I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 575 Bai Lin's Plan

Bai Lin said that he stayed voluntarily, but no fool left.

I don't know if Bai Lin is testing himself.

So no one dared to leave.

The reason why Bai Lin didn't kill them was very simple.

Bai Lin has her own plan.

The plan is to collect some bandits and train them.

After all, bandits are desperadoes, and they have less concept of the country. After all, if a person is not disappointed with the country, he will not become a bandit.

As long as these bandits are profitable, they can work hard for you.

At critical times, it can also be used as cannon fodder.


In the end, Bai Lin stayed here.

However, the seemingly beautiful villa was messed up by these bandits.

On the other side, the leader of the bandits was very annoyed when he learned that the second leader was killed in battle.

"The second master was actually killed?"

"Grass, who did it?"

"He even made a move against our Hushan bandits, I'm afraid he's going to die!"

"Bring me my knife."

The head of the family looked angry, wishing to kill people like Bai Lin now.

The bandit reported: "The person who came was not good, there are two strong people in the Divine Realm."

The head of the family was taken aback.

"Two people?"

"Forget it, you don't need to take the knife!"

The corners of everyone's mouths twitched, the speed of admitting cowardice was comparable to reading a book.

"Boss, don't you want to avenge the second master?"

The head of the family shook his head: "It's not that I don't want revenge."

"After all, facing two masters of God's Realm, my king is not fully sure."

"forget it."

The head of the family thinks that it is really not worth it to do things that are not sure for the second head of the family.

"Boss, I heard they have four beauties."

"They're all first-class beauties, each prettier than the other. Their figures and alchemy are all perfect."

The head of the family immediately raised his eyebrows.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true," the bandit said swearingly: "Let's put it this way, in terms of looks, it doesn't have to be the same as the women of the city lord's family, or even more beautiful."

"It can definitely be ranked in the top ten in Tianqi Kingdom."

After listening to it, the big head's eyes sparkled.

For beauty, everything is worth it.

"Go, take out the old wine that the king treasures."

"Then go to Rainbow Pie."


Soon, the master came to Tianhong faction.

The head of the Tianhong faction and the head of the big family are brothers.

The two grew up together, and they both joined the Tianhong sect when they were young, but the head of the sect committed some problems with his life style, and was expelled from the sect afterwards.

So he became a bandit and became a bandit.

From the leader of the bandits, he became the master of the family.

And Li Luo has also changed from a small disciple of Tianhong Sect to the current head.


Among the Tianhong faction.

The head of the family gave away the old wine that he had treasured for many years. He believed that as long as he united with his senior brothers and dealt with two masters of the divine realm, it would be more than enough.

If you go by yourself, it is still a bit unsafe.

These days, the head of the family has never taken risks, which is why he can be the head of the house.

"Oh? What wind brought you here?" Li Luo knew that nothing good would happen if the junior brother came: "If you have something to say, if you have to fart, don't disturb my sleep if you have nothing to do."

The head of the family smiled and took out the fine wine, and talked about what happened.

"You really don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing!"

"This seat seems to know, is this beauty real?"

The head of the family showed a rippling smile.

"Do you think that if there are no beauties, I will go back and pay the second head?"

Li Luo was right when he thought about it. According to his younger brother's personality, only beautiful women must be his only motivation.

Otherwise, he would not be able to release the fine wine that he has treasured for many years first.

"How about this, take these four beauties, how about we two?"

Li Luo nodded: "Are you sure there are only two masters of the Divine Realm?"

The head of the family nodded fiercely.

"In that case, deal!"


So Li Luo, together with the head of the family, rushed towards Bai Lin's position.

Their minds are full of beautiful women.

"Sexy beauty, here I come."

"Twin sisters, it's exciting to think about it."

"Another ice beauty? My dish."

The two rushed towards Bai Lin with wretched faces.

On the other side, Bai Lin and the others finally cleaned up the room.

Feng Qianqian asked about her clothes, with an obedient smell.

"Master head, we are going to take a bath at the waterfall behind, you look after the house!"

Zhuge Murong said with a blushing face.

Looking at his slender thighs, Bai Lin nodded.

"go Go!"

Ling Hua said with a chuckle: "Master, don't peek."

Bai Lin showed a serious look.

"No, I will go to the top of the mountain later to survey the nearby terrain."

"I can't see what you are doing from the top of the mountain."

At this time, Bai Lin was going to go to the top of the mountain to exchange for a formation from the system mall to protect this place.

The disciples went to take a bath, and Bai Lin came to the top of the mountain and exchanged for a formation from the system.

"Ding, the host has been exchanged successfully, maybe Ghost Gate Formation X1."

"Consumption, 2000 contribution points."

"The remaining contribution value is 8000."

Looking at the remaining contribution points, Bai Lin felt a little distressed, and went out with just two thousand, so it's better to save some money.

After setting up the formation, the corners of Bai Lin's mouth rose slightly.

Take out the scope of the sniper rifle from the system space.

You can't use a sniper rifle by yourself, but this scope is a good thing. Not only can it be used as a telescope, but it can also see through.

There was a mountain in front of him blocking Bai Lin's view, but through the scope, he quickly found the disciple's position.


Bai Lin admired it wholeheartedly.

"Not bad!"

"very perfect."

"The figure of the disciples is really better than one!"


Early the next morning, Bai Lin led his disciples to practice the exercises.

In fact, Bai Lin didn't have anything to teach.

It is to add a bunch of exercises, but they can choose at will.

If you want to practice that, practice that.

They are all good exercises, very rare in the market.

But here in Bailin, there are already piles of them.

What Bai Lin lacked were skills above the god level. As for the following skills, Bai Lin needed as many skills as possible.

"Whether you can learn it all depends on your understanding."

Bai Lin has always taught his disciples this way.

Later, he arranged the training room he brought with him in the villa for his disciples to practice.

This thing can be placed in the system space, but forget about the gravity building, after all, there is only one.

Of course, it's okay for Bai Lin to rest assured of the system space, it just depends on whether Bai Lin is willing or not.

Ling Hua twitched the corner of Yipan's mouth.

"Teaching disciples in this way is subtle and too sloppy, isn't it?"

However, Bai Lin is this kind of teaching method.

In fact, as long as you join the disciples of the Eternal Sect, you will receive systematic blessings.

Both savvy and talent will be raised to the highest level, it depends on whether they are willing to work hard, as long as they are willing to work hard, the starting line is the same.

On the other side, among the Wangu sect, many disciples distributed the first monthly money.

There are as many as one thousand taels a month.

This is the most common disciple.

After the monthly money is paid, there are two days off, so you can go home and have a look.

But he is alone at home.

Bailin's new disciple, Xiang Xiaobo, returned to the village with more than a thousand silver in his pocket, and burned paper for his dead parents.

Xiang Xiaobo ran out alone to participate in the recruitment meeting of the Wangu faction.

Others do not know.

In fact, it is to avoid debts.

Now I want to go back and pay back the money, and I can be regarded as debt-free.

If you are rich, you will have a tough waist, and you will come to the entrance of the village with the sauced beef and roast chicken you bought in the town.

Hearing it was Xiang Xiaobo's voice, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Aunt Bai, wearing a loose top, was fanning while looking at the delicious food in his hand.

Usually I can't even afford cigarettes for a few dollars, but now I am so generous.

"Xiao Bo, have you gotten rich?"

When there is no money, these people will not look at themselves directly.

Right now, there was a hint of greed in his eyes.

"It's just a little money."

Xiang Xiaobo picked up the good wine and food, turned and left to go home.

The people nearby are like frying pans

"Oh, where did this kid get the money?"

"I think Xiaobo seems to have entered the city today, maybe he really went to do that kind of thing?"

"Sixth aunt! Just like Xiaobo, who is as thin as a telephone pole, you want to sell your ass? I'm afraid I can't last for three minutes, haha!"

"Sister, what's the matter? It sounds like you tried it?"

"No wonder I often see you wandering back and forth in front of Xiaobo's house. That's how it is! Aren't you afraid that your old man won't like it?"

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter.

"I see, Xiaobo probably broke the pot, and he owed others a lot of money before, and Xiaobo will be gone for a month, and the family doesn't care.

"I think so too, Xiao Bo's life is miserable! If you offend Ergou, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat and walk around."

"Hey, who told him to offend someone he shouldn't?"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed.


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