I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 238

Huangfusong and Zhu Yan each dispatched a lieutenant general, each with 10,000 elite soldiers, to escort these refugees to migrate across the long distance to Fengwu County. All food supplies along the way will be borne by the imperial court!

But as a price = Su Mu kills Zhang Jiao and breaks the Yellow Turban, there is no extra reward L for the extra military exploits L!


After beheading Zhang Jiao and Tai Po Huangjin, the position of Su Mu Zhengnan General and the reward of Fengwu City changing the county governor Luo Qianyu to the county governor have already been obtained.

But when Su Mu returns to Luoyang City with such a great victory, under the great joy of Emperor Longyan of the Han Ling, there must be other rewards!

Su Wu used this part of the extra rewards in exchange for the 15,000,000 difficult


No loss!

Su Mu never thought of entering the court at this time. Compared with the long time of wrangling and intrigue, he prefers to be his general who conquers the south in Fengwu County, and to be his grand warlord L,

And the more than 15 million refugees := have another meaning l

After all, it was transformed by Huang Zhongjun and the Yellow Turban bandits.

After these refugees were recruited, they became farmers again. But the passive skills they have mastered will not disappear L

He just said.

If the war breaks out again, Su Mu recruits soldiers from these refugees, he can directly cross the two stages of civilian pong and basic pong, and get Lanjun elite soldiers L

In peacetime, you can't see it.

Once war breaks out again!

These more than 15 million refugees are the best source of arms!

Therefore, even if he gives up the follow-up rewards, Su Mu will firmly hold these 15 million refugees in his own hands.

It's not that Han Lingdi didn't have any follow-up rewards.

Biyi's resettlement of these refugees is nominally to relieve the court's worries. Therefore, all Su Mu's follow-up rewards were deducted. It wasn't just that Han Lingdi's face was dull. .Even the entire Han court will be criticized.

Su Wu became a marquis.

Marquis of Phoenix Dance Pavilion.

No fiefdoms were assigned. There is no designated food city, it is simply the name of a Tinghou.

It is the prefix of this Tinghou. They are all named after Feng Wu!

Just like General Zhengnan on him. At the request of Su Mu, Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty conferred the vacant post of the first general who conquered the south of the Han Dynasty, and then conferred the vacant title of Marquis of Fengwuting.

Fengwu County is the player's territory.

Although it belongs to the Taihan court in name, it is not under the jurisdiction of the Han court after all.

in a sense. The entire Fengwu County was originally the fiefdom of Su Mu and Luo Qianqian.

Therefore, this Fengwu Bohou: .. is really false and cannot be more false.

However, Xujue is also a title.

When the angel with the will of the Han Ling Emperor came to Yecheng to announce the award, it meant that Su Mu had officially entered the ranks of the nobles of the Han Dynasty! From then on, even officials of the same rank. Respectfully call him "Hou 1≈ Lord.⊥

This is - a leap of identity!


While doing this. 2 Su Mu also listed the details of the Battle of Yecheng on the table. Without any modification or misrepresentation.

Huangfusong, Zhu Mai, Dong Zhuo, and Cao Cao also received military exploits and rewards for this big victory.

It is worth mentioning that.

When listing the military exploits above, Su Mu also reported the roles of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei in this battle and their military exploits.

They also received a reward!


Unlike historically,

In history, Liu, Guan and Zhang were listed on the list of military exploits by Zhu Xi after the follow-up campaign to suppress the Yellow Turbans. But this time in the battle exploits above. The three of them did not get the slightest seal.

Until later, the doctor Zhang Jun reported the three people's military exploits again. Talented and worthy of awards

This time, it was Su Mu who made the list of military exploits. Liu Bei directly skipped the subsequent battles of Wancheng and Nanyang. . Obtained the post of Lieutenant of Anxi County, Zhongshan Prefecture, Dingzhou in advance.

Overcome the battle of Wancheng and the battle of Nanyang.

The number of times earlier than in history: Liu, Guan and Zhang took office.

Being snatched away by Su Mu for the first chance directly led to his lack of reputation later on. After his status fell into disrepair, Su Mu returned Liu Guanzhang's military exploits to him in this way].

And Liu Guanzhang?

After breaking away from their historical trajectory, they returned to their proper historical trajectory in this way. L

Zhang Yu is dead.

The Yellow Turban Rebellion is not yet completely over.

After Huang Fusong, Zhu Fo and others received their rewards, (Zhao Zhaohao) had to continue going south to wipe out the remaining Yellow Turban bandits.

Su Mu, however, appeared after the Emperor Ling of the Han Dynasty

Follow the rest of the black armored cavalry with less than 2,000 people. He returned to Fengwu City with the remaining heavy armor Modaopang with less than 5,000 people.

The Battle of Wancheng and the Battle of Nanyang Li were also regional battlefields.

And the target is considered a large regional battlefield.

But at this time Su Mu has no intention of participating in this regional battlefield.

On the one hand, he has already entered the peerless world, and it is difficult for him to improve his strength in a regional battlefield of this scale. It is also difficult to bring him an improvement in his status and title:

On the other hand...he has already learned all about this system update from Luo Qianqian!

A target time, nearly one-third of the time has passed.

He will use the rest of the time to prepare for the upcoming first national / / war

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