I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 577 The Cold Corpse

For a while, Li Luo was killed by Bai Lin.

into a cold corpse.

The rest of the bandits looked panic-stricken. Facing Bai Lin, the murderous god, they might die here, so it would be strange if they didn't panic.




Everyone was scared to death by Bai Lin's appearance, so they fled in a hurry.

"Master, don't you need to chase them down?" Feng Qianqian asked.

Bai Lin shook his head.

"No need."

"Leave them as propaganda for the Eternal Sect!"

With these bandits going out to pass on the details, I believe that none of the bandits around here would dare to mess with me.

At the same time, this is not a big event, and it is impossible to cause any sensation.

After all, it was just doing something to the bandits.

Defeating bandits is just a very common thing.

In the next few days, Bai Lin led the crowd to loot all the bandits nearby.

Others specialize in robbing wealthy businessmen, while Bai Lin specializes in robbing bandits.

To rob the bandits nearby is miserable, which is called repaying others in the same way.

A group of bandits were homeless, and they looked desperate.

"We have always robbed others, but today we were robbed by others."

"There are also those who specialize in robbing bandits, what is this called?"

In nearby cities, scenes of bandits turning into beggars have also appeared one after another.

"I see that many bandits have become beggars recently. What's going on? Are bandits so difficult to deal with?"

"Who knows, how did these bandits become beggars? Is it so difficult for bandits to make a living?"

"The devil knows what's going on?"

After a few days, everyone understood.

It turned out that these bandits had been ransacked and had no choice but to come down the mountain to beg for food.

Otherwise, you will starve to death.

"Haha, isn't this too interesting? A group of people appeared to rob bandits?"

"Looting bandits? Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, these people are rich businessmen, caravans, they don't rob, they just rob bandits, don't you think it's interesting?"

"Isn't this too weird?"

They never dreamed that someone would specialize in robbing bandits.

What is this called?

Isn't this idle and nothing to do?

Bandits are much harder to snatch than wealthy businessmen, and if they don't work out, they will fight you desperately. They are all murderous guys.

And some thieves just spend all the money after grabbing it.

There is nothing left behind, and there is no such thing as robbing rich merchants. If the bandits were so rich, it would not be the turn for someone to come out to rob now, and they would have been robbed long ago.

They don't understand what these people who specialize in robbing bandits think.

So Bai Lin became the nightmare of the bandits nearby.

"It's not good, those people are here again, run fast!"

"What? It's here again? Didn't you just rob it a few days ago? Brother, who was half dead for this, why is it here again?"

"Damn, let people live?"


"Hoo hoo..."

So the bandit fled in a hurry.

Just a few days ago, Bai Lin had just brought people here to rob and robbed all the valuables.

In the past few days, there was no movement, and the nearby bandits came back.

At least there is a place to live here, so I won't freeze to death outside.

And thought that he had already been robbed once, and it was impossible for someone to rob him again.

Even if they come to rob, there is nothing valuable, and the money for promotion has been exchanged for food, otherwise they will starve to death.

Even so, they can only eat one meal a day. After these few days, the brothers are all hungry and thin.

But what he never expected was that Bai Lin came to rob again. This is simply no way out!

"Damn, these people are too bullying."

"What should I do, boss?"


However, after Bai Lin fell to the foot of the mountain, Yang Yingcheng looked around and saw that there were still signs of destruction.

"Master, have we robbed this place once?"

Li Mu on the side also nodded.

"That's right, it should have been here!"

The corner of Bai Lin's mouth twitched.

"I've been here, don't tell me earlier!"

It is impossible for a bandit who has been robbed once to still have valuable things, and it is not enough to waste time stealing something.

This is not the first time Bai Lin has come to a bandit lair that has been robbed.

Some just get dizzy.


With Bai Lin's help, many bandits went directly to Liang.

It's not safe to be a bandit these days, so it's better to go home and farm.

Many bandits used all their savings to find a place, bought some land, and went to farm with peace of mind.

Farming is much more at ease than being a bandit or something.

At the same time, Bai Lin has more and more bandit brothers.

Bai Lin basically notified all the remaining bandits within a radius of two hundred miles.

Bai Lin just wanted to use bandits to form a force that could fight against the Tianqi Kingdom.

In this way, when fighting, these bandits will go first.

In this way, the disciples of the Eternal Sect can reduce casualties.

Moreover, bandits have no national consciousness. They only have interests in their eyes, otherwise they would definitely not become bandits. At that time, there were no bandits, and they were all children of poor families.

Many people were also forced to go to Liangshan, and they didn't want to.

Some people offended officials, some offended landlords.

There are also people who have been wronged and let them come out to take the blame.

There are also those who can't stand bullying, those who accidentally kill people, and so on...

It is only those who are disappointed in Tianqi Kingdom, who will become bandits.


After getting some things done, let yourself practice.

At the same time, Bai Lin also found a place to retreat.

After all, after learning the Little Wuxiang Kungfu and the Six Meridians Excalibur, there is not much to practice.

However, the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon is considered complete.

View the system interface.

"Six Meridians Excalibur: Level 1, progress 0%."

"Small Formless Skill: Level 1, Progress 0%."

I don't know to what extent I can practice these two martial arts with the current strength of Benyu's realm.

But practice first.

It takes one month for Bai Lin to retreat.

After entering the realm of Benyu, the ability to learn is powerful.

"The golden bell cover is upgraded to the indestructible magic of King Kong."

"The Flower Finger is upgraded to the Hundred Flowers Art."

"Tianwuzong's introductory boxing technique has been upgraded to Nether boxing technique."

"King Kong Immortal Art: Level 1, progress 0%."

"Finger finger: level 1, progress 0%."

"Nether Fist: Level 1, progress 0%."

"Martial arts can be upgraded infinitely."

A series of voices sounded in Bai Lin's mind.

At this time, Bai Lin felt that his mental state was much better.

The whole body is full of strength.

Bai Lin was a little puzzled, and the awakening system was unprecedented.

At this moment, the sound of the system came again.

"The host trampled an ant to death, gained 100 experience, and the level of King Kong's indestructibility magic power increased."

"King Kong Immortal Art: Level 2, progress 0%."

Bai Lin froze in place for a moment, and it took him a long time to react.

Is there a reward for stepping on an ant?

"There are so many rewards for stepping on an ant?"

"Then if you trample to death a nest of ants, wouldn't you be instantly invincible?"

The more Bai Lin thought about it, the more excited he became, and he stomped on the ants on the ground, but it had no effect.

But at this moment, Bai Lin's stomach growled.

"I'm talking after dinner."

Bai Lin took out the ten-year old wine and decided to celebrate.

This pairing is something to be happy about.

A glass of wine was poisoned, and the system sounded again.

"Ding, the host is intoxicated, gained experience 100, and the level of the flower finger has increased."

"Finger Finger: Level 2, progress 0%."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for comprehending Drunken Fist."

"Drunken Master: Level 1, progress 0%."

Because of taking a sip of wine, his flower finger was upgraded again, and he also comprehended Drunken Fist at the same time. .

Or one flower one world, or one leaf one bodhi, or between raising one's hands and feet, one's skills can be upgraded at any time.

In one month, the six-meridian sword, and the small non-phase kung fu have all reached their full levels.

"Six Meridians Excalibur: Level 10, progress 0%."

"Small Formless Skill: Level 10, progress 0%."

Both items are at the tenth level, that is, the full level.

After that, Bai Lin used all the two martial arts.

The power of the full-level Six Meridians Excalibur can be described as a powerful abnormal noise.

The moves are ever-changing, and the power emitted is so fast that it is difficult to dodge.

However, in the next second, Bai Lin felt a little dizzy.

Bai Lin didn't know that the full-level Six Meridians Excalibur consumed too much power, and he couldn't control the power, causing the power to be overdrawn directly, so he asked about it.

It will be a few days before Bai Lin comes over again.

"you're awake?"

Beside Bai Lin, a little girl appeared, who looked about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a cute face.

And the clothes are very unpretentious, just like the cute little sister in the village.

Bai Lin was a little confused, looked around, and at this time Bai Lin was in a very leaky house.

It was very windy outside.

Blow the house down.


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