I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 655


They are either comrades in arms, or they eat together.


They all stood on the opposite side of themselves.


(beci)_ Among the group of generals, the three generals with the L rank and the highest strength


There was no fluctuation in Su Mu's heart.

As early as when Guo Jia's northern strategy was formulated, he expected it. Today, he expected that all the princes except Zi 2. would be his opponents and enemies.

He didn't come here to sigh

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of generals, Su Mu took out three exquisite wooden boxes and threw them on the grass in front of him. He said in a voice without any emotion, "The Yuan brothers stole the destiny. Trying to claim the title of emperor" Gongsun Du overstepped the bounds, conspiring against the law.”

"These three are all rebellious ministers!"

"This king is the general of the town. I have the duty to monitor the world. I have ordered the execution of all three of them, so as to imitate Youshan."


"Limited to the borders of Bingzhou, Jizhou, and Qingzhou, the rebellion will not be obvious. This king will not come out!

"Everyone, do yourself a favor."

After saying these words, Su Mu's light swept across the familiar figures again, then turned the horse's head, patted the horse and left.

There was a long silence.

When Su Mu's figure had completely disappeared, on the horizon in the distance, a general reacted, and sent his own soldiers to pick up the three wooden boxes left by Su Mu.

The wooden box is opened.

Three different general seals appeared in front of everyone.

These three will print. Representing Gongsun Du, Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao respectively! With the general seal instead of the head, Su Mu informed them of their fate under the witness of hundreds of generals!

If the rebellion does not show up, the king will not come out.

After reading the three general seals. Many generals and counselors fell into contemplation, and then heard that the king of Yunzhou came at the first time. He left the news of what he said and passed it on to his lord|

As for the chase::

The idea never crossed the mind of a single person 2

Even though they have millions of troops, hundreds of generals, and + digit leaders, no one dared to propose to encircle Su Mu by himself X⊥


Deep in their hearts, they clearly realized that it was impossible to surround and kill Su Mu.


Follow the messengers to leave the camp. Passing the words left by Su Mu to the military generals and land-seeking lords, this huge camp fell into peace again.

Just a few days later.

The first scout returned. He conveyed the military order of the lord to retreat.

Followed by the second and third:

From the time Su Mu appeared outside the camp, it was only a dozen days, and this team gathered the power of the princes. With millions of soldiers, nine to hundreds of generals, and a few soil seekers, the coalition forces of the princes quietly dispersed.

from beginning to end.

Not even a single person has ever crossed the Jizhou border”

PS, the fifth update asks for a full order! Please subscribe automatically!

099 Clouds and Qingji! King of the North! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

011 The Clouds Merge with Qingji L in the North_

Be King in the North 1"

When Su Mu returned, Guo Jiagong in Yecheng City Lord's Mansion cupped his hands and smiled.

The entire industry city.

Only Guo Jia knew what Su Mu was doing during the time he was driving, because this was originally part of his plan. _


When specifying the northern strategy, Guo Jia realized that the princes were coming to attack, so he made all kinds of preparations in advance. Su Mu went to the princes' camp. The words spoken were just to put an end to all these preparations.

Those words were an explanation to the princes. It is also a promise to the princes

The confession is . .

Su Mu, as the Grand General of Zhen Guo, has the duty of supervising the world.

Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, and Yuan Shao took Yuan Shu in. Inheriting Yuan Shu's so-called Mandate of Heaven also has the ambition to become emperor. Although Gongsun Du did not proclaim himself emperor. But wearing a crown, wearing imperial clothes, and traveling in luxuries are actually no different from the emperor.

It's a well-known thing in the world

It is precisely because the world knows it. Su Mu, the Yunzhou Yu, the Zhen Guotai general sent out troops after "leaving the customs" and beheaded Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu directly!

This is Taiyi

Even though, all the princes knew that Su Mu used this as an excuse to defeat Yuan Shao and occupy the land that originally belonged to Yuan Shao. But in terms of righteousness and procedure, there is no problem with Su Mu's approach.

promise is,

After occupying this large piece of land that originally belonged to Yu Yuanshao, Su Mu took the boundary of Bingzhou, Jizhou and Qingzhou as the boundary.

The north of the boundary belongs to Su Mu's territory, and the south of the boundary belongs to the princes' territory.

As long as there are no more existences like Gongsun Du, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shao among the princes who intend to claim the title of emperor-: then he will never step out of this border!

Regardless of the war between the princes, they will not go south to invade the princes!

This is Su Mu's promise v

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