I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 554: One Inch Long One Inch Strong

At this time, Ling Hua's figure does not move at high speed, and then fights against Bai Lin.

In an instant, eight willow-leaf flying paths struck out at the same time.

Shot into a beat, sweeping over.

At the same time, Bai Lin's left and right hands started working at the same time, still blocking all the flying objects.

Ling Hua knew that she didn't have any advantages, and she was no match for long-distance, and she was no match for Qilin Sword at close range.

He still understands the truth that an inch is long and an inch is strong, and an inch is short and an inch is dangerous.

"watch out!"

Bai Lin didn't intend to waste any more time, and suddenly a powerful sword energy came down.

The attack was like a tide, and in an instant, eight sword auras with a flaming aura were displayed.

In the air, the sword energy formed a burst of air flow.

There was a strong wind all around, flying sand and rocks.

Ling Hua's eyes converged, and she looked at Bai Lin with a cold face, and then her speed increased again, like a ghost's movement, like a phantom.

In just an instant, Bai Lin's attack range was drawn out.

"What kind of skill is this???"

Bai Lin was amazed, Ling Hua's speed was much faster than that of the broken mirror master, it must be something easy.

In the next second, Ling Hua's figure instantly appeared behind Bai Lin.

"So fast!"

Bai Lin was stunned, he was the strength of the middle stage of Ben Yu's realm, but Ling Hua's speed was faster than his own.

At the same time, at some point in Ling Hua's hand, there was another very delicate dagger.

Under the firelight, with a cold light, he stabbed straight at Bai Lin's back.

After all, Ling Hua was an assassin who shot, and an assassin was an assassin, as soon as he made a move, he rushed towards Bai Lin's vital parts.

Bai Lin struggled to dodge Ling Hua's deadly attack with all his strength.

Turning around is a palm.

This time Ling Hua had already exerted all her strength and was unable to control her own inertia. This was an attack like gambling.

Ling Hua could only hold the dagger in front of her, barely resisting Bai Lin's blow.

However, in the next second, it flew upside down.

Bai Lin's attack directly smashed his dagger in half.

Half of the dagger was directly inserted into her body.

Ling Hua was seriously injured and spat out a mouthful of blood.

At this time, all the disciples of the Wangu Sect had arrived.

And Ling Hua has been controlled by Bai Lin in his own hands.

"Master Head!"

Lu Hou rushed in with the crowd.

"Master, are you alright?"

Bai Lin smiled slightly: "Do you think I have something to do?"

Seeing that Bai Lin was fine, everyone immediately felt relieved.

"Master, what should we do next?"

Bai Lin waved his hand: "Take them all away."

"Whoever dares to move or run away."

"Miss Ling is going to die!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Lin didn't feel pity for the fragrance and jade at all, and directly grabbed Ling Hua's neck fiercely, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

These people are basically masters of breaking the mirror, and they have no chance of winning against Bai Lin.

Now he can only listen to Bai Lin, or he will die.

After all, Ling Hua is in Bai Lin's hands, even if he uses tricks, there is no guarantee that Ling Hua will be rescued. Instead of taking risks, it is better to think of countermeasures.

He could only be taken away by Bai Lin first.

So all the people in the headquarters of the Ling organization were banned from martial arts, and then locked in the prison of the Wangu faction.


At night, Bai Lin found Ling Hua.

Bai Lin had no choice but to lock them up.

"Can I talk to you?"

If Bai Lin and Ling Hua negotiated on an equal footing before, but now Bai Lin has an important bargaining chip.

After all, the list of Ling Organization has been in Bai Lin's hands, and now all members of Ling Organization are in Bai Lin's hands.

It can also be said that everyone's lives are in Bai Lin's hands. As long as Bai Lin publishes the list of everyone, then the members of the Ling organization will face annihilation.

At that time, everyone will encircle and suppress the Ling organization.

It is impossible to have one alive.

Even if he survived, he would remain anonymous.

Never see the light of day.

However, as a killer, the usual life is the same, but it just becomes worse.

"You locked me up, what else do you want to talk about?"

"Just say what you want."

Ling Hua also knows that now he has become a fish, and Bai Lin is Dao Zu, so he can do whatever he wants.

"This seat asks a question."

"You killers of the Ling organization, you want to die or you want to live."

It's too much for Bai Lin to ask, after all, who wants to die while living.

No one wants to die, that's for sure.

What Bai Lin wanted was an attitude.

"Who wants to die?" Ling Hua said helplessly.

"Since you want to live, as long as you agree to one condition, you can release all the killers of your Ling organization."

Bai Lin said calmly.


Ling Hua snorted coldly: "Surely this condition is not simple."

Ling Hua is not an idiot either. She targeted the Wangu faction before, but now she wants to let them go. This condition must be very difficult.

"Tell me, what are the conditions?"

Although he knew that the conditions were not easy, Ling Hua's fate was in Bai Lin's hands.

This is one thing that cannot be changed.

"You don't want us to join the Eternal Sect, do you?"

At this moment, Ling Hua laughed at herself.

"Is it funny?"

Ling Hua laughed ferociously, and finally started laughing while covering her stomach, and laughed for a full five minutes.

Bai Lin is watching from the side, laugh heartily.

Finally Ling Hua finally laughed enough and said, "Do you think the Wan Gu School is suitable?"

"Besides, would a bird that likes freedom be kept in a cage?"

"It's not important for me to kill Hua, but we are an assassin organization. Do you think your little Eternal Sect can manage a promising assassin organization?"

"Master Bai, you think highly of yourself, don't you?"

"What do you think? So you can subdue our Ling organization?"

"It took our Ling family nearly fifty years to spread the Ling organization across the entire continent, and it took fifty years to grow."

"Do you think it might be controlled by your sect, which has just been established for a year or two?"

After finishing speaking, Ling Hua couldn't help but want to laugh again.

Ling Hua felt that Bai Lin's appetite was too great.

Although he can destroy a Ling organization, it can only be said that the Ling organization is unlucky.

But it is impossible for the Wangu sect to control the Ling organization.

Because the Ling organization is much stronger than the Wangu faction, it has always been heard that a big company annexed a small company, but I have never heard of a small company annexing a large company.

This is obviously an impossible thing.

But what Bai Lin did was impossible.

However, Bai Lin also smiled at this time, although it was not as outrageous as Ling Hua's smile, but his face was full of ridicule.

Bai Lin knew that Ling Hua was too proud.

And he also underestimated Bai Lin.

Bai Lin has a system in his body. Although the sect is not very strong now, as long as Bai Lin is there, with future potential, the Wangu sect ranks second, and no one dares to rank first.

It's all just a matter of time.

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