Immediately, Li Mu attacked, raised his knife and dropped it, hacking several people to death.

"Leave one alive."


Bandits are stupid.

Killed four people in one shot.

"God's Realm?"


In the end, the remaining bandit turned around and ran away, but how could he, a warrior in the soul refining stage, be the opponent of Li Mu in the Immortal Realm.

After being overtaken within minutes, Li Mu's long sword directly touched the bandit's neck.

The bandit knelt down.

"Brother, sister, please forgive me!"

"I'm just a small bandit, and I only rob the rich and give to the poor. A few heroes, just let me live."

This bandit is not stupid, and he knows how to put gold on his face.

Stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is bullshit.

"Are we rich?"

Zhuge Murong said lightly.

The corner of the bandit's mouth twitched, and he was spotted instantly.

"If you don't want to die, tell me about your bandit's lair, and you will be spared."

"Really?" Bandits don't care whether they sell or not, their own life is the most important thing, and everything else depends on it.

Immediately the bandit revealed the location of the cottage.

After he finished speaking, he was hacked to death by Li Mu.

"It's so naive."

"There's no need to keep this kind of scum."

"Keeping it will only hurt people."

Bai Lin said in a cold voice, the people didn't have any compassion for the bandits, so they didn't deserve pity at all.

There is no principle at all.

According to what the bandit said, everyone soon came to the foot of a mountain, and they could see from a distance that there was a cottage not halfway up the mountain.

And well built.

Because this is the only way to do business, businessmen often pass by.

So bandits around here are very rampant.

The country doesn't care about it at all, and it can't manage it. After all, there are too many bandits.

The government is just a decoration, they have time to wipe out bandits, don't they have a good night's sleep?

Moreover, eliminating bandits would not do them any good, and they would easily lose their lives. Moreover, after angering the bandits, who knew whether the bandits would retaliate against themselves.

There are wives and children at home.

They can't afford the revenge of this group of desperadoes, so more and more people don't want to take care of them.

At most, something big happened, and the higher-ups sent people to suppress it, and then the bandits disappeared for a while, and then continued to revive.

It goes on and on like this, with no results.

This place is not bad.

Bai Lin felt a little regretful.

If he had known this earlier, he would have directly snatched it up and assigned it to the Tianqi Kingdom of the Eternal Sect.

How about defrauding people of 50,000 taels of silver?

What a waste of time.

Zhuge Murong looked around and said, "The feng shui of this place is not bad."

Zhuge Murong is not only proficient in Qimen Dunjia, but also has a good understanding of Fengshui.

Bai Lin smiled and asked, "Do you still know Feng Shui?"

Zhuge Murong said embarrassingly: "I just understand a little bit."

"However, there are mountains and rivers around here, and it is indeed a good place to hide wind and gather energy."

It seems that the fifty thousand taels was wasted.

Bai Lin is going to take this place directly and assign it to the Eternal Sect.

The main reason is that Bai Lin didn't expect that normal bandits should all be piled up with wood to pick up leaks.

Definitely not any renovations.

But the cottage in front of me looks like a mountain villa, maybe it was also robbed by bandits.

"In this case, the Wangu faction will settle here in the future."

Zhuge Murong nodded, expressing his great satisfaction.

Bai Lin walked into the cottage as if he had strayed into the land of no one.

And they were talking and laughing, wanting to make this place their own home.

"Do you know where this is?"

"Who are they?"

"Are these people here to seek death?"


But when everyone saw who was coming, they were all taken aback.

"A lot of beauties."

"Go and report to the Second Master."


"Tell the second boss that a beautiful woman has offered to deliver it to her door."

Suddenly a group of bandits came up.

"The man is killed, and the woman is left behind."

The leader is the second master of the bandits.

However, Li Mu is not used to these people, he saw a flash of coldness, and immediately the head of the bandit fell to the ground.

"Fuck, are you still a master?"

Immediately, the Second Leader attacked and used all his strength to fight back and forth with Li Mu.

Bai Lin knew that this second-in-command was also a strong person in the God's Walking Realm.

I didn't expect a bandit to have such a powerful master.

No wonder they took this villa and used it as a bandit's stronghold.

It turns out that it has some strength!

The second master strikes again.

After a loud "bang", Li Mu backed up again and again.

"Force me to do my best."

"Haha, you can't do that, can you?"

"See if I don't kill you today."

In the eyes of the second leader, Li Mu is the only one who can fight, and the rest are useless.

In his eyes, Bai Lin is just an ordinary person, the remaining Feng family sisters are only at the soul refining stage, and Zhuge Fantuan has no martial arts at all.

Only Yang Yingcheng and Li Mu are two masters of the Divine Realm.

But Yang Yingcheng is only in the early stage of God's Walk.

There is nothing to be afraid of, the only thing that can pose a threat now is Li Mu in front of him, the strength of the middle stage of the God's Realm.

"watch out!"


Immediately, the second master attacked again, and at this time he had already activated his true energy.

I felt an obvious chill coming over. It seems that the internal strength cultivated by the second leader belongs to the cold attribute.

The temperature around him dropped a lot in an instant, and when he saw the appearance of the second master, his eyes turned red and his voice was fast.

"Bang bang bang..."

In an instant, Li Mu was knocked flying, and then hit the ground fiercely, even the long sword in his hand was dropped.

His face paled a lot, obviously he had been hurt a lot.

Just one move, high and low judgment.

Obviously, in terms of internal strength, Li Mu is no match for the second master.

Immediately, Li Mu spat out a mouthful of blood.

His face became even paler.

At this time, Li Mu's eyes had a hint of the color of a king.

Bai Lin snorted coldly: "Is this not enough?"

"People from the Li family are nothing more than that."

"I thought the members of the Li family had unlimited fighting spirit, alas, they are still young after all."

Qin Ming said sarcastically, he just wanted to provoke him.

However, Li Mu gave up, and Bai Lin could understand, after all, he had just joined the Eternal Sect, and there was still a lot to learn in the future.

Bai Lin's ridicule immediately exploded in his heart like a bomb.


"I can't give up."

"There are not many people in the same realm as me."

"I'm not worthy of being a member of the Li family."

"Even less worthy of being a disciple of the Eternal Sect?"

At this time, Li Mu clenched his teeth, and another roar came.

"I will not give up."


In an instant, the long sword that fell in the distance was shaking constantly.

There was a banging sound.


"What's this?"

"Control the sword with Qi?"

Everyone was startled, and the next second, the long sword flew directly into Li Mu's hand.

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