I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 662

"Your Majesty, take it easy"

"There must be some misunderstanding

Seeing that the pole of Su Mu's hand worm was already lit up, L Gao Shun, the bloodthirsty spear-throwing spear L Gao Shun who looked like a little sun that had fallen to the ground, was too frightened, and immediately urged the horse to rush to Su Mu's side.

"Grandpa Yu, please give this general a chance!

Clear up this misunderstanding."

After all, it is one of the generals I value-

In the past year or so, Gao Shun has trained more than one million elite troops for Su Mu. Gao Shun's face still needs to be given

Nodding expressionlessly, Su Mu dissipated the real anger of Liuli on the bloodthirsty throwing spear.

And this time. That spear, which has the quality of a spiritual weapon, has turned into a drop of suitable iron juice, dripping on the ground.

"Su Mu nodded, and Gao Shun breathed a sigh of relief.

oe patted the horse forward and came under Jiuyuan City_Gao Qing saw a familiar figure on the city wall x "Gao Shun is a general and a Q on this city wall"

Cheng Lian, one of Lu Bu's generals

It is the guard guarding Jiuyuan City!

Hearing Gao Shun's voice at the bottom of the city, Cheng Lian on the wall was even more shocked, "Is it really General Gao Shun? You are not: 1, why did you come here with King Yunzhou, and the army suppressed the situation?"

Gao Shun didn't explain the past of the time when he disappeared, Gao Shun just said, "Where is the lord? The King of Yunzhou is here this time as a friend, not an enemy. Please come out and meet me!"

Cheng Lian did not doubt Gao Shun's words.

He is just one of Lu Bu's powerful generals, but Gao Shun::* and Lu Bu have a brotherly relationship 1 Both he and Lu Bu firmly believe that Gao Shun is the person who is the least likely to betray Lu Bu


Cheng Lian looked embarrassed. After hesitating for a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "General Gao Shun, it's not because the future general is unwilling to invite the lord to come, it's because the lord is not in Jiuyuan City at all."

"My lord has been trapped deep in the grassland for more than ten days."

When Cheng Lian's words came out, Gao Shun turned pale with shock. Even Su Mu was a little confused. ,

I see.

No wonder the garrison on Jiuyuan City reacted so tensely when I appeared: No wonder I waited for so long, and Lu Bu still didn't show up!

It turns out that Lu Bu is not in Jiuyuan City at all.

Su Mu was just a little confused. Gao Shun was impatient, _"General Cheng, please tell me in detail." With the power of the lord, how could he be trapped deep in the grassland? _ L Er and other generals:. Have you ever gone to help?"

Cheng Lian was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said, "General Gao Shun cut the tomb, worrying that the lord is just trapped, and there is no danger of his life! Besides, five days ago, General Zhang Liao brought most of the troops in the city to support him."

"In addition, there are many other people around the lord to help::=: Come to think of it, it shouldn't be a problem for 2 to break through the blockade of the Huns and return smoothly!"

Thinking of Lu Bu's unrivaled force second only to Su Mu, Gao Shun's anxiety eased a little.

He couldn't help looking at Su Mu's blood.

"Forcibly ask him if he knows where Lu Bu is trapped."

After Gao Shun turned to ask, Cheng Lian hurriedly said. "When General Zhang Liao went to support before 5th A, he had already taken away a scout. Now there is still a scout in the city, but that one is still seriously injured. 2: I'm afraid it will be difficult to lead the way. 2."

"Take it."

"Ready to go"

Su Wu said something lightly.

It's just that an NPC of a unit is seriously injured, and the many elixir in his Sumeru Ring can be solved by any-z strains.

Cheng Lian didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly opened the city gate and sent the seriously injured scout out. Su Mu then took out an electric elixir and stuffed it into the scout's mouth. In less than a quarter of an hour, the scout with more than a dozen arrow wounds on his body was healed."


Even the city of Jiuyuan City has not stepped into the step. Su Mu directly took his general Tu L, under the guidance of that scout, and rushed towards the direction where Lu Bu was trapped!

On the way to the depths of the grassland, Su Mu and the others knew what had happened through the description of the young man.

simply put.

That is, Su Mu went out of customs and broke through the legendary realm: plus defeating Yuan Shao in the First World War and becoming the Jade of the North occupying the five northern states. These two things stimulated Lu Bu.

Lv Bu, who has reached the level of holy rank and natural danger, intends to use the Huns as a powerful enemy to put enough pressure on himself, so that he can break through the legendary realm as soon as possible. In order not to let himself be dragged down too much by Su Mu, and to complete the task of killing the Huns as soon as possible "


He chose a wrong way to provoke the Huns. It also greatly underestimated the overall strength of the Huns!

so that.

When the Huns took the initiative to attack as he wished, that kind of tragic offensive: Even Lu Bu, who has reached the holy rank, can barely support

so e

He was stranded on the prairie!

PS: Seek full order for the first update! Seek automatic subscription

105 Grassland Raiders, Lu Bu Builds a City! [Second more full order! 】

108 Raiders of the Grassland, Lu Bu builds a city_

Perhaps it was influenced by Su Mu's slaughter of the Wuhuan clan, and he wanted to accomplish all his achievements in one battle: or maybe he wanted to destroy the Xiongnu as soon as possible. Complete your own name and mission.

After going deep into the Tai Prairie, Lu Bu chose to provoke the Xiongnu by building a city!

This method can be said to have touched the bottom line of the Huns.

Like Wuhuan, the Huns are also nomadic.

Migration with aquatic plants, sturdy folk customs, strong mobility, etc., are all the advantages of this type of nomadic people.

It is precisely because of these characteristics that these nomadic peoples come and go as if they repeatedly invaded the territory of the Han Dynasty, burned, killed and looted, and fled every day before the imperial army arrived. It is extremely difficult to eradicate

Lu Bu built the city in the grassland: and built the city deep in the grassland. This has touched the bottom line of the Huns!

With the background of the great man, as long as there is a city standing on the Tai Prairie, and the teleportation array will be opened on the "April and Nine Earths". It can be based on this city. Continuously radiating towards the surroundings!

As time goes by, more and more cities are built on the Tai Prairie, the living space of the Huns will be smaller, and they will eventually become extinct—just like Yunzhou as ordered⊥

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