I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 566

Even so.

After more than half a day passed, Su Mumu took Huang Zhong and the 50,000 Jiatu to catch up with Pinbu-:: and his subordinates


Even fleeing from L

Lu Bu didn't just flee alone with his generals and his daughter, but he brought ten of his generals out of the barracks together, and fled towards the north.

perhaps. It's Nostalgia 2

Or maybe, they want to rely on these subordinate Ls to build a new territory for themselves?

In short.

Under the circumstance that he could 100% escape from Su Mu's pursuit by escaping alone, Lu Bu chose to bring his daughter, his generals, and his soldiers.

in this way.

Only when they were one step ahead, they were found by Su Mu and his generals along the traces along the way...to catch up

Fifty thousand cavalry.

The 50,000 cavalry whose potential had been stimulated by the bloody battle array came after them, and Lu Bu and other generals under his command noticed it from afar.


When he saw the mighty chasing cavalry team, Lu Bu gritted his teeth and stepped down resolutely, "Wen Yuan, Gao Shun: take Lingqi and go to L Benhou first::: cut off the queen for you!"

"My lord can't be 1."

"Father can't"

When Lu Bu said these words. Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Lu Lingqi's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and they wanted to stop Lu Bu.

If ever. what they won't say

Because in their hearts, Lu Bu is invincible."

Even after Lu Bu stayed behind, they believed that in the end Lu Bu would catch up with them safely.

But this - -:.::: is different!


This time Lu Bu's opponent is Feng Wuhou and that - even if they have too much confidence in Lu Bu, they have to admit that the other party is the world's number one general. The famous Feng Wuhou!


Lu Bu was seriously injured.

They have also learned from Lu Bu's report that Ben'an City- -Battle: 2: Even if the unparalleled state is turned on, their lord is still defeated⊥. With Feng Wuhou still maintaining his full fighting power, his own The lord has fallen⊥

in this way.

Lu Bu was seriously injured just now.

Feng Wuhou led his troops to chase after him.

If Lv Bu is left alone: ​​I am afraid, this will be the last time they will see Lv Bu.

Riding on a little red horse - smaller than the red rabbit horse, Lu Lingqi clenched Lu Bu's Fang Tianji, the 1)=- halberd in her hand, and said with some stubbornness, "If you want to go .Let's go together""

"If you want to fight:-: let's stay together!

Can't see the situation?


As Lu Bu's female Liv, as the only female general who has advanced to the top at such an age in the whole man, as a young general who grew up on a horse and has been following Lu Bu's side to fight against other races: 1.. How can Lu Lingqi not see it? Clear the situation?


Under the guidance of Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others since childhood, Lu Lingqi's military quality is higher than that of most generals in the Han Dynasty."

Because of this ⊥

she doesn't want to go l


In name, Lu Bu was dying for them.

After they drive safely, they will catch up.


They all know that as long as they stay, Lu Bu will be in danger!

Lu Lingqi was unwilling.

I am used to the battlefield. This is a girl general who is about the same age as Diao Chan and Zhao Ji.: I know very clearly what the result of Lv Bu's stay will be!

She would rather die here with Lu Bu than at the price of Lu Bu's death in exchange for her own Xunhuo!

Daughter of ghosts and gods, never afraid of death!


Glancing at Su Mu and others who had appeared in the distance and were getting closer, Lu Bu, who had always appeared in front of the world with a rude and unruly image, rarely showed his tender side.

"It's my father who is bad. I never let you live a stable life. It's my father who made you two."

Lu Lingqi was too shocked.

At this time, what is the difference between saying these words a and last words? L


Before Lu Lingqi could make a move, Lu Bu slashed Lu Lingqi's neck with a knife like lightning.

On Xiaohong's horse, Lu Lingqi's body slowly fell down.

At this time, Lu Buben looked at Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, "Wenyuan, Ah Shun, Lingqi: =. I will entrust it to you. When the pursuers are defeated, Benhou will naturally come back to chase you.


"Take good care of Yi Lingqi! Find a place to live in seclusion and don't let her take revenge. 1. Find a good home!"

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