Bai Lin passed out and was rescued by a little girl picking mushrooms.

Been dizzy for several days in a row.

After waking up again, I found myself in a dilapidated room.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a pure little girl staring at him with big curious eyes.

"you're awake?"

Bai Lin looked around, only to realize that he passed out because of exhaustion from practicing martial arts.

Be careful next time you use the Six Meridians Excalibur.

While powerful, it consumes too much.

"Where is this?" Bai Lin asked curiously.

"You wake up, you've been in a coma for several days," the girl in front of her stared at her big eyes: "This is Qingshui Palace, the master said that you have exhausted too much, and you may not be able to wake up, but it's okay, you It’s nice to finally wake up.”

"Are you hungry?"

After finishing speaking, the girl in front of her took out porridge, steamed buns and small pickles from the basket, and placed them in front of Bai Lin.

Not to mention that Bai Lin was really hungry, after all, he had been in a coma for several days.

It can be said that the already hungry chest is stuck to the back.

No matter what it was, he started to gobble it up.

"Eat slowly, the head master said that you can't eat too much when you just wake up."

"It's very bad for your body."

"Hey, why are you disobedient???"

Bai Lin can't control that much, let's fill his stomach first.

I had nothing to do, I was just exhausted.

After all, he had just practiced the Six Meridians Excalibur, and it was still top-notch, so he just didn't get used to it for a while.

With this experience, presumably, similar things will not happen again in the future.

"This is Qingshui Palace?"

At this moment, Bai Lin heard the sound of footsteps, looked out of the window, and could vaguely see the figure of a beautiful woman, like a chivalrous woman who does not eat fireworks.

"Xiaodie, who are you talking to?"

The woman didn't come in, but stood outside and asked.

"Master, is he awake?"

"woke up?"

So the girl outside opened the door and walked in.

"Master, do you think he's alright?"

Xiaodie said with a concerned face.

The head of Qingshui Palace walked up to Bai Lin, stretched out his slender hands to feel Bai Lin's pulse.

At this time, the face of the head of Qingshui Palace was clearly visible.

She is a woman who emerges from the mud but not stained.

It gives people a feeling that they don't eat the fireworks of the world, like a woman who doesn't care about the world and vaguely hides in the mountains and forests.

Very friendly.

The figure is also good, but the face is cold, without any expression on the face.

After feeling the pulse, the head of Qingshui Palace was not only Zou Mei.

"The injury has fully healed."

Xiaodie at the side said happily: "Let me just say, he will be fine for sure."

Xiaodie showed a happy smile, this smile is the most innocent smile Bai Lin has ever seen, never seen such a sweet and innocent smile in TV dramas.

"I didn't expect that all the strength in his body was exhausted. The strength has been exhausted. I didn't expect to be able to recover."

"What a miracle!"

Zou Mei, head of Qingshui Palace, said, looking at Bai Lin as if looking at a monster.

Bai Lin could tell from his eyes that there was no distracting thought, he was simply looking for a doctor, as if he had no curiosity about others.

After all, Bai Lin had exhausted all his strength before, and his identity was unknown.

And there was no curiosity in the eyes of the head of Qingshui Palace.

Any Bai Lin thought he was very handsome, but the head of Qingshui Palace suddenly realized Bai Lin's good looks.

At this time, Bai Lin said, "Thank you, you saved me."

"There's nothing to repay, so why not promise yourself with your body."

The head of Qingshui Palace was startled.

"Hmph, sure enough men all look alike."

The head of Qingshui Palace showed a contemptuous smile, turned and left directly, without any intention of commemorating.

Bai Lin was surprised, isn't he handsome enough?

He didn't feel anything about himself.

To sum it up is two words, failure.

However, Bai Lin felt that the head of Qingshui Palace seemed to have something on his mind, and his thoughts were elsewhere.

Seeing the head of Qingshui Palace leave, Xiaodie beside her couldn't help laughing.

"You are really interesting."

After finishing talking, Xiaodie cleaned up Bai Lin's leftover dishes and said, "I'm leaving too, and I'll cook for you tomorrow. It's getting late now, why don't you go to bed earlier?"

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth turned up slightly.

"Are you sure you want to go?"

Bai Lin asked.

"if not?"

"It's getting dark, I won't go, what are you doing?"

Bai Lin suddenly turned into an aggrieved expression.

"But... But what should I do if I'm afraid of the dark?"

"It's better to stay with me, do you have the heart to leave me alone?"

Xiaodie was taken aback.


"That's not good."

"Lonely men and widows live in the same room, the master will scold me."

Although Xiaodie looks innocent, she still knows whether a man and a woman can accept or not.

"But you're gone, what should I do by myself at night?"

"I'm seriously injured now, and I have limited mobility. What if I need to go to the toilet at night, what if I fall down?"

"There's no one here."

"When you come tomorrow, I'm afraid I'm already cold."

"Forget it, let's go, it's useless to understand."

Bai Lin gritted his teeth immediately, and said with a sad face.


"What will you do if I don't come?"

Xiaodie's face was innocent, obviously she didn't know what Bai Lin meant.

"Don't come here tomorrow, just come back in seven days and collect the body for me."

"Or wait for a year or so. At that time, I will stop here directly, and there is no need to collect the corpse."

Bai Lin's words directly amused the naive Xiaodie.

"Okay, why don't I leave?"

"It's too miserable for you to say about yourself?"

"But..." Xiaodie looked around, there was only one single bed, it was too crowded for two people, so she could only sleep on the ground.

"Just one bed, I'd better sleep on the floor."

But Bai Lin shook his head and said, "No need, just squeeze together."

"Anyway, you won't get pregnant if you squeeze."

The corners of Bai Lin's mouth rose slightly, as expected, the little girl was easy to deceive, especially the innocent little girl in front of her, it was even easier for her to do so.

But looking at the innocent smile on Xiaodie's face in front of him, Bai Lin really felt a little guilty.

Forget it, just sleep together for one night, it's fine if you don't do anything.

Bai Lin, who suddenly realized his conscience, felt a little different from himself.

This is not my character.

Forget it, let's do this first.


"What's the meaning?"

Fluttershy is like a problem baby Yeah, doesn't know anything.

Or that's what's so cute about him.

Bai Lin quickly waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay!"

"I didn't say anything just now, it was all an illusion."

At this moment, Xiaodie seemed to have realized something, and suddenly her face turned red.

"Sure enough, what the head master said is correct, all men are bad people."

"I want to stay away from you."

"Go to sleep by yourself!"

After finishing speaking, Xiaodie left without looking back.


"Don't go!"

"The cheapest!"

Bai Lin's plan fell through in an instant, and he blamed himself for talking nonsense.


Looking at Xiaodie's leaving back, Bai Lin sighed.


The next day, Xiaodie walked in with a basket still alive and kicking.

"It's time to eat!"

Xiaodie took out the food, seeing that Bai Lin ate a lot before, this time he specially prepared some more food.

It can be seen that Xiaodie is still very careful.

However, Bai Lin looked at the food in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

I was so hungry yesterday that I felt delicious about everything I ate.

But right now, Bai Lin felt that there was no taste in his mouth, and he desperately wanted to eat some meat, preferably sauced beef or something.

However, there are all vegetarian dishes in front of you.

Not even oily.

Looking at Bai Lin, I don't have any appetite.

"Are you Qingshui Palace so poor? Don't you have any meat at all?"

"Meat?" Xiaodie was stunned when she asked this question.

"Meat? Is the meat delicious?"

"I have never eaten meat since I was a child, and meat is not allowed in Qingshui Palace, so there is no meat at all."

Bai Lin immediately understood.

It turns out that Qingshui Palace is a place similar to a nunnery.

Are they all vegetarian?

There's no other way, Bai Lin can only take a bite, but after taking a bite of the dish, the taste is still good.

Although the taste is light, it is full of the taste of nature.

If you are a person who eats a lot of fish and meat, eating such a plate of vegetarian dishes will not have a special taste.

"Who made this meal?"

Bai Lin asked curiously.

Being able to cook such delicious food, this person's cooking skills must be extraordinary, maybe Lu Qianqian will be willing to strengthen herself.

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