I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 567: Ways to Make Money

Just solve the funds for the construction of the sect first, and don't worry about the rest.

Therefore, Bai Lin believes that if he can use the system to make colored glaze, it will definitely be very advanced.

Here, this craft is an undisclosed secret among craftsmen.

"Liu Li?"

Han Jianling and the housekeeper looked at each other.

Although he didn't know what Liuli was, he knew it very well.

In today's Qiguo, almost all the bottles used are fired in official kilns, and need to go through mud kneading, billet making, billet printing, billet sharpening and so on.

Many processes can be completed.

And it's just an ordinary bottle, I don't know what the white glass is.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of the two, Bai Lin had already guessed in his heart that this would be the result.

"That's right, you must have some doubts in your mind. If that's the case, then I'll borrow the stove in your backyard."

"After it's done, everyone will know the difference at a glance."

Han Jianling looked at Bai Lin in front of him, saw that he looked confident, and wondered if he could make this thing.

If so, give him a chance.

If it is possible to learn this skill, then the business of the colorful Korean characters will definitely flourish in the future.

"Okay, I promise you, Steward Wang, go prepare and give him the backyard."

Han Jianling ordered.

"Yes, sir."

The butler agreed, then turned around and went to prepare.

There was a smile on Bai Lin's face, but his heart was calm.

Not long after, the housekeeper came back and told Bai Lin that everything in the backyard was ready and ready to start anytime.

Bai Lin nodded, walked towards the backyard, and closed the gate.

After taking a look at the materials in the yard, I am quite satisfied. The tools I want are all here.

Regarding the craft of colored glaze, Bai Lin visited the colored glaze factory with the school in his previous life, and at the same time made colored glaze bottles with his own hands under the guidance of a master craftsman.

And the glass bottle made by myself is the best one among the whole visiting team.

Now there is also systematic help, which can be said to be at your fingertips.

There is no difficulty at all.

Unexpectedly, this craft can be used here today.

After briefly looking at the tools in front of him, Bai Lin could not help but frown.

I found that there is one thing missing here, which is the iron pipe for blowing the glass bottle.

This is a very important thing, without it, it can't be done at all.

After searching around in the yard, Bai Lin found a straight bamboo pole.

Three feet long and short, I fell twice and felt very resilient.

Just use it.

Glass bottles can be different from traditional porcelain crafts.

It needs to fire the raw material, and then blow it out with a pipe through the middle, when the material is softened.

Shaping it, where speed has to be fast, otherwise.

After the green body cools down, it can no longer be processed.

Therefore, in the process of making glass bottles, it is a test of the craftsman's eyesight, creativity and imagination.

It is also the control of speed and body temperature.

Only after these skills are integrated, can a beautiful glass bottle be made.

Bai Lin glanced at the materials in the yard, a big pot was boiling hot on the fire.

Inside is a fusion of fiery red, and Bai Lin knows in his heart that this is the raw material used to make glazed tiles.

In this world, there are molds for the production of glazed tiles.

People heat the material for making glazed tiles into a viscous form, pour it into a mold, and take it out of the mold after cooling and setting.

It is the finished glazed tile, and the shape of the tiles in different positions is also very different.

The molds used are also very strange.

Of course, these utensils are useless to Bai Lin, all he needs is this three-foot-long transparent bamboo pole, plus the heated glass raw material, which is enough.

Put the bamboo pole in your hand into the pot and stir it back and forth.

A ball of fiery red colored glaze was picked up, and the bamboo pole in Bai Lin's hand was constantly turning.

Try not to let the sticky glass on the bamboo pole drop to the ground.

At the same time, he took a thick rag from the side.

When turning the bamboo pole in hand, polish the viscous liquid colored glaze on the bamboo pole to make the surface as smooth as possible.

Afterwards, Bai Lin began to blow air into the bamboo pole.

The soft colored glaze at the other end began to change.

Like a water bubble, it began to deform with the impact of the internal gas.

While blowing, Bai Lin turned the bamboo pole in his hand, using the method of natural cooling to gradually cool down the hot colored glaze.

Finally, I started to shape the glaze with wooden boards, scissors and other tools, trying to make the surface as smooth as possible.

The glass bottle made in this way is beautiful from the outside.


When Bai Lin was busy in the backyard, many fellows and craftsmen in Hanja Dazzling were waiting here.

They all heard about this and couldn't help shaking their heads.

"What is this doing?"

"I do not know!"

"Never seen it made like this."

"Still blowing inside? What the hell is this?"

"Isn't this guy here to mess things up?"

Feng Qianqian and the others on the side were also curious, wondering what the head master was doing.

Ling Hua is knowledgeable and talented, and has never seen such a method before, so she suddenly became more curious.

Xin said: "Sect Leader, you are really versatile."

"Look at the final result."

Immediately Ling Hua became more interested in Bai Lin.

The craftsmen on the side continued to discuss.

"I'm very curious, how did he make it?"

"After the glass material is fired, it is extremely hot and has no plasticity at all, unless his hands are not afraid of being hot."

"If the material cools down, it will be extremely hard and will not be shaped into any shape at all. Therefore, I don't like his approach."

"But this kid actually uttered wild words, and he uttered such big words."

"I want to see how he ends up in the end."

The boss of Hanzi Brilliant Color, Han Jianling, was sitting upright, drinking tea while waiting for the result.

The housekeeper at the side asked Han Jianling in a low voice: "Master, do you think this young man's words are really credible?"

Han Jianling shook his head and said with a smile: "To be honest, I really don't believe he can make colored glaze.

"I just think it's new, so give him a chance and let him try it out. If he really masters this technique, then he's really a talent."

The housekeeper nodded with a smile and said, "I don't believe that young man's words either. We, Hanzi Dazzle Color, have been in the glazed tile business for a long time."

"I've only heard that this thing can be used to make strange beasts, but I've never heard that this thing can be made into a bottle."

"So, let's wait and see."

Just when everyone was suspicious, Bai Lin came to the lobby with a bottle in his hand.

At this moment, everyone in the lobby stopped talking.

Everyone looked at the things in Bai Lin's hands one after another, and couldn't help frowning, feeling a little puzzled.

Bai Lin put the glass bottle in his hand on the table, smiled and said to Han Jianling: "I have already made the glass bottle, please have a look."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and they all looked at the glass bottles on the table, with shock in their eyes.

Han Jianling stood up from the chair, came to the table with a serious face, and carefully looked at the glass bottle in front of him.

The bottle looks black all over and looks very ordinary.

It's just different from ordinary porcelain and pottery.

The surface of the glass bottle gives people a shiny feeling, and under the sunlight, it reflects a special layer of light.

Others may not be able to see what material the object is made of.

But Han Jianling has been in the glazed tile business all his life.

Just glanced at it, and knew that this thing must not be simple.

But how did he do it?

All the craftsmen in Hanja Dazzling came to the table one after another.

Looking carefully at the glass bottle in front of him, his brows became more and more wrinkled, and there were all kinds of doubts in his heart.

"This... I can't believe it, how did he do it?"

"According to my many years of experience, there is no such mold at all, and the bottle is hollow, similar to ordinary pottery."

"Could it be that he used the method of making pottery to make glass bottles?"

"How is it possible, when Liuli turns into a viscous liquid state."

"There is an astonishingly high temperature on the surface, how can it be made with the method of making pottery?"

"Unless...unless his hands are different from normal people's hands."

While guessing, everyone began to observe Bai Lin's hands.

It was found that the hands were still smooth and white, without any trace of burns.

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