After that, the two went to look for the main tomb to see if they could find anything.

We can't let these people just ignore their illness.

A path straight down ahead.

The two walked more cautiously, and after five minutes, they didn't meet any traps.

"There seems to be no mechanism here."

Even so, the two did not take it lightly, after all, no one knew what was waiting for them.

However, ten minutes later, they still hadn't reached the end of the tomb.

According to the speed of the two, although it is not fast, they can walk at least five or six hundred meters in ten minutes.

This cave can't have such a long distance, can it?

"what's the situation?"

"It seems like there will never be an end."


"what happened?"

Bai Lin couldn't help being curious.

According to conventional logic, it is impossible to build such a long road, does it cost no money for labor?

Even if labor costs nothing, is this road going to hell?

Then the amount of work is too big.

It's not that there is no labor force. According to the current technology, it is difficult to complete such a project.

Zhuge Murong at the side also shook her head, she didn't find anything strange around here.

There is only one road here, and it is very narrow.

Zhuge Murong didn't find any design about Qimen Dunjia.

Then the two could only move on.

After walking for another ten minutes, they still haven't come to the end. This time, the two of them have sped up the speed, and there should be no problem with one kilometer in ten minutes.

But it still hasn't come to an end.

"How long is this road?" Bai Lin couldn't help frowning.

I can't imagine how big a project this is.

"Why don't we go back."

Zhuge Murong nodded.

The two decided to go back and look for a new intersection. This road is very weird.

However, the two walked back for a long time, but still did not find the exit.

When I walked inside, I went down all the way, but now I go up all the way, and I can't find the way out.

And it's always been a straight line.

If you can get lost in this way, it would be too weird, right?

After that, Bai Lin made a mark on the ground.

After a while, Bai Lin saw the mark he left, that is to say, it was not far away at all, and he could return to the place where the mark was in just half a minute.

In this way, Bai Lin felt like he was going back and forth in a circle.

No wonder I can't get out.


Zhuge Murong was also surprised.

No wonder I couldn't get out for such a long time, it turned out that I was always going in circles.

Bai Lin frowned, thinking for a long time.

Bai Lin once saw a program that said it was a light-absorbing material used in ancient tombs to mislead people's sight.

Sometimes seeing is not necessarily true.

I thought I was walking in a straight line, but in fact I kept going sideways.

Presumably the two of them now have completely lost their sense of direction.

So Bai Lin took out the rope from the system space.

Bai Lin decided to give it a try, although he didn't know whether it would work or not.

Bai Lin tied the rope to Zhuge Murong's body, and then took the rope to walk away.

As long as the rope is straight, it will find its way down.

Immediately, Bai Lin took out all the materials that could emit light.

Finally, at the end of the side, I found a hole, but unfortunately this is where they came in.

But soon, Bai Lin followed suit and successfully found the exit.

If this method is not used, I am afraid that I will be trapped here for the rest of my life.

Bai Lin discovered that this stone could really absorb light.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Bai Lin would not have believed it.

In this way, the two finally came to the main tomb, which can be described as twists and turns.

First met the skeleton soldiers, then the maze of Qimen Dunjia, and the skills that make people go crazy.

There are also smooth traps on the sides of the ear chambers.

Now the two finally came to the main tomb.

In front of him, there was a pitch-black stone gate, from a distance one could smell the rotten and moldy smell in the air.

Now no one should have come in here.

The black door was open, and a large coffin could be seen vaguely.

The coffin looks black, and I don't know what it is made of, but there is nothing in it except the coffin.

So the two set their eyes on the coffin.

Maybe there is something in this lock.

As soon as Bai Lin exerted his strength, a six-veined divine sword was struck out, and the coffin lid was directly blown away.

When they saw clearly inside the coffin, both of them were startled.


"This is……"

I saw that the coffin was full of red liquid.

And there were two corpses inside, completely soaked in the red liquid, and they hadn't decomposed yet.

Inside the coffin, there was a man and a woman. The woman was very ugly, her pale face was distorted.

But look at the man in the coffin.

You can tell at a glance that he is a handsome guy.

Bai Lin was taken aback, did he want to find a handsome guy to be buried with him after he died?

This is interesting!

Looking behind the coffin, there was a big black tree.

The big tree is completely black in color.

Not easy to spot in the dark.

After walking in, it was clear that the black tree had passed through the top of the head and rushed into the soil.

On top of the black tree, there is still a faint black air.

"Master, this black air gives people a sense of evil!"

"It seems to be the plague that caused everyone to suffer from Heishu."

Bai Lin nodded, presumably the black tree was the culprit.

However, at this moment, the woman in the coffin suddenly opened her eyes, and there were no eyeballs in his eyes.

But two red crystals.

Immediately, the spar emitted two red lights.

In the next second, Bai Lin felt a mess in his head.

For a while, many sad things happened to Bai Lin.

Sad emotions ran through Bai Lin's entire mind, and for a while, he even had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

"Warning, warning!"

Immediately, the system's notification sound came to Bai Lin's mind, and Bai Lin's fantasy of breaking free immediately.

However, in the next second, Bai Lin saw Zhuge Murong at the side pull out a dagger, ready to commit suicide.


Bai Lin hurried over.


Bai Lin also knew that Zhuge Murong had also fallen into an illusion, and just like himself, he was about to commit suicide.

So Bai Lin quickly stopped.

But at this time, Zhuge Murong had fully regained his strength and rationality, and he wanted to commit suicide desperately.

I don't know where Zhuge Murong got his strength, but he thrust the dagger towards his heart.

Bai Lin had no choice but to knock Zhuge Murong unconscious.

Looking inside the coffin, the woman's eyes were still glowing red.


"This seat is also within your control?"

Bai Lin didn't care so much, he directly plunged into the red liquid, and pulled out the red spar from the female corpse's eyes.

In the palm of his hand lay Kuang Kuai's eye-sized red spar.

Braving the pure light.

Bai Lin could feel it.

The energy contained in this spar is more pure than ordinary spirit stones.

It can be regarded as finding a treasure in the ancient tomb.

At least it's better than nothing.

After that, Bai Lin directly smashed the black tree beside him with one move.

At the same time, the ground began to shake violently.

"not good!"

Bai Lin hurriedly led Zhuge Murong outside.

Fortunately, before the collapse, Bai Lin and Zhuge Murong managed to escape from the inside.

"Bang bang..."


Then, the entire tomb collapsed directly.

turned into a giant pit.

The tomb was completely destroyed. At the same time, a cloud of black air was seen rising from the ground. It was as if a black dragon was vaguely seen.

In the next second, the black air disappeared without a trace.

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