I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 240

"There is no need for so much etiquette between us.

After helping Bai Qishan up, Su Mu said to Xi Zhicai. "Come on. Let me introduce you. This is Bai Qishan. During the war between Benhou and Yangqian, all the affairs of the territory are entrusted to him: Qishan, this is the military advisor of Benhou, Xi Zhicai. The great talent of the time! Whether it is military strategy or internal affairs, it is a must!"

"I have time. You should ask the military adviser for advice."

In fact, there is no need for Su Muming to say.

When I saw Xi Zhicai. Bai Qishan has already done it respectfully_- salute, "Enter Bai Qishan after the end of school:::Meet the military teacher_Bai Qishan's knowledge is shallow. Please ask the military teacher to give a lot of advice, and I will give you some advice!"

Bai Qishan is just a third-rate civil servant.

Xi Zhicai is a well-deserved peerless conspiracy." Even in terms of internal affairs. He also stood at the peak of the top civil servants!

For Bai Qishan. It is an out-and-out opportunity to meet Xi Zhicai and even get the teaching of Xi Zhiben!

so. He kept his posture very low.

Under Su Mu's introduction, Bai Qishan and Xi Zhicai gradually became acquainted.

Xi Zhicai did not hesitate to teach Bai Qishan his knowledge of internal affairs, and Bai Qishan also told Xi Zhicai about the current situation of Fengwu City and Fengwu County during the process of listening to the teacher, and the relationship between the two immediately became closer. many s

After the two got acquainted, Su Mu asked Bai Qishan to lead the way, and a group of four walked towards the side of the City Lord's Mansion, a very quiet but heavily guarded elegant courtyard that had just been built.

here. , is the teacher's residence in Bai Qishan.

And the teacher at Bai Qishan...

If people know that he is here. If people know that Su Mu sent people to rob him to Fengwu City:

The official positions and territories that have been acquired for so long will disappear in an instant!

Even Su Mu, yesterday's great hero, will become a traitor in one day!


He is Lu Zhi!


He is the former Zhonglang general who was brought to Phoenix Dance City by Su Mu personally with the black armored cavalry_ after beheading all the angels... Lu Zhi!

PS, the first update asks for full certificate 1. Ask for automatic subscription,

097 Imprisoned Lu Zhi! [Second more full order! 】

013 Imprisoned Lu ZhiL_

Kill the angel. The robbery was ordered by Emperor Han Ling himself. Lu Zhi, who was escorted back to the capital for questioning, is almost equivalent to the great crime of treason!

Su Mu knew this.

But when they entered Luoyang City for the second time,

Take a trip. Killed the many angels and guards in a deserted wilderness, took Lu Zhi away, and brought him to Fengwu~City

because. He didn't want to see such two respected old men being questioned

because. This is his only. It is also the best opportunity to get this world-renowned Confucian scholar l

Simply saying this may not feel anything.

Just a few examples. It can make people feel that Yuzhi is too strong!

second. Publication fees and Liu Bei. Both were students of Dian Zhi and Lu Zhi was a civil servant and military general who had a teacher-student friendship. It can be said that it is all over the court and the public

Second, Lu Zhi is a senior fellow student of Zheng Xuan, Guan Ning and Hua Xin. He once studied under the Taiwei Chen Qiu and the Great Confucian Ma Rong!

Third, Lu Zhi can be a general when he enters the battlefield_(not a general. A simple commander-in-chief)" He can be a counselor when he retires from the battlefield!

If... the above is not enough for Su Mu to risk being accused of treason to rob Lu Zhi, the next thing is Su Mu, and it is what the entire Fengwu County needs most.

Just as Su Mu possesses the master-level skill of a weapon master, which is invariably beneficial in training arms, and almost no one in the world can compare with him, Lu Zhi is also a master-level skill in teaching students."

Just look at Bai Qishan.

How long has it been since he was selected as a student? Not only has he broken through his limits in one fell swoop, he has become a third-rate civil servant, and he is climbing towards the rank of a second-rate civil servant at an extremely fast speed.

The PC will get a lot of experience points and skills:

Professor Lu Zhi students. Those students will also get a lot of experience points, get the skills of the civil servant's brick house, and get the training degree L of the civil servant's skill

What is Fengwu County lacking the most?

Not only the talents of the generals, but also the people of the civil servants

Wulin can only be cultivated by Su Mu one by one. Collected one by one, but civil servants = a student taught by Lu Zhi can almost support half of the empire.

This is the meaning of Lu Zhi's table

This. is ignored by countless \u0026

Lu Zhi

Had to rob.

He missed that : : second chance, he didn't even know if there was another chance. Let such a master-level existence come to Phoenix Dance City again!

The small courtyard where Lu Zhi lives is next to the City Lord's Mansion.

The small courtyard was newly built after he came.

Porcelain is purely quiet and exquisite -= obviously, it is for the festival to celebrate this famous Confucianist and peerless minister who is famous all over the world. Bai was sent down the mountain with great effort.

But this small courtyard is the most heavily guarded place in Fengwu City!

"The 023 side is afraid that it is the city lord Ma, even the city gate or even the defensive force next to the teleportation

, can't even rent time with this small courtyard.

The entire Phoenix Dance City--

The more than 300 mysterious armored cavalry Su Mu left behind. There were 200 people stationed outside this small courtyard, not only preventing Lu Zhi from coming out of the small courtyard, but also preventing anyone from entering the small courtyard.

Except for Yiying, who was also a beautiful girl who was also brought to the small courtyard by wisdom, the entire small courtyard. Only Bai Qishan can enter and exit freely.


This was before Su Mu and Luo Pingyu came back.

After all, both Su Mu and Luo Qianyang were preparing for the final battle with Zhang Jiao. No one had time to come back and spend time with Lu Zhi before Su Mu got rid of this coercive method. Lu Zhi was left here.

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