"No." Long Ling lowered her head and replied in a low voice.

Master Yu seemed unwilling to let go, and continued to ask Long Ling.

"In that case, the colored glaze technique that Bai Lin mastered was not stolen from your Long family?"

Long Ling frowned, and replied with a livid face: "No."

"In that case, the truth is revealed."

"Bai Lin stealing your technology is pure nonsense."

"Now you can give the silver ticket to this little brother."

Bai Lin took fifty thousand taels of silver, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"Fight with this seat, you are still young."

The disciples on the side also showed gratified smiles.

Unexpectedly, the head master actually used this method to earn 50,000 taels of silver.

Now to establish a sect, there is start-up capital.


Afterwards, Bai Lin found workers and built a simple sect in an open space outside the city.

The gate alone cost ten thousand taels of silver.

Plus a few houses, fifty thousand taels will soon be gone.

"Master, the money is not enough, is it?"

In fact, with this time, Bai Lin went back to get the money, but Bai Lin refused to go.

I like the feeling of getting rich.

Bai Lin has already made a plan, and the fifty thousand taels is just the beginning. First, he will find a place to live for himself and many disciples.

Afterwards, Bai Lin still had a plan to make a fortune.

That is robbery.

After all, Bai Lin was afraid of being too high-profile, so the target of the robbery was not the government, but bandits.

Of course, Bai Lin was not in a hurry.

You must train your disciples first.

There is a mountain nearby, which looks gloomy, and there is no village nearby.

Ling Hua said that there are many large beasts inside, and most people dare not go in.

In this way, it just gives the newly recruited disciples a chance to practice.

So everyone came to the forest.

Seeing that the day was getting darker and darker, the wind was blowing violently, and snowflakes were floating in the air.

Suddenly a bolt of lightning came from the sky, and the stones on the ground slowly flew into the air as if attracted by some force.

I saw the middle of the path not far from the three of them.

Several leopards appeared one after another in the mist.


Bai Lin smiled slightly, just in time to let this little beast try its hand on several disciples.

The appearance of the leopard undoubtedly added to the crisis for everyone.

But for Bai Lin, it was a good thing.

As expected, the trail was already surrounded by colorful leopards.

Apparently they are pack animals.

But in Bai Lin's impression, shouldn't the leopard act alone?

It's not just cheetahs that are growing in numbers.

The mist on the mountain also began to wind up.

Even if they stand in front of each other, they can hardly see the figure clearly.

Should I just stand still and wait to die, or find a place to hide?

Feng Qianqian and Feng Jiajia couldn't think of it for a while, after all, their martial arts were very low.

The ability of the two little girls to cope with nature is still much worse.

For a moment Feng Qianqian panicked.

After all, I can't see clearly around.

When she stepped back suddenly, she seemed to have stepped on something.


Could it be a leopard?

Feng Qianqian thought that the touch on her feet became more and more obvious.

She couldn't help trembling because of it.

"Where are you guys?"

"Where is the head master?"

At some point, Bai Lin's figure was no longer visible, and Feng Qianqian's voice trembled.

She found herself unable to move.

No one in the distance responded to her.

What Feng Qianqian didn't know was that her body was surrounded by more and more cheetahs in the mist.

But fortunately, those leopards just circled around her and didn't make any further moves.

hesitant foggy relationship

Li Mu, Yang Yingcheng and Zhuge Murong.

I don't know when, before I came to a tunnel.

The tunnel in front of me was pitch black, and I couldn't see clearly and couldn't figure out the edge.

The three of them were startled, not knowing where it was inside.

The sudden fog just now made everyone lose their way.

Right now, they can only bite the bullet and move forward, they don't know what's ahead.

Suddenly there was a light ahead, soft and bright.

From time to time, clusters of colorful soot-like things would strike out.


In an instant, a black shadow quickly flew past their faces.

The speed is fast.

And can't see what it is.

The further the pick-up person walked, the more obvious that some of the ash clusters behind were covered with a layer of fire.

It seemed that with every step taken, there were tens of thousands of such things flying towards the three of them.

At the same time, he made a grunting sound that seemed to be choked in his throat.

More like the devil complaining in hell.


"What the hell?"

"What the hell is this place?"

"how so?"

"I seem to be lost?"

For a moment, the three of them were a little confused, not knowing where it was.

Everything looks eerie.

"This is going on and I don't know when it will go."

Li Mu realized that this was not a solution, even if those ghosts didn't attack people very much.

But who knows what's in it.

After all don't know what they are.

In case of any accident, or once touched, let's not talk about the feeling of being burned by the fire.

It's not fun if it's poisonous miasma!

While being blinded, several fire balls flew towards the three of them.

The fireball blowing towards the face was as fast as a meteor.

Fortunately, Yang Yingcheng had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and pulled Zhuge Murong over to get her injured.

Zhuge Murong felt uneasy after surviving a catastrophe, and was a little scared when he came down.

"What the hell was that just now?"

"Master in charge?"

"Master head?"

Zhuge Murong yelled a few times, but there was still no response from Man He.

So the hems of the old men Li Mu and Yang Yingcheng's clothes were tight on the road.

But if this continues, sooner or later, Zhuge Murong's deep psychological line will be broken.

It made my heart break.

"I can't do it... I really can't do it."

Zhuge Murong couldn't help gasping in a low voice.

At this time, the defense line in her heart had collapsed. She had grown up in the greenhouse of Zhuge's house since she was a child. When had she ever seen such a scene.

I saw a few more tears on his fair cheeks.

These transparent liquids appear incredibly bright in the dark universe.

Yang Yingcheng and Li Mu on the side didn't know what to do.

They are all masters and have undergone rigorous training since they were young. Although they don't know where this is, they can still bear it in their hearts.

Zhuge Murong's ability to persevere until now is already very good.

But what to do?

Neither Li Mu nor Yang Yingcheng knew about this issue.

They obviously have nothing to do.

"Junior Sister Zhuge, just persevere."

"Maybe we will go out soon," Yang Yingcheng comforted softly at this time.

Li Mu also wanted to say a few words to comfort Zhuge Murong, but he was a little embarrassed to say so.

Suddenly, Yang Yingcheng felt uncomfortable in his body, and then his whole body seemed to be hit by some invisible giant.

The next second he was dizzy.

So he leaned on the wall with one hand, but soon passed out.

"Brother Yang???"


However, at this moment, things around made countless sounds.

The grunt of those things gradually became clearer.

There are female voices, male voices, and babies crying...

Zhuge Murong heard these voices.

Suddenly his face paled with fright.

Only Li Mu could calm down a bit, Zhuge Murong was going crazy.

Where did this come out for a trial? What's the difference between this and the hell?

Suddenly, it seemed that someone was talking on the sidelines.

"It's been hundreds of years, and finally someone came in, this time it's a blessing."

"Yeah, look, people these days are really thin-skinned and tender."

"Especially this little sister."

A vicissitudes of life and wretched voice came.

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