I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 586 Save Your Life

"Who are you guys?" The voice of the visitor changed.

It's no longer cold, and it looks a little angry.

And when he spoke, he was very close to Yang Yingcheng.

When he spoke, he exhaled warm breath from Yang Yingcheng's ears down to his neck.

It made Yang Yingcheng tremble.

For a while, Yang Yingcheng felt a powerful force in this person.

It's not something you can fight against.

I am afraid that only the head master has such strength.

Could it be that the head master pretended to be someone who came to scare me?

The head master can't be so boring, can he?

Soon Yang Yingcheng rejected this idea.

"Who the hell are you?"

"As long as you behave, I will save your life."

Yang Yingcheng felt that the person in front of him was no different from King Yama, and he spoke as if he could control the life and death of others.

He might really be the reincarnation of King Yama, afraid that a little expression could tear off his exquisite mask and reveal his original ferocious face.

"I know you are not from the Tianqi Kingdom."

Yang Yingcheng was stunned, looking at him dully.

After a long while, he swallowed in fear.

Finally Yang Yingcheng shook his head.

"That's right, we are from Taiwu Shengguo."

The visitor continued to ask angrily, "What's your purpose?"

"There is no purpose, just to develop the sect."

Yang Yingcheng answered fluently, not lying at all.

Suddenly, the visitor put away his angry gaze.

Suddenly became normal.

"You drink this, and I can let you see them."

The visitor said lightly.

Yang Yingcheng followed his voice and looked at the medicine bowl on the cabinet.

No matter how much he wanted to meet them, it was impossible to drink this bowl of unknown medicine without thinking.

The person who came said softly: "This is seven herb soup, which promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis."

Yang Yingcheng still didn't believe it.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"If I wanted to hurt you, you'd already be dead."

"Whether you like to drink or not, your companions are waiting for you."

He spoke so seriously, Yang Yingcheng saw the shadow of that man again from his body, took a deep breath, picked up the bowl, raised his head and poured it into his mouth to drink.

Yang Yingcheng thought to himself, what he said made sense, so he probably wouldn't hurt himself.

Finally, Yang Yingcheng went to find Feng Qianqian and others.

Yang Yingcheng followed behind the visitor.

After walking around half of the village, I came to the door of a room.

The two stopped in front of them, and soon two girls in strange costumes opened the door.

The moment the door opened, Yang Yingcheng realized that she had underestimated this place. It was not a sleeping house, but an antique village.

This is Zhaizhongzhai.

"where are they."

The visitor quietly asked the two women standing by the door.

Yang Yingcheng was even more curious at this time, what exactly is this place?

The two of them lowered their heads, and their voices were as cold as their temperament: "Rest inside."

They are all dressed in dark series, and their demeanor is very handsome. It can be seen that they have been carefully trained.

So he stopped and asked Yang Yingcheng to go in, while he waited outside.

Yang Yingcheng was anxious to see his senior brother.

The extremely cold dungeon here is not as humid as the others, but rather dry. After staying for a long time, you will feel a burning pain all over your body.

Several people are here.

On the opposite side lay six men in black with their skin torn apart.

"Are you all alright?" Yang Yingcheng was so worried when he saw the crowd.

Seeing that everyone was fine, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Is your injury healed?"

Feng Qianqian was curious, Yang Ying couldn't bear the injury before.

However, the room where everyone was in was not locked.

"let's go."

"leave here."

Everyone thought so too, after all they didn't know what this place was doing.

It's like a minority cottage.

A few people went out with their own things, and there were very few people watching the night here.

Maybe I didn't want to keep a few people.

When they reached a corner, Li Mu, who was ahead, suddenly saw several figures coming towards them.

So he stopped immediately, and the people behind him smashed on the back of the person in front one by one due to inertia, making them hiss in pain.

Before Li Mu could tell them to shut up, a few figures in front shouted loudly, "Who is it?"

They all held their breath in fright, wide-eyed and small-eyed, panicked and overwhelmed.

The five turned around and ran in another direction. The same situation happened to Zhuge Murong at the back. They could only stand in place. Just when the two teams were about to turn the corner, they hurriedly covered them with their hands, and someone appeared just at this time.

When they thought they were going to be arrested, those people turned their heads and said in a daze, "Why is there no one? Didn't they hear the voice?"

"Maybe we heard it wrong. Let's go back to the room and sleep after patrolling for a while."

After saying that, they left again, causing the five of them to have a false alarm.

It seems that they let themselves go on purpose, otherwise it would be impossible to see a few big living people

Several people breathed a sigh of relief.

It took a long time to get out of the cottage.

They walked for a long time before stopping. Feng Qianqian covered her mouth and asked, "What should we do now?"

The location of the few people is very unclear, the surroundings are full of smog, and they can't see clearly at all. As long as they talk or breathe a little louder, countless dust will be sucked in.

Li Mu's eyes were much better than the others', and he could see the general situation clearly.

They stood on a road full of dirt and gravel, with cliffs on the left and dense forests on the right.

Just when they were in trouble, everyone's prayer bead chains shone brightly, pulling them to the right.

They supported each other and climbed until the sky turned pale and they entered the real forest.

Looking around, there are patches of towering trees, surrounded by dense leaves.

Only a little time can a ray of sunlight shine through. The temperature here is about 30 degrees, and it is humid and hot.

After walking in, I realized that there are many kinds of trees here, among which the arbor has a multi-layer structure.

The upper tree is more than 30 meters high, mostly typical tropical evergreen trees and deciduous broad-leaved trees. The bark is light, thin and smooth. The base of the tree often has plank roots, and flowering branches can grow on the old trunk.

And they also met a lot of animals, fortunately, they were mainly small, arboreal animals.

The way in this forest was very dangerous, and they prayed as they walked.

"What kind of place is this?" Zhuge Murong was too tired to walk, he leaned against a thick tree and panted.

"I don't know!" Feng Qianqian shook her head and replied.

"However, according to this direction, you should be able to return to the cottage, presumably the head master has already returned!"

At this moment Zhuge Murong panicked.

"It's dangerous here, let's go quickly, or what if we encounter some pythons."

Seeing his appearance, Feng Qianqian laughed, "Coward."

"Don't say this too early, it's not certain who is a coward."

Zhuge Murong looked ahead, swallowed in fear and said.

So a few people continued on their way.


At this time, the sect was in chaos.

Seeing that Bai Lin didn't come back, the bandits planned to separate.

Divide up valuables.

Then leave this place of right and wrong.

However, at this moment, Bai Lin's figure appeared in front of everyone.


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