the other side.

Feng Qianqian and the others were going to go back and wait for the head master to come back by himself.

After all, in the vast world, it is more difficult to find someone than to reach the sky.

A few people came out, just holding the attitude of giving it a try.

I didn't expect to encounter so many terrible things.

Finally can only give up.

"Let's go back!"

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, Feng Qianqian felt her feet itchy, she thought it was just normal itching, so she didn't care too much.

Feng Qianqian felt something was wrong until she felt that she had guessed something with a shell and heard the sound of cracking.

The moment he was about to tell Zhuge Murong, his whole body was lightly placed on Zhuge Murong's back.

I saw a lot of bugs on the inside.

Bugs are the size of eyes.

And there are so many of them, it looks densely packed, a little cautious.

Zhuge Murong frowned and said, "There are worms on the ground, and they are burial worms that specialize in eating corpses."

After finishing speaking, he quickly ran over a piece of burying worms, and the sound of shattering worm shells continued.

Feng Qianqian's heart was no longer attracted by burial bugs and itchy feet.

Soon the light entered Feng Qianqian's eyes.

It turned out that Zhuge Murong had already walked out of the dilapidated house through countless burial insects behind his back.

The sky was still dark blue at this time, and it should be getting dark soon.

Zhuge Murong put Feng Qianqian down, Feng Qianqian couldn't stand still for a moment and threw herself into Zhuge Murong's arms.

The people outside waited for a while, and then saw Feng Jiajia slowly coming forward with Yang Yingcheng on his back.

Li Mu hurriedly got out of the car to help.

Seeing Yang Yingcheng who passed out and Feng Jiajia who was pale from bleeding, he broke out in a cold sweat.

He and Zhuge Murong put Yang Yingcheng and Yang Yingcheng on the ground, and cleaned their wounds with all their strength.

Yang Yingcheng was already unconscious, Zhuge Murong gave her water.

He spit it out before it fully entered the mouth, and the situation is very critical.

"Where's Feng Qianqian?" Li Mu asked.


As soon as Feng Jiajia opened his mouth, the wound tore open and hissed.

Li Mu's expression became serious in an instant, fortunately Zhuge Murong was allowed to go, otherwise the situation of the three of them would be a thousand times worse than it is now.

Zhuge Murong suddenly said to Li Mu: "Brother, Yang Yingcheng has not woken up and his breathing is very weak."

Li Mu is in a difficult situation.

For Zhuge Murong to speak, it proved how serious Yang Yingcheng's injury was.

After careful consideration, he quietly asked Feng Jiajia next to him: "Do you know the route?"

Feng Jiajia, who was in great pain, thought hard, remembered something vaguely, and said intermittently: "Go straight north."

Finally, several people returned to the cottage.

It can be regarded as calming down this thrilling journey.

Perhaps because he was too tired, Zhuge Murong leaned against the window and fell asleep.

Feng Qianqian turned her head to glance at him from time to time, feeling quite impressed.

"So who, can you stop calling me senior brother?" Li Mu said half-jokingly.

"Then what will I call you?"

"Call handsome guy."

"Brother, I can't tell lies."


"The head master said that you can't open your eyes and talk nonsense."

"Then why are you talking nonsense, I'm not handsome?"

"Not handsome, brother."

Li Mu glanced at the two people who were already in a coma: "Not good. Both of them were seriously injured, and they should have been stabbed by the thing that the man in black was holding."

Seeing her worried look, Li Mu specially comforted her: "Don't worry, they passed out after taking the medicine. How long will it take to return to the cottage."

This is supposed to be the outskirts, so there are extraordinarily many stars in the sky, twinkling and twinkling very beautifully.

However, a few people felt that they lost consciousness immediately after taking a few steps.

So they all fainted.

Vaguely, Yang Yingcheng seemed to see a few figures.

Undoubtedly, everyone was shocked by the cold aura exuding from him.

He was tall and tall, wearing a seemingly ordinary black cloak, and then knew nothing.

When I woke up again, I didn't know how long it had been.

At this time, everyone was in a room that was retro and old but not shabby, but was surrounded by darkness as a whole.

When Yang Yingcheng woke up, he was asleep on a wooden bed.

The bloody clothes on his body had been replaced by a black cloak.

I lost my mind when I saw the inexplicable change in my outfit.

Then he jumped off the bed instantly as if struck by lightning, touched himself repeatedly, and all the injured parts healed.

The whole person was refreshed, but Yang Yingcheng couldn't be happy.

She observed this huge house, giving people an indescribable sense of oppression.

"Where is this place?"

Yes, that is, they exude a cold, rational sense of oppression.

The person in front of him couldn't see clearly, and his eyes were devoid of any emotion from the beginning to the end. He looked at her lightly, and said lightly: "Drink the medicine."

He was holding a bowl with red liquid in it.

Yang Yingcheng frowned and glanced at him. To be honest, he is very good-looking, maybe because his temperament is too cold-blooded, Yang Yingying doesn't like him very much.

"Where's my companion?" Yang Yingcheng asked hastily.

"Resting." The visitor replied coldly.

"Where is this place, who are you?"

The voice of the visitor was still cold: "You don't need to know this."

Yang Yingcheng continued to ask: "Are they all right?"

The visitor lowered his head and nodded.

"I'm going to see them." Yang Yingcheng rushed outside recklessly.

When the words fell, the door that he opened just now seemed to have received some instructions, and it was shut firmly with a bang.

Yang Yingcheng knew that he was going to be imprisoned.

"You can't go out." The visitor didn't hesitate at all.

Yang Yingcheng was speechless by his quick answer.

He moved the hand holding the bowl, motioning Yang Ying to accept the bowl and drink the medicine, and Yang Ying accepted Zou Mei's medicine.

He was silent for a while, then put the bowl directly into Yang Yingcheng's mouth, as long as Yang Yingcheng lowered his head slightly, he could drink it.

Yang Yingcheng felt that this was extremely disrespectful and impolite. All her attitude just now proved that she didn't want to take medicine.

But he is a wooden fish head, or in his heart, no one can resist him.

Yang Yingcheng felt angry when she thought of this, she looked up at the man covering her, and smiled ironically: "Aren't your hands sore?" He has been holding the bowl since he came in.

"Not sour."

"Drink the medicine." The voice was still very weak, but Yang Yingcheng vaguely heard it impatiently.

The atmosphere in the room fell into silence again. He put the bowl on the cabinet and stared intently at Yang Yingcheng who was sitting on the bed.

Yang Yingcheng looked at him with anger, as if he wanted to kill someone.

"May I have your name."

"What's your name?" The visitor repeated.

Yang Yingcheng replied reluctantly: "Yang Yingcheng."

"Why are you here?"

The visitor seemed surprised that several people would appear here.

"We walked in accidentally after getting lost."

Yang Yingcheng recalled the previous events.

Only this explanation is the most reasonable.

Come out to find the head master, but don't tell if the head master can't find it.

I don't know who was arrested.

I don't know what kind of thoughts the head master will have if he can't find himself after he goes back.


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