Immediately, something resembling a will-o'-the-wisp turned around and flew towards Zhuge Murong.

Who can imagine that this will-o'-the-wisp can talk and suddenly change direction?

I saw the will-o'-the-wisp completely penetrate behind Zhuge Murong's chest without any obstructions.

It flew out from her back again.

Zhuge Murong's body was in pain as if the flesh and blood were smashed to pieces by a sharp knife at the moment it entered.

But there is nothing on the surface.

I saw that Zhuge Murong's chest was still in good shape, there was no wound or bleeding.

"Zhuge Murong!"

Li Mu let out a loud cry.

Come over quickly to check, but carefully check if she is in any serious condition.

It's just that Zhuge Murong was just in a trance, "Are you okay?"

Zhuge Murong swallowed.



She stared blankly ahead.

Li Mu followed her line of sight, and it turned out that the will-o'-the-wisp that attacked Zhuge Murong just now hadn't left, and was floating in the air.

Seems to be staring at them too.

Li Mu Zou eyebrows, what are these will-o'-the-wisps?

But these will-o'-the-wisps seem to be as conscious as humans.

Be selective and purposeful.

"You... what are you?"

Li Mu frowned and asked tentatively.

Lao Li snorted suspiciously: "You know me?"

In an instant, Li Mu was surrounded by colorful ghostly fires.

Those will-o'-the-wisps gathered together to wrap the four of them tightly.

When Li Mu saw it, he immediately knew that something was wrong.

But before there was a countermeasure, I saw a corner of the round will-o'-the-wisp spread out.

I saw a sword-like smoke object flying towards him rapidly from the bright road that the ghost fires moved away.

It hit him without warning, and the moment it touched him, the will-o'-the-wisp dissipated without leaving a trace.

Presumably Yang Yingcheng fainted like this.

Before Li Mu and Zhuge Murong came back to their senses.

"Congratulations to Sword Soul, your skills have greatly increased!!!"

In the next second, the will-o'-the-wisp turned into the new blade of the long sword, and then the pointed tip of the sword stood up with a whoosh.

A dazzling ray of light was emitted, with a sharp tip on the head, and it was about to explode at the touch of a finger, attacking Li Mu.

Li Mu and Zhuge Murong were both dumbfounded.

Is this a ghost becoming a spirit?

The two immediately turned around and ran away.

Sword Soul kept chasing after him.

In the next second, Sword Soul suddenly became several times bigger.

The tip of the sword raised upwards, and Yang Yingcheng immediately realized that something bad had happened.

As expected, Sword Soul mercilessly struck down at them.

The speed of the sword soul was so fast, Li Mu watched it slash down, and his movements froze immediately.

It was as if the body was controlled by something.

However, at this critical moment.

Bai Lin appeared, holding the long sword in one hand.

In fact, Bai Lin has been watching from the sidelines, wanting to see what the result will be, so he has never made a move.

If you don't come out now, the disciple will probably become a corpse.

So I can only help.

The courage of these disciples was worse than Bai Lin expected.

It seems that it still needs some hard work.

Bai Lin glared at Sword Soul angrily.

In the next second, Sword Soul jumped into the dark bottomless pit.

Bai Lin hurriedly chased after him, he was also very curious about what this thing was.

The further you go in, the darker the light becomes.

Even the air became thinner.

Bai Lin searched for a long time, but there was no sign of anyone.

"Three came just now, and now another one is here to die."

Sword Soul sneered a few times, and the obscene laughter echoed in the air.

When Bai Lin saw it, it turned out that he was inviting you into the urn.

I have been waiting for him to enter the tiger's mouth.

But this thing is obviously a little naive.

Bai Lin was very curious why this ghostly thing turned into the shape of a long sword.

Could it be Sword Soul?

But Bai Lin thought his voice was ugly.

After listening to it, I felt a little nauseous, and even got goosebumps.

Bai Lin Zou eyebrows, but in Jian Hun's view, his slight frown is just to add a little more powerlessness to his weak appearance.

"You are so thin, the taste must not be very good, but I will not dislike you."

"Ha ha……"

Bai Lin sneered.

"The eyes are not very good."

Bai Lin is in the realm of this universe, and several people are said to be thin.

Sword Soul was startled, obviously still not understanding Bai Lin's words.

He continued, "Since you are also dying, then I will let you die more clearly, otherwise you will be miserable after your soul is gone."

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth suddenly rose slightly, and the aura of Ben Yu's realm directly shocked the surroundings.

Sword Soul was startled, and suddenly his body began to tremble.

"A villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai... Please... please let me go..."

When Jian Hun saw this person in the realm of the universe, he immediately faltered.

"A villain has eyes but can't see Mount Tai... I won't dare to do it again next time, a villain has clumsy eyes."

Sword Soul hurriedly begged.

"Tell me first what you are?"


The voice of Sword Soul is slightly vicissitudes.

"I am the sword soul guarding here."

Bai Lin continued to ask: "Then what are you guarding?"

"Guardian Sword God."

"But the sword god has been dead for many years."

Bai Lin immediately understood that this was just a remnant of soul left behind.

Difficult to become a master.

"Why did you attack my disciple?" Bai Lin asked.

"Because... because of boredom."

The more Sword Soul spoke, the lower his voice.

With his strength, he really can't do anything, at most he can make people faint.

Then there is a fog in the vicinity to frighten people.

Afterwards, Bai Lin gathered many disciples together.

Bai Lin's aura was fully opened, and the surrounding fog was directly blown away.

"Your courage still needs practice."

"Sisters of the Feng family, and Zhuge Murong, you are too timid."

The three of them were immediately embarrassed.

"Yang Yingcheng, you are brave enough, but you still need to be more cautious."

Yang Yingcheng nodded, he was fainted by the sword soul just now, it was indeed because he had a lot of heart and was a little reckless.

"Li Mu deserves praise, your performance was the best just now!"

Li Mu scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Okay, today's trial is over, let's move on to the next step."

Everyone was startled, it turned out that the previous ones were all trials.

No wonder the head master doesn't care about us, he just wants to see our own performance.


After coming out, everyone walked not far away.

The target is the bandit nearby.

However, we met by chance on the road.

From a distance, I heard a few bandits talking about it.


"Why are there so few beauties these days?"

"If you can't find any more beauties, how can you explain to the boss when you go back?"

"These days, the beauties in the nearby villages are almost robbed by our boss, leaving a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled, what should we do?"

"Oh, there are many beauties in the city, but we dare not go there with our strength."

"It seems that we can only take a look around. Maybe we are lucky and can meet a caravan passing by, but the probability of there being a beautiful woman in the caravan is very low."

"Oh, how should this be done?"

Just when they were worried, Bai Lin and the others walked over.

The bandit was taken aback.


"It's really hard to find a place when you step through the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort to get it."

"This is great!"

"Five beauties? Damn, are you lucky today?"

The bandits suddenly became excited.

"Catch me!"

"Shua Shua!"

Immediately, the bandits hid their weapons and stopped in front of Bai Lin.

"It's really God's favor!"

"Give it up, don't let us do it."

"Resistance will only make you more painful."

Bai Lin could tell by their clothes that they were bandits.

It just so happened that Bai Lin was still looking for the bandit's lair, so it would be wonderful to have someone lead the way now.

The bandit thought he was lucky, but in fact, he met Bai Lin, the God of Killing, and was destined to die here today.

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