I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 565

After doing this- : After cutting, Su Mu headed towards the square in the center of the city at a speed no less than when he came.

When he returned to the city center square like ruins (the acacrs already had countless soldiers lined up in various generals in the city center square =- this is after Dong Zhuo escaped, the ones that Jia Xu recruited were originally ordered by Dong Zhuo Controlling soil.

And before the palace.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, and Huang Zhong followed Su Mu's instructions and guarded Liu Xie's surroundings to prevent someone from killing him. Take Liu Xie away when Su Mu leaves.

at this time.

Liu Xie has changed his imperial crown again.


There was no joy of getting out of the predicament on his face, but he looked anxiously at the direction Su Mu was leaving—before he was sure that Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu were beheaded, maybe only Su Mu was by his side. Only then can the little emperor, who has gone through twists and turns, come to feel at ease.

As for those texts...

so awkward.

They are also outside the palace. But separated by Zhao Yun, Dian Wei and Huang Zhong, no one could get close to Liu Xie.

Su Mu returns.

Liu Xie was infinitely delighted.


At this time, Su Mu didn't have the heart to talk to the little emperor.

After saluting to the little emperor, Su Mu said lightly, "Your Majesty, please go back to the palace to rest, and return to the palace to pay your respects to Your Majesty after the golden evil is wiped out at the end."

"Come on, cooperate with the military division to guard the palace, anyone who dares to enter and leave the palace without authorization, and those who intend to do something wrong 1. Kill without mercy"

"Yulong. Han Sheng: -2, together with this Marquis, destroy the remnants!."


Facing Liu Xie again=li, in the light of Liu Xie's anxiety and reluctance, Su Mu took Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong, and brought 100,000 Jiatu who had been surrendered by Jia Xu, and headed towards the Chang'an area at the fastest speed. out of town!

After being defeated by Su Mu, Dong Zhuo's first reaction was to rush out of the city. Pinbu's first reaction was to rush out of the city.

Dong Zhuo rushed out of the city because he wanted to escape from Chang'an City. He rushed to other cities to plan his funeral. Lu Bu rushed to the city: office: because of his generals. His daughter L is still on the mountain of the barracks

Dong Zhuo's power is gone.

It is very likely that Su Mu will be beheaded directly.

If you don't want to take refuge in Su Mu, then you will embark on the road of exile

And see Su Mu's z side begins. He has always regarded Su Mu as his goal and opponent. At this time, Lu Bu obviously does not want to rely on Su Mu. So he's going out of town, he's going to the barracks. Take away the general and female from 2

Because he was not sure whether Su Mu would kill them, let alone be sure. How will Liu Xie and the court officials, who have already escaped from high control, treat their generals and daughters?


Chang'an City is not far from the barracks.

With Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong. And the Hundred Thousand Armors: After going up to Chang'an City, Su Mu directly released the only Shen-level battle formation he had mastered - = = Yuxue L

The bloody battle formation greatly enhances the rusticity and combat power of the soldiers under his command, and can last up to a full day L

It is undoubtedly the most suitable battle formation for these soldiers at present


Afterwards, you will suffer a period of weakness for z months e


These 100,000 soldiers are not my soldiers

Not to mention the one-month period of weakness, even if these soldiers died in the process of chasing Lu Bu and others... Su Mu may not feel much pain."

Blessed the bloody battle formation.

Not only has the rusticity and combat power of the 100,000 armor been greatly increased, but the marching speed has also been greatly improved. It hardly took much time. They rushed to the barracks outside the city 2


Su Mu and others saw a chaotic scene⊥

Countless Jiashi were robbing the only property in the barracks, and countless Litu escaped from the barracks in the chaos and disappeared in the wilderness outside the barracks.

barracks. already messed up a

It is clear.

Lu Bu has also brought his own generals and generals under his command. Raise this barracks

Looking at the barracks that had started to burst into flames and quickly spread, Su Mu let out a sigh of relief, "Zilong, you stay here with fifty thousand Jiatu, and gather the troops in the barracks."

"Any rebel, kill without mercy!"

"Han Sheng, let's chase L"

In terms of rank, Zhao Yun is one rank higher than Huang Zhong.

But in the battle with Lu Bu. Zhao Yun suffered a blow from Lu Bu Wushuang head-on, and his injuries far surpassed Huang Zhong's!,

If there is another war, it is obvious that Huang Zhong is more suitable than Zhao Yun: suitable for participating in the war.

As for this: Even if the injuries on his body have not recovered, Zhao Yun is left to guard the barracks. It’s already considered overkill!


Su Mucai took Huang Zhongyi with the remaining 50,000 Jiatu. Follow the traces left by Lu Bu and others, one way: chase north!

PS. The first update asks for the full certificate! Ask yourself

034 After the break! Lu Bu's entrustment! [Second more full order! 】

032 L Lu Bu's entrustment after the breakup L-

= Run wildly!

When approaching the barracks, the 50,000 Jiatu left by Su Mu to Zhao Yun were all 50,000 Jiatu taken away by the infantry himself and Huang Zhong. but all cavalry

Under the blessing of the bloody battle,

The speed of the 50,000 armored vehicles whose potential has been greatly stimulated is no slower than the marching speed of the troops blessed with soil-seeking skills...even faster.

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