I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 576: Bandit's Revenge

However, Xiang Xiaobo was not worried at all.

Now that I have joined the Wangu Sect, my life will take a different path.

During the one month in the Wangu School, I learned a lot.

He was no longer that Xiang Xiaobo who let himself be eaten like a fish.

"Master, the disciple will definitely not embarrass you."

He was very grateful to Bai Lin for accepting him.

Life has changed now.

When I go back, I can pay back the money owed by my parents.

No longer have to live the life of a servant.

After drinking a glass of white wine, he finished his meal and fell into a deep sleep.


On the other side, at the village chief's house.

The village chief also heard the news that Wang Ergou had returned.

At this time, the village chief was drinking and chatting with Ergou.

"Uncle, I offer you a toast, let's do it!"

Ergou picked up a glass of wine, respectfully.

"The relief fund for the successful flood this time, as long as the money is in hand, the money is not up to you, uncle, you just need to give some money to the folks, and the rest is yours, uncle. You really got rich this time, uncle, don't forget Kill me!"

After speaking, he picked up another glass of wine.

"Uncle, I would like to toast you again."

After drinking a glass of beer, the village chief was elated.

This time he was able to successfully get the relief fund, and the trick of giving gifts was all Ergou's attention, so the benefits will naturally not be missing from him.

"Don't worry, as long as the above money is in place, your share will be indispensable."

"Thank you, Uncle. I found a good location in the city, and I want to open a gambling shop or something, something unique," Bao Ergou glanced at it, and the village head's wife just happened to go out, so he said in a low voice: " At that time, I will find a younger daughter-in-law for you, uncle, the kind who will be kept outside."

"You still understand me, but don't let your aunt hear this, haha!"

The two chatted and chatted, and the topic came to Xiang Xiaobo.

"Xiang Xiaobo, an unsightly thing, is back. I'll ask him for money tomorrow."

The village chief drank another glass, his face was already flushed, and his tongue was a little bit loud when he spoke, obviously he had drunk too much.

"Huh, uncle, do you still need to do this? I'll take a few people there myself, and I'll take care of that wimpy little Bo, who is as cowardly as a mouse if he asks for money, so I can clean him up and drive him out of the village. I can give you a penny less!"


Early the next morning.

Bao Ergou and a dozen idle youths from the village blocked Xiang Xiaobo's house.

In the village, the most indispensable thing is to watch the excitement.

Suddenly a group of people gathered around the door.

A few folks who were going to do farming stood at the door of Xiang Xiaobo's house, carrying hoes and broken baskets on their backs.

"Xiang Xiaobo, don't play dead in the house."

"It's only natural to pay off debts."

"It's no use hiding inside."

"I'll give you the time to count to three, die quickly."

Two dogs shouted loudly at the door.

Almost everyone in the village was alarmed. They all came to see the excitement. They were not afraid of being spoiled when watching a play. They all wanted to see how Xiang Xiaobo's legs were discounted.



"Not coming out yet? Don't force me to go in and kick you out."


"Then don't call me ruthless!"

As soon as Ergou finished speaking, Xiang Xiaobo yawned and pushed open the dilapidated door.

"Who, early in the morning, weeping at my door? Is my father dead?"

Xiang Xiaobo said angrily, just now, he was sitting in a dream, and in the dream, a dozen beautiful beauties were posing in various seductive poses, and just about to vent, they were woken up, how could they not be angry?

Looking at Xiaobo, basically the whole village, young and old, was dispatched.

"Oh, it's quite lively, isn't it?"

"What? What kind of big play is this going to sing today?"


Seeing Xiang Xiaobo coming out, Ergou stretched out his hand directly.

"Hand it over!"

However, Xiang Xiaobo casually threw one hundred taels.

"I owe you fifty taels of silver, and I will pay you back one hundred taels now. We will not owe you both in the future. If there is more, it will be treated as interest."

After all, he got a thousand taels of monthly money from Wangu faction.

Xiang Xiaobo doesn't care about this small amount of money now.

Everyone gasped.


"A lot of silver?"

"How did Xiang Xiaobo become so rich?"

Everyone looked at Xiang Xiaobo curiously, not knowing what he had been doing for a month to earn so much money.

"Okay, I've accepted the money, now please get out of the village."

Ergou said without curiosity.

However, at this moment, Xiang Xiaobo unintentionally dropped the badge of the Wangu faction on the ground.

"What's this?"

Ergou picked it up curiously, and was startled when he saw the words Wangupai.

"Eternal Sect?"

"Is this the badge of the Wangu faction?"

Er Gou froze in place, unable to believe that it was true.

"You joined the Wangu faction?" Ergou asked curiously.

This village is not very far from the Wangu School, and everyone knows it.

Even in a farther place, everyone knows the existence of the Wangu Sect. After all, the Wangu Sect is really famous under the leadership of Bai Lin.

Basically, no one knows.

"You disappeared for a month, did you join the Eternal Sect?"

Xiang Xiaobo looked indifferent.

"if not?"

"Otherwise, where did the money come from?"

"Wangu faction is really good, the monthly money is one thousand taels of silver."

"It's okay, I'm going back to sleep, by the way, how did you let me come here just now?"

Ergou immediately knelt down on the ground.

Joining the Wangu faction is equivalent to becoming the supreme god in the village.

Ergou quickly knelt down and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

"I'll return the one hundred taels to you too. With our friendship, you don't have to pay back the money at all."

Xiang Xiaobo smiled slightly.

He shook his head involuntarily: "Forget it, I don't like to owe people money."

"Go back to sleep!"

Xiang Xiaobo disappeared at the gate on duty, and the news shocked the whole village.

"Xiang Xiaobo, you have joined the Eternal Sect!"

"Fuck, is it true or not?"

"We must have a good relationship with this kid, he must be a peerless powerhouse in the future."


Just because he joined the Wangu faction, Xiang Xiaobo's status in the village has risen rapidly, and now the village chief will nod and bow when he sees him.

This is the benefit of joining the Wangu faction.

All the people in the village looked at Xiang Xiaobo with envy.


the other side.

Bai Lin is teaching his disciples to practice martial arts.

The head of the family walked over together with Li Luo.

From a distance, he could see Bai Lin and others learning martial arts.

After the two saw a few beauties, their eyes immediately brightened.

"Sure enough, the country is beautiful and heavenly, everyone is beautiful."

"Oh my God, this beauty's figure is really invincible. She is tall and thin, with long legs. The point is that the place that should be fat is not thin at all. This is the most perfect place."

"This beauty with a good figure is mine," Li Luo said first.

"No, this is mine."

"No, it's mine."

For a while, the two almost fought for the ownership of the beauty.

"Mine, must be mine, I am your senior brother, you want me to be me."

The masters are not to be outdone.

"Others, maybe I can let you. At that time, I absolutely couldn't let this beautiful woman. Even if she killed me, I wouldn't back down half a step."

Neither of them backed down.

"In this case, we can only win or lose in a duel."

"you sure?"

The head of the family has sharp eyes.

"That's right!"

"In that case, don't blame me for being rude."

There was a roar in the eyes of the two of them.




The two were completely immersed in their own world during the competition.

On the other side, Bai Lin was in full swing.

"You can't do this at all, let me show you a demonstration."

"Bang bang..."

Immediately, Zi Luo's martial arts boiled on Bai Lin's body, and in an instant, murderous aura shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.

In the next second, I saw countless fallen leaves floating on the side.

Then, countless fallen leaves turned into sharp daggers, directly crushing the rock beside it.

However, the head of the family and Li Luo are still in the fierce competition.



In the end, Li Luoji was superior and finally won.

However, the moment he raised his head, he saw Bai Lin controlling countless fallen leaves and attacking the boulder in the distance.


After a loud noise, the boulder did not explode, but became riddled with holes.



After seeing this scene, both of them gasped.

The excitement that Li Luo had just won completely disappeared.

"This... the state of the peak of Po Jing at this time?"

"My mother, a hundred of us are not rivals."

The two are just warriors in the realm of the gods, and they have no chance of winning against the broken mirror.

"Didn't you say that there are only two masters of the Immortal Realm?"

"Why does Broken Mirror Peak still exist?"

At this time, Li Luo was so angry that he was about to die.

In this way, wouldn't I just explain it here? This is simply a scam.

The head of the family also twitched the corner of his mouth, and asked the bandit: "Which one of you said that there are only two gods?"

"Why are there broken mirrors now?"

"Are you sure you didn't cheat me?"

However, in the next second, the two who were still arguing saw Bai Lin walking over.

"Are you okay?"

"It seemed to be hitting my disciple's attention just now?"


Li Luo quickly explained: "You must have misheard, we just came here to take a look."

"Yes, that's right, we were passing by," the head of the family also echoed.

The bandit on the side quickly said: "Master, didn't we come to rob beautiful women? You forgot so quickly? Master, you don't have a good memory, do you?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two changed suddenly.


"Why are you telling the truth?"

"I was killed by you!"

The bandit on the side also said righteously: "My mother taught me in marketing to be an honest person."

The head of the family's face was gloomy: "I thank your whole family."

Li Hong had a bitter face: "I was killed by you!"

Bai Lin couldn't help laughing, you are really lucky to have such subordinates.

"Ha ha!"

"Since that's the case, don't leave, just stay here!"

After all, Bai Lin used his skills again, and the previous leaves floated up again.

With a thought in Bai Lin's mind, Li Luo and the others had no room to resist and turned into sieves.

"Have you learned it now?"

Bai Lin said to many disciples.

"Almost learned."


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