I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 239

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096 Su Mu's Heinous Crime! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

012 The heinous crime committed by Su Mu_

The rules of the country/war will be announced the day before the official opening.

Therefore, no one knows the specific details of this first national battle.


Since it is a country//war|_

The scale and level of a war carried out in the unit of a large game area will definitely far exceed those of the remaining regional battlefields, and even exceed the decisive battle in Ye City.

The larger the scale of the war, the greater the risks involved. The more chances it contains, the more

This national//war --- Su Mu will not miss it!


On the basis of ensuring the safety of his territory and that of Luo Qianyu, he will do his best to prepare for this first national//war 1_


Su Wu, Luo Qianyu, Xi Zhicai, plus Xuanjia Iron Cavalry and Heavy Armored Sword Soldiers, the total number is only a few thousand.

After the things in Yecheng are over. Luo Qianqian directly consumed a large amount of gold coins. Send all of them back to Fengwu City through the teleportation array

A player's territory is promoted to a county seat. And after building the teleportation array, you can freely set the teleportation array.

The lord can set which city the teleportation array can lead to, and can also set that only specific people can use the teleportation array in his territory. The only thing that cannot be set is the teleportation fee of the teleportation array.

To put it simply, the cost of the teleportation array is not turned over to the Taihan court, but turned over to the system.


When the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out in 223, the military generals of the imperial court would directly bring their generals to arrive at the z cities through the teleportation array-then times-transportation, wouldn't it be fine?

Why bother to march so hard

The fee paid is equivalent to the system's maintenance fee for the teleportation array in each city. ,

Too much gold was paid.

Su Wu, Luo Qianyu and others traveled hundreds of millions of miles in an instant, returning from Yecheng to Fengwu City on the border between Yizhou and Jingzhou.


Just now, Su Mu disbanded the Xuanjia Cavalry and Heavy Armored Sword Soldiers that he had brought back. When returning to the barracks to rest, Bai Qishan hurried over with a few assistants under his command.

"Subordinate Bai Qishan...greetings to the lord and the lord!"


Bai Qishan made Qian's face full of excitement.

Fengwu City was changed to a county government. His lord became the general who conquered the South. He also smashed the headquarters of Huangzhong, and the news of Zhang Jiao's beheading had already spread to Fengwu City.

As Su Mu's subordinate, and as the actual manager of Fengwu City, under two people and over ten thousand people, how can Bai Qishan not be excited?

The stronger one's lord is, the higher one's status will be as a result of embarrassment

It also means that what you have learned in the second body can be better played!

"During this time, I have worked hard on you."

Looking at the current Bai Qishan, Su Mu is also quite emotional 2

The change of Fengwu City to the county government means that Bai Qishan needs to deal with more and more things


A few months passed. Bai Qishan was not crushed and exhausted by the heavy work as Su Mu was worried about at the beginning, but he was quite high-spirited.


As early as more than a month ago. Bai Qishan has already broken through his own limit. From a civil servant who waited for the special unit NEC _..to a third-rate civil servant!

more than that

After a lot of accumulation, he even began to climb towards the level of second-rate civil servants!

A low-level third-rate civic official is enough to handle the affairs of a county: = a first-time second-rate civic official can even handle the affairs of two counties.

Fengwu city changed to county government e

However, the county towns, towns, and famous villages under Fengwu County have not yet been built. With his current ability, it is more than enough to handle these things and government affairs.

As for the reason for Bai Qishan's breakthrough:

Looking at Bai Qishan who was obviously much better than before, Su Mu smiled and said, "Successful?"

Bai Qishan said respectfully, "Success 3⊥ His old man has already accepted his subordinates as students. He has taught students too many things. If it weren't for this, the subordinates would not be able to break through their limits so quickly. Reaching the current level ""

"Subordinates feel: -: practice for a while, and then ask the old man for advice for a while. It is estimated that the second-rate civil servants:. Also. Not a problem⊥"

"All of this is a gift from the mayor!

"If it weren't for the lord, the subordinates wouldn't have the opportunity to show what they have learned in Fengwu City. If it weren't for the lord, the next student from a poor family::: It is impossible for (aecb) to have the opportunity to worship under his old man's name, and be accepted by others. accepted as a student"

"My lord, please accept my bow!"

This prayer is too polite.

When Bai Qishan's worship was over, Su Mu was pleasantly surprised to find that Bai Qishan's loyalty to him had reached 10C points

100 points is full of loyalty_

100 points of loyalty means death_B

Bai Qishan's loyalty means that from now on, no matter what Su Mu does, no matter who he hears about, his loyalty to Su Mu will not change.

= Cut - only because of the opportunity brought by Su Mu! ,

One, a great opportunity belonging to Bai Qishan

"Okay, get up."

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