the realm of Benyu, exactly as the information said, and he is actually the strength of the middle stage of Benyu's realm."

"Although I have heard that the strength of Benyu Realm is super strong, seeing it with my own eyes, I am still shocked!"

"I'm a little out of breath."


Many assassins with low cultivation bases were directly crushed by Bai Lin and couldn't breathe, and then they fell off the ground with a thud, and it was very difficult to stand upright.


"too strong!"

"My god, he is only so old, and he has the strength of this realm."

"It was also reported in the newspaper earlier that this kid's Thunder Tribulation is more than ten times that of ordinary people."

"real or fake?"

"And after crossing the catastrophe, he was directly promoted to the strength of the middle stage of this universe."

"The most frightening thing is that this kid has absorbed the cultivation level raised by Lei Jie."

After everyone listened, they were even more shocked.

I can't believe it, a person whom the Ling organization didn't like before has become the biggest enemy of the Ling organization, and the most deadly thing is that this kid has found the headquarters.

Many people were preparing to burn the materials, but under Bai Lin's coercion, they couldn't move.

Now Ling Hua's strategy of delaying time has failed.


"watch out!"

Immediately, Bai Lin attacked.

The speed was so fast that it was jaw-dropping. This was also Bai Lin's first confrontation with anyone after he broke through to the realm of Benyu, just to test his own limit.

At the same time, Ling Hua did not sit still.

I saw her little hand tremble, and suddenly several willow-leaf flying knives rushed towards her.

Ling Hua also has the cultivation base of the peak of Broken Mirror.

But compared to Bai Lin, it's not at the same level.

Of course, the Ling organization also has masters. On the roster, there are two killers in this realm.

One of them has already retired, and the other is performing a secret mission and is not in the headquarters at all.

Therefore, no one is still Bai Lin's opponent.

Bai Lin dodged Fei Kuai easily, even if it wasn't much, Liu Yefei couldn't break through Bai Lin's defense.


Miss Ling was not reconciled, and threw two willow leaf flying knives with her left and right hands at the same time.

"Bang bang!"

At this time, Bai Lin was already approaching, and the moment the Willow Leaf Flying Knife flew out, it was directly blown away by Bai Lin's momentum.

At the same time, Bai Lin saw with a knife that the powerful flames were suffocating away.

Ling Damei is a long-distance attack.

So he continued to distance himself from Bai Lin!

"Playing remotely, right?"

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth were slightly the same.

From a distance, Bai Lin is not wrong.

Bai Lin just learned the Little Formless Kungfu, so he directly imitated Ling Hua's technique, and suddenly a stone appeared in Bai Lin's hand.


Bai Lin hit a small stone at the same time.

Although it is just a small stone, it contains powerful power.

Miss Ling could only dodge in a hurry, only to see her figure turned into afterimages and quickly dodge.

While dodging on one side, the arm still didn't idle, and at the same time it swung continuously, and five or six Willow Leaf Flying Knives struck at Bai Lin again.

There is nothing to say about the technique and speed.

It seems that Miss Ling's hidden weapon technique has been practiced to the point of perfection.

It's just easy to come by.

Bai Lin had heard of it before.

The highest state of using hidden weapons is to have no hidden weapons.

After reaching this state, no matter what objects around you are picked up as hidden weapons.

Such as fallen leaves, stones, even water and air.

The air must also be the highest state among the highest states.




While Bai Lin was retreating, the stones kept flying out, all the lancets were knocked down by Bai Lin, and at the same time, the stones continued to move forward rapidly. Obviously, the power of the stones was much stronger than Ling Hua's lancet.

The people on the side are stupid!

"Isn't this person too awesome?"

"He let him play with this hidden weapon. It is so powerful with only stones?"

"Even if you are a strong person in the realm of this universe, you can't have such a powerful hidden weapon technique?"

"Moving at high speed, hitting every shot?"

"Boss has practiced all his life to achieve such a state. Could it be that this kid also practiced hidden weapons since he was a child?"


"What exactly is going on?"

Everyone was stunned, and couldn't believe that Bai Lin was so good at playing hidden weapons.

No matter in terms of precision or strength, it is a powerful existence.

In fact, Bai Lin just activated the small non-phase skill, so he can easily imitate it.

Bai Lin immediately fell in love with this martial art.

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