Zhuge Murong stopped talking as he talked, but stared at the wall with his eyes fixed.

"What are you looking at?" Bai Lin asked curiously.

Suddenly, Bai Lin also noticed that there seemed to be something written on the wall.

"Is this martial arts?"

It was only then that Bai Lin discovered that the walls here were densely packed with martial arts.

There are internal and external skills, as well as mental methods, which can be said to have everything that one expects to find.


"How come there are so many martial arts here?"

Bai Lin was puzzled, but Zhuge Murong at the side seemed to have fallen into these martial arts, and began to practice following the words and pictures above.

Bai Lin was not idle either.

Since he has martial arts, he accepted it bluntly.

Bai Lin directly mobilized the functions of the system, copied all the martial arts on the wall one by one, and slowly studied them when he went back.

After all, I can't calm down to practice the above martial arts at all now, who knows what's behind this.

"Master, don't you want to practice it? The martial arts above are quite advanced."

Bai Lin shook his head.

"It's better to rest for a while, now I can't calm down and practice."

Although Bai Lin didn't want to practice, Zhuge Murong obviously didn't think so.

For some reason, she felt that the martial arts on the wall still had magical powers.

Let yourself be compelled to practice.

Five minutes later, Zhuge Murong suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, startling Bai Lin beside him.

"Zhuge Murong?"

"What’s wrong with you?"

Bai Lin quickly looked around, no one said anything, and there was no poisonous gas.

Why did Zhuge Murong spit out a mouthful of blood?

What exactly is going on?

Then Zhuge Murong fainted in Bai Lin's embrace.

Bai Lin immediately checked Zhuge Murong's body, and felt that the power in her body was constantly surging.


Bai Lin immediately understood that Zhuge Murong had lost his temper.

However, the degree of insanity is not very serious, and fortunately Zhuge Murong doesn't know much about martial arts, otherwise he would have killed him immediately.


Bai Lin looked at the martial arts around him with a frown, and suddenly understood something.

Presumably these martial arts were left on purpose by people.

And martial arts will not be correct, but the wrong way of practicing.

Cultivators can easily go mad.

Moreover, ordinary people cannot resist the temptation of so many high-level martial arts, so they will definitely practice hard.

Then he fell into his trick.

What a trick!

Bai Lin couldn't help frowning, this trick is to study people's hearts very thoroughly.

Fortunately, Bai Lin possessed peerless martial arts, so he didn't take these rotten martial arts seriously, otherwise Bai Lin would also suffer from this villain.

Afterwards, Bai Lin gave Zhuge Murong a healing pill, and then used his own power to help Zhuge Murong clear his meridians.

Ten minutes later, Zhuge Murong woke up leisurely.

Zhuge Murong who woke up felt pain all over his body, as if he had walked through the gate of hell just now.

"Master, what's wrong with me?" Zhuge Murong was bewildered.

Don't know what happened.

"You just went mad."

"This place is very evil. There are mistakes in this martial arts, and it was deliberately left for people to practice."

"Fortunately, your martial arts are not high, otherwise you will definitely bleed to death from your seven orifices."

After listening, Zhuge Murong couldn't help being startled.

"I see."

"This man is so vicious."

Even if Zhuge Murong is smart enough, his IQ is definitely much higher than the average person, otherwise he would not be proficient in such profound knowledge as Qimen Dunjia, Five Elements and Eight Diagrams.

If Bai Lin didn't have a systematic blessing, these things would definitely not be learned.

With the help of the ultimate healing pill, Zhuge Murong quickly returned to normal, as if nothing had happened.

If Bai Lin hadn't used his powerful skills to help him break through his meridians, it would have been difficult for him to practice martial arts in his life.

Bai Lin stood up, ready to move on.

"In this place, there are skeleton soldiers and martial arts that make people crazy."

"And I don't know what else is waiting for me behind."

Thinking of this, Bai Lin felt a headache.

After that, the two continued to move forward.

But not long after they left, the two found that they had returned to this place full of martial arts cheats.


"be lost?"

Bai Lin frowned and looked around, not knowing why he returned to the starting point, remembering that the two of them were walking straight forward, why did they return to their original position?

Bai Lin was puzzled, it was like getting lost, obviously the two of them had lost their way.

Zhuge Murong looked around and said: "Presumably we should have been hit by the Qimen Dunjia technique."


"Qimen Dunjia? Don't you know Qimen Dunjia? It shouldn't be difficult to get out, right?"

Zhuge Murong nodded.

It is really not difficult to go out, but it needs to be calculated.

"I just don't know how long it will take to calculate the way out."

Bai Lin nodded and began to rest on the spot. Zhuge Murong at the side drew the route that Zhuge Murong walked just now on the ground, and then began to calculate.

half an hour...

One hour……

Zhuge Murong was still calculating there, and it could be seen that her forehead had started to sweat.

Bai Lin could only wait quietly.

It seems that it is not a simple matter to calculate the route. If it cannot be calculated, the two of them will be trapped here for the rest of their lives.

Bai Lin secretly cheered for Zhuge Murong.

Two hours, it took a full two hours before Zhuge Murong heaved a sigh of relief and showed a gratified smile.

"It's figured out, Master Sect Master, I know how to get out."

Bai Lin was overjoyed.

Fortunately, he came down with Zhuge Murong, otherwise Bai Lin wouldn't move at all with Qimen Dunjia or something.

You can only use the earth escape talisman or something to forcefully travel through the past.

I don't know if this Qimen Dunjia will work or not if I use the Dungeon Talisman or something.

Under the leadership of Zhuge Murong, the two went round and round, and finally got out of the maze.

In front of him was another new scene.

After passing through a dark corridor, the room in front of him is no longer full of martial arts, but a large room with no end in sight.

The main reason is that the light here is very dim, after all, only the torches in the hands of Bai Lin and Zhuge Murong can barely illuminate.


"What is this place?"

Bai Lin asked puzzled.

"Could it still be the secret room?"

Zhuge Murong shook his head and said, "Master, we should have come to the main tomb!"

"This should be an ancient tomb."

"The main tomb?"

"Ancient tomb?"

Just as Bai Lin guessed, this place is really a tomb.

I just don't know whose tomb it is.

And the architect who practiced this tomb must not be an ordinary person.

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