I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 595 Mysterious Cave

Bai Lin asked tentatively.

It was pitch black all around, and nothing could be seen.


"Zhuge Murong?"

After shouting twice, finally heard Zhuge Murong's weak voice.

"Master, I'm here."

"Are you OK?"

Bai Lin took out the torch from the system space and lit it to illuminate the surroundings.

He saw Zhuge Murong lying among the ruins beside him.

"I'm fine!"

Zhuge Murong stood up with difficulty, and there were many scratches on his body.

But it's not a big problem.

When Bai Lin picked it up from the ground, he found that there were traces of man-made digging.

This is definitely not a natural cave.

Right now, the two of them can't fly, they fell into the hole and can only look for the exit.

"Let's go in and have a look," Bai Lin said with a frown. He didn't know what was inside, but it was all very weird.


Zhuge Murong followed Bai Lin and wanted to go inside.

After walking for about ten minutes, the two suddenly saw a stone door.


"What's behind this?"

For a moment, Bai Lin was even a little excited, maybe there was something going on behind the stone gate, baby, maybe.

But the stone door is open, maybe someone has been here before, and it is very likely that the treasure inside has also been taken by that person by the way.

Zhuge Murong is quite courageous, if he were to be replaced by Sister Feng Qianqian, he would be too scared to go inside.

"Go, go in and have a look!"

Bai Lin entered Shimen first, followed by Zhuge Murong.

However, just after the two of them entered the stone gate, there was a loud bang, and the stone gate behind them closed automatically. Zhuge Murong immediately grabbed Bai Lin's arm in fright.

"what's the situation?"

Bai Lin didn't know, but the stone door was closed automatically, and the two of them suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Bai Lin tentatively pushed the stone gate in the past, and then with the strength of Bai Lin's original realm, he couldn't push it for a while, which shows that the stone gate is not so powerful.

Maybe it's an institution.

Now that the stone gate is closed, the way back for the two of Bai Lin is completely cut off, that is to say, if they can't find a way out, the two of them will be locked inside for the rest of their lives.

Although Bai Lin has the ability to escape through walls, Zhuge Murong does not.

He could escape by himself, but the spells of the system can only be used by himself, so Zhuge Murong has no way to escape.

Seeing the stone door close automatically, Bai Lin had an ominous premonition.

Perhaps it is an inexplicable fear of human beings towards the dark.

Because many dark places can't see clearly, this kind of ominous feeling is normal.

The two continued to move forward, but within a few steps, they heard Zhuge Murong's exclamation.



Zhuge Murong is proficient in five elements, eight trigrams and Qimen Dunjia, he is much more courageous than ordinary women, but he is a woman after all.

The fear of the dark is still there.

And the woman's exclamation was particularly sharp.

For a moment, Bai Lin's ears hurt.

"what happened?"

Shining the light on the ground, Bai Lin realized that there were many skeletons on the ground.

There is no one under the feet, but the skeletons in the distance are densely packed, which is very scary.

There are countless old weapons and shields among the skeletons, which look like a bunch of soldiers who died in battle.

Bai Lin picked up the shield and the long sword. I don't know how long it has passed. These human corpses have turned into bones, but the weapons haven't even rusted.

And still very solid.

It took Bai Lin two points of strength to break the long sword.

After breaking it off, it was found that the material used in this weapon was completely different from the material used in weapons in people's hands today.

Most of the weapons now are made of fine iron, but the material of the weapons in hand is obviously different.

Maybe that's why the weapon is so tough.

Going forward, the two saw a table.

The prince is hexagonal, like a formation.

On the top of the platform, there are many statues.

These statues are very different from ordinary statues. They were born with dog heads, holding various weapons in their hands, and their expressions are fierce.

It looks very scary.

"Not good, there is an agency."

Bai Lin felt his feet go soft, and suddenly purple smoke began to appear around the hexagonal platform.

However, after the purple poisonous gas was inhaled into the stomach, it was different, at least not yet.

Zhuge Murong still stood there, acting like a normal person.

It seems that the purple gas is not poisonous.

However, just as the two let go of their tense nerves, they heard the sound of bones colliding from the side.

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."


Bai Lin was startled, and saw that the white bones on the ground were still moving.

"Bang bang..."

"Bang bang..."

In an instant, the sound of continuous bone collisions came densely.

The voice sounds very cautious.

"what happened?"

"Master in charge!"

Zhuge Murong showed a fearful expression, and now behind Bai Lin, he even closed his eyes.

The two kept backing away, and after a while, these bones turned into skeleton soldiers one by one, and they picked up the weapons on the ground.

Then, swaying left and right, he walked towards the two of them.

More and more skeleton soldiers formed in the back, and soon, the two of them looked around, and there were so many skeleton soldiers in the previous life that it was impossible to count how many there were.

But looking at the appearance of the skeleton soldier, not only is he thin, but he also walks shakyly, so he should have no combat effectiveness.

"Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms."

Bai Lin struck out with a move of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, striking with a powerful aura.

The sound of dragon chant came from the cave.

"Bang bang..."

A few strokes of Subduing Dragon and Eighteen Palms were fired consecutively, and the skeleton soldiers didn't even look at the blow.

The moment it touched the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, it fell apart directly.

"It's okay, the combat effectiveness of this skeleton soldier is limited."

However, as soon as Bai Lin finished speaking, he saw the scattered bones spliced ​​together again to form a new batch of skeleton soldiers, who continued to stagger towards the two of them.



Bai Lin didn't want to try anymore. Although the strength of these skeleton soldiers is not very good, it seems that they can't be killed at all and can be resurrected infinitely.

And my physical strength is limited, and I don't know what else is waiting for me.

It is obviously an unwise move to waste all your energy here.

Bai Lin took Zhuge Murong and ran to the back.

Soon, the two found a stone gate.

Bai Lin directly pushed open the stone door and threw Zhuge Murong in first.

And the skeleton soldiers behind had already caught up.

In order to prevent these skeleton soldiers from entering the door, Bai Lin once again used the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms to disperse the many skeleton soldiers in front of him.

Then he jumped into the stone gate, and finally closed the stone gate fiercely.

It can be regarded as a temporary contact with the crisis.

"so close!"

Bai Lin breathed a sigh of relief, ready to take a break before moving on.

"Zhuge Murong, why do you think these skeleton soldiers move on their own?"

Bai Lin asked in puzzlement, Zhuge Murong must know more about this kind of thing than himself.

"It should be that some kind of formation was activated, and under the influence of the formation, these skeleton soldiers moved."


"Is there such a formation? It's really ignorant!" Bai Lin spread his hands helplessly. Although the skeleton soldiers are not deadly, there are many vertical ones, and they can't be killed.

This gets trickier.

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