I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 566: Apocalypse Kingdom Mission


"The host triggers the second-stage mission."

"Establish the Eternal Sect in Tianqi Kingdom."

"Task reward, 10,000 contribution points, five draws in ten consecutive draws."

The system task is released again.

Bai Lin was really excited.

After all, 10,000 contribution points will be rewarded, and after earning 50,000 contribution points, Bai Lin will be able to forcibly learn the ancient level of Qi Hua San Qing.

Wouldn't it be invincible at that time? It depends on who else dares to shout at him in the Taiwu Shengguo.

"Suggest to distribute the Tianqi Kingdom's Eternal Sect?"


Obviously this task is not easy.

After all, it is in another country, and it seems that everything will start from scratch.

But now the Wangu faction is on the right track, and the biggest threat, the Ling organization, is already under his sect.

Coupled with the formation outside, basically no one can threaten Bai Lin.

So Bai Lin decided to go to Tianqi Kingdom with a few newly recruited direct disciples to establish the Eternal Sect.

But take Ling Hua with you, after all, he is the biggest threat to the Eternal Sect.

Take it with you, Bai Lin is also relieved.

And in Tianqi Kingdom, Linghua also has her own intelligence department.

It's a double-edged thing.

So Bai Lin called several of his personal disciples over.

In front of them, Feng Qianqian, Feng Jiajia, Gu Xiaoyan, Zhuge Murong, and Yang Yingcheng and Li Mu from the Yang family.

The last one is Ling Hua.

"Master, what are your orders?"

Several people were practicing martial arts when Bai Lin called them over.

"This time I'm going to Tianqi Kingdom and establish the Tianqi Kingdom faction of the Eternal Sect."

"You all go back and get ready to go tomorrow."

Everyone was taken aback.

Apocalypse country distribution?

"Master," Ling Hua seemed to have an opinion, but Bai Lin waved his hand: "My seat has already made a decision, so there is no need to say anything."

"All right."

Everyone retreated and prepared separately.

But soon, the entire Eternal Sect knew that Bai Lin was going to Tianqi Kingdom to establish the Eternal Sect, and they didn't understand what Bai Lin meant.

In fact, Bai Lin didn't want to, after all, he had to start from scratch.

But the rewards for the system's tasks are very generous, and the system must have its own ideas.


After today, Bai Lin set off.

After two days, they finally came to a main city not far from the border of Tianqi Kingdom.

Although it is located in a remote place, it is indeed an important way to do business.

So there are still a lot of people here, and it is relatively prosperous.

Here, the cultures of Taiwu Shengguo, Daqian Shengguo and Tianqi Shengguo are integrated.

Bai Lin decided to establish an Eternal Sect around Hucheng.

In this way, the distance from Taiwu Shengguo is not very far away.

Bai Lin didn't want to be too ostentatious, otherwise he would be targeted by others, so let's wait for the sect to develop first.

Arriving in Tiger City, Bai Lin plans to hire some workers to buy some materials and build some houses first.

Entering the market, Bai Lin valued a lot of things, and when paying the bill, Bai Lin was also very generous, and turned out a bank note of 100,000 taels.

As a result, the corner of the boss's mouth twitched.

"Your Taiwu Shengguo's banknote, buy things here? Are you crazy?"

Bai Lin was suddenly embarrassed.

It turns out that the bank notes of Taiwu Shengguo do not circulate here at all.

Ling Hua said: "The head of the sect must be exchanged for silver in Taiwu Shengguo before it can be used here."

"Or buy the banknotes of the Tianqi Kingdom at the official site."

The corner of Bai Lin's mouth twitched, it's really troublesome, can't they unify the currency?

Is it possible to carry hundreds of thousands of taels of silver with you?

"Master, do you want to go back and pay back the money?"

Bai Lin shook his head.

There are so many ways to make money, just sell some pills.

However, selling elixirs is a bit too high-profile, and it is easy to be judged by others. After all, the elixirs in Bai Lin's hands are all top quality.

It is easy to be missed.

cause unnecessary trouble.

"Go, I will take you to make money."

So Bai Lin took it with him, and walked on the main road, there were shops on the left and right sides, and there were a variety of goods, and the shouts were endless.

"What is the head master going to do?"

"have no idea."

"Is it easy to make money here?"

Everyone was puzzled, not knowing what Bai Lin was going to do.

Turning a corner, a huge courtyard came into view, with two auspicious stone beasts standing quietly on both sides, above the courtyard, there was a horizontal plaque with gold letters on a black background, and colorful Korean characters.

Bai Lin walked towards the gate, Ling Hua was puzzled, but didn't say anything, followed Bai Lin and walked in.

Entering the yard, a clerk walked over with a smile on his face, and gave Bai Lin a little salute.

"Second guest officers, what would you like to order?"

Bai Lin put his hands behind his back and looked indifferent.

"We're here to discuss business, ask your boss to come out."

The guy frowned, and looked up and down at the two people in front of him.

One is well-dressed and the other is wearing a strong suit. They don't look like ordinary people.

It was probably a young master from a big family with a follower, and he didn't dare to be negligent, so he hurriedly said: "Please, please, I will go and call our shopkeeper out."

Bai Lin nodded and walked into the lobby.

This is the living room in the colorful Korean characters.

Bai Lin wasn't too polite, he just found a chair and sat down with a calm demeanor.

Ling Hua stood aside all the time, feeling puzzled.

I don't understand what the hell the boss is doing.

Not long after, an old man who was slightly fat and nearly fifty years old walked in.

She said to Bai Lin with a smile.

"I'm the housekeeper in Dazzling Hanja. I heard from the staff that the guest officer's visit this time is to discuss business. I wonder what kind of business it is?"

Bai Lin smiled and said, "It's a business worth tens of thousands of taels of silver. I wonder if the housekeeper can make the decision?"

"How many taels?"

The butler was stunned, and said with a smile: "Guest officer, the amount of this business is a bit large, and I'm a bit out of control."

"It's okay." Bai Lin nodded with a smile.

"Since you can't stand it, please come out with your boss. I want to talk to him."

The housekeeper thought for a while and asked Bai Lin,

"I don't know what kind of business it is, can you tell me one or two, so that I can report it to our master."

Bai Lin smiled.

"It's a business related to the bright future of your Korean characters. I believe that your master must be very interested."

The housekeeper nodded, smiled and said to Bai Lin: "Okay, I'll report to the master right now, you two wait a moment."

Turning around, the butler ordered two men.

Prepare some fine tea and entertain a few people.

He walked towards the study in the backyard by himself.

Not long after, an old man with a stalwart figure and gray temples, wearing a splendid robe, came to the lobby.

Between the old man's brows, majesty shone, and his eyes were like torches.

Constantly sizing up the two of them, the corners of their mouths curled up.

This person's name is Han Jianling, and he is the owner of the colorful Han characters.

He is also a well-known and important person in this Tiger City, with a high status, and he rarely shows up easily.

I heard from the housekeeper today that someone is coming to discuss a big deal related to the future development of Hanja Dazzling,

Han Jianling was very curious and wanted to see who was coming.

After approaching, Han Jianling looked at Bai Lin in front of him.

There was a look of doubt in his eyes.

"Who are you?."

Bai Lin waved his hands indifferently.

"This is not important, we are mainly here to discuss business today."

After the guests and hosts were seated, Han Jianling asked Bai Lin with a smile.

"I heard from the housekeeper that you are here to discuss a business related to the future development of Hanja Dazzling."

"I don't know what kind of business it is?"

Bai Lin took a sip of tea casually.

He replied to Han Jianling: "I don't know if the boss has heard of Liuli."

The reason why Bai Lin wants to talk about colored glaze is because Bai Lin's Eternal School is supported by colored glaze.

And Liuli doesn't exist in this world at all.

It was made by Bai Lin using the system.

This is also the reason why the Wangu School is unique.

Han Jianling didn't speak.

In his eyes, he was very interested in what Bai Lin was going to say next.

"I don't know what the glass in your mouth is, I've never heard of it before."

"Can I palm my eyes?"

"What kind of technology is it?"

Bai Lin smiled and said to him.

"I can use materials to make colored glaze, which is absolutely rare in the world, very rare."

The development technology in this world is still only at the stage of making tiles and roof ridges.

Others are yet to be developed.

This is Bai Lin's way of making money.

It is not a problem to exchange tens of thousands of taels.

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