I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 654

And in the garrison of the generals, counselors and civil servants that have been transmitted continuously, I completely control them in my own hands. And there will be no accidents of rebellion again!

at the same time.

Zhao Yun took his silver dragon cavalry and hundreds of thousands of troops to take down the part of the territory of Bingzhou that belonged to Gongsun Zan. With the support of Dian Wei and Chu Heng who arrived later, Huang Zhong occupied the boundary of Qingzhou.

It can be said.

At about the time when Yuan Shao died and Yecheng was attached to L, the generals under Su Mu's command, Mou Tu and Wen Chen 1 have realized the seamless takeover of the territory originally occupied by Yuan ShaoL

Until it's all done!

After Su Mu's subordinates completely took over the territory that originally belonged to Yuan Shao:.

The reinforcements from the princes all the way reached the border of Jizhou.

It's not that they don't want to hurry up. But dare not.

Especially when the news that Yecheng had fallen and Yuan Shao killed himself by suicide came. Only when reinforcements from all the vassals have arrived will they dare to cross that border. Enter the border of Jizhou⊥

before this

who dares

Whoever dares to be the first to cross the border of Jizhou may become the target of the King of Yunzhou's conquest!

PS. The fourth update asks for the full certificate!. Asks for automatic subscription

098 Draw the land as the boundary, and the northern overlord is born! [Fifth more full order! 】

018 Draw the land as the boundary, the overlord of the north_Birth L

After realizing the seriousness of Yunzhou Wangqi's involvement in the vassal hegemony, almost every vassal sent out his confidant generals and elite troops.

When the reinforcements of these princes gathered. = No less than the military strength of the princes fighting against Dong, they appeared on the border of Jizhou⊥

the difference is.

At the beginning, the princes passed Dong out of righteousness

Today's princes resist the Soviet Union out of selfishness because they are afraid of Su Mu's terrifying reality and powerful forces.

After arriving at the border of Jizhou, the reinforcements of the princes along the way did not continue to move forward, but set up camp at the border of Jizhou to fight against it.

If the King of Yunzhou continues to go south, this army of millions will be the front line of defense against the King of Yunzhou.

If it is Yunzhou Wang Zhige:.: they also have to wait for the next order from their lord


A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

When it is confirmed that Su Mu has left the customs. Has broken through to the realm of legends. And when he personally joined this war 1. Except for very few princes: basically no one led the army in person.

Su Mu's past record. L's amazing decapitation tactics 20 made them fearful!_

Ever since.

At the time when Yuan Shao committed suicide, all the territories under his command fell, and the allied forces of the princes had reached the border of Jizhou:- A delicate balance was formed between Su Mu and the princes.

Su Mu never went south.

The allied armies of the princes did not dare to go any further.

Within Ye City.

Report as a scout. After the coalition forces of the princes had already stationed at the southern border of Jizhou, they were discussing the next strategy with Guo Jia, smiled slightly, and stood up.

This situation was already expected by Guo Jia.

Already prepared accordingly!

Whether it is conquering Liaodong or conquering Yuan Shao. Su Mu followed Guo Jia's plan, adhering to the "righteousness". Isn't it for this moment?

A righteousness.

It is not only a reason for Su Mu to the people of the world, but also a reason for him to give the princes peace of mind!


When his generals, counselors, and civil servants devoted their energies to the garrison and governance of the newly acquired territory. Su Mu rode the Qilin beast and left Yecheng alone. Rush to the southern border of Jizhou.

Without the drag of the army.

At the speed of Qilin beasts, Su Mu rushed from Yecheng to the southern border of Jizhou in just one day.

The mighty camp covering hundreds of miles also appeared in front of Su Mu


He didn't charge.

Instead, he slowed down when he was about to reach the camp. Finally, it stopped only a few kilometers away from the camp.


The Blood God Halberd was raised.

= The Dao military general skill is released towards the sky

Thunder time L

There was a panic in the whole camp LL

When he saw the soaring glazed general technique that belonged exclusively to Su Mu. Almost every general and strategist in the camp thought it was Su Mu who led the attack!

After the scouts sent the news that Su Mu had come alone, their nervousness eased a little.

Immediately afterwards.

Taking the power of the princes as the unit, = generals gathered together and rushed out of the camp.

L and Su Mu looked at each other thousands of meters away.

_ Hundreds of generals, including many innate generals and peerless generals, even so. They also dared to face Su Mu with their collective strength after gathering!

Opposite the camp.

Standing high above the Qilin beast, Su Mu quietly watched the camp panic. Watching the camp calm again. I also watched the generals gather and rush out of the camp.

_ There are hundreds of generals, many of whom are familiar to Su Mu.

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