I’m Really Not an Invincible Master

Chapter 599 The Five Kingdoms Showdown

After the black air disappeared, the sick bandit in the sect immediately recovered.

The cases of Feng Qianqian and Feng Jiajia also healed without treatment.

But in the sky, the rising black dragon made Bai Lin vaguely feel uneasy.

Who knows what this black gas is.

Will it pose a threat to myself in the future.

Right now, the Five Nations Invitational Tournament is getting closer.

On the other side, it was Daozong who organized the Tianqi Kingdom to organize the Five Nations Invitational Tournament.

As the most powerful sect in Tianqi Kingdom, Dao Sect is naturally in charge of this competition.

Right now, many people have come outside the Taoist gate, preparing to participate in such a grand event.

In fact, the rules are very simple, that is, among the many applicants, seven people will be selected to participate in the final competition.

There is only one hard condition, that is, to be under the age of twenty-five, other than that, anyone can sign up.

And the registration fee is also very cheap, only ten taels of silver.

While qualifying for the Five Nations Invitational Tournament, you can also receive rewards from the royal family of the Tianqi Kingdom.

Similarly, several other countries have also held the same grand meeting.

Seven people were also selected, and finally five countries, a total of 35 people participated in the final showdown.

The winner will be eligible for the previous night's Fairchild Mystery.

This Fairy Child Secret Realm only opens once every ten years.

It is said that it used to be the battlefield of immortals.

There are many unknown opportunities in it.

Almost all the strong players now have their own opportunities in it.

So many people want to go in.

But the final quota is only ten people.

The suzerain of Daozong sat on it, and said with a straight face: "Is everything almost ready?"

The Taoist disciple below nodded: "Everything is ready."

"We can start after seven days."


Xia Houchu, the suzerain of Daozong, nodded: "I will be in retreat in a few days, so I will leave this matter to you."

"The disciple obeyed."

On the other side, the disciples have recovered.

So Bai Lin set off with many disciples.

If you don't leave, you may not be able to catch up. After all, time is limited.

It is impossible for all the contestants to wait for Bai Lin and the others.

After a day and a night, Bai Lin led the team to a small town at the foot of Daozong Mountain.

Don't look at it as a small town, but it has everything in it.

But it is said that although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs.

There are many Daoist people all the year round.

Now it is a grand event once every ten years, and the Daozong Mountain is not full of people, and there is no place to live.

It can only be paved outside.

Maybe at a later date, the location of the ground floor will have to be placed thousands of meters away.

It can be seen how many people came to see it.

It was no less than the scene when the Eternal Sect recruited disciples.

However, just like the recruitment of the Eternal Sect, many people came to watch the fun.

These days, there will never be a shortage of spectators.

Bai Lin was wandering in the streets, and he saw the most bands nearby.

"Little brother, don't miss it when you pass by."

"You are guaranteed to be satisfied!"

"Little brother, let's play!"

Bai Lin immediately yearned for it.

Although he often played in it before, it was only in his memory. Before Bai Lin traveled through time, his predecessor was a playboy.

The current Bai Lin has really never been there.

Driven by memory, Bai Lin still wants to go in and try.

Relive the feeling in the memory.

"Master head, let's sign up quickly."


Bai Lin had no choice but to show reluctant eyes, and then continued to walk forward. Halfway up the mountain, everyone saw the registration place.

However, the scene in front of them made everyone gasp.

I saw the registration location in the distance, and there were more than 100 meters in line.

There is no end in sight.

"When will this be lined up?"

And today is the last day of registration.

Therefore, everyone is waiting for the last chance. If they fail to register, then they can only wait for ten years. How many ten years are there in a lifetime?

The corner of Bai Lin's mouth twitched.

There is no way but to line up.

Finally, when the sun was about to set, Bai Lin and the others finally lined up.

"The flowers I've been waiting for are all gone."

Although the team lined up for half a day, at least at the last time, the buzzer was registered.

It can be considered that this afternoon was not in vain.

Otherwise, if you don't sign up again, you will feel like killing a dog.

"Fortunately enough time."

"It's our turn!"


"It's too difficult for me."

Li Mu, Yang Yingcheng and others signed up one after another.

It can be regarded as a matter of heart.

After completing the registration, Bai Linhua found a place to stay at a high price.

It costs two thousand taels of silver a night, one person.

This is the most expensive inn Bai Lin has ever stayed in.

This is not to say that the price of the inn sits on the ground.

After all, the number of people is too many, and things are rare, so it is not surprising that there is such a price.

After Bai Lin arranged for his disciples to stay, he ran out by himself.

Bai Lin is not short of money, and just has time, why not go to the music workshop to have a good time at night.

Wouldn't it be fun to listen to a little song?

So Bai Lin found the largest band in the vicinity.

The ticket price to enter is five thousand taels of silver.

At this price, you can play for half a month in other places, but here, it is so expensive.

Even so, after Bai Lin entered the band, it was also full of heads.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of beautiful women here.

"Guest officer, one?"

Bai Lin nodded: "It's just me."

"I don't know if the guest officer wants to listen to the music or is it?" The proprietress at the side smiled at Bai Lin and showed off her beauty.

"Who is a serious person who listens to music?"

The proprietress understood immediately.

"Understood, arrange it immediately, please come to the inn."

Afterwards, Bai Lin was arranged upstairs. After all, Bai Lin spent a lot of money and was not short of money at all.

All the money was snatched from bandits.

Besides, if Bai Lin wants to make money, it's not a matter of every minute.

For example, selling one elixir is enough to live here for half a year.

When you come to the room, you will be surrounded by the scent of fragrance, which makes you feel refreshed.

"Guest officer, is this room satisfactory?"

"If you are not satisfied, there are better ones upstairs, in terms of price..."

The proprietress doesn't want to make things too clear, she understands everything she understands, and it's useless to say what she doesn't understand.

Bai Lin didn't bother to change it.

There is a single room, which is fine as long as it's not bad.

After all, Bai Lin didn't come to admire the room, the beauty was the highlight.

"The room is not important!" Bai Lin said lightly.

The proprietress giggled and said, "The boss is a knowledgeable person."

After finishing speaking, the proprietress hugged Bai Lin's arm, and whispered in his ear: "A new girl came here today, she is not only young but also very beautiful, but that's not the point, the point is purity."

"Presumably the boss understands what it means to be pure?"

"Why not, how about letting this little beauty pay the boss for drinking and watching the moon?"

"New here?" The corners of Bai Lin's mouth slightly raised, revealing a satisfied smile, "Pure?"

Of course Bai Lin knew the meaning of pure, which means tenderness.

"Yeah," Bai Lin nodded viciously: "I mean, I'm in a bad mood today, and I want to talk to a young beauty, um! It's fine."

Bai Lin secretly praised the proprietress in her heart.

Either pure or mature.

Of course, all they want are beauties, this is Bai Lin's simple request.

"But in terms of price...it's a little bit expensive."

Bai Lin was also polite, and directly took out a fifty thousand taels of silver note.

Seeing the banknote, the proprietress smiled even brighter.

"My mother, you are really generous. You will come to take care of our business often in the future."

"Boss, please wait a moment, he will come right away!"

After talking about it, when the proprietress went out, she blew out more than half of the lights in the room.

Suddenly the whole room became dark.

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