I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 663

have to say.

Lu Bu provoked the Huns in this way and attracted the Huns to come to attack him on his own initiative, which was very effective. But it also touched the bottom line of the Huns. Almost all the Xiongnu were united. Let's attack together!

The Huns are strong and have a large population, even worse than Wuhuan.


When the many Xiongnu leaders and nobles led troops to attack, Lu Bu and his generals encountered unprecedented crises and challenges! So much so that the ghost god Lu Bu, who was invincible in the Han territory except Su Mu, was Trapped in the depths of this grassland!


With Lu Bu's strength, it is still very easy to return to Wuyuan County with his generals and cronies fighting a bloody road. But doing so means abandoning the hundreds of thousands of soldiers he brought into the grassland, abandoning the aliens who followed him deep into the hinterland of the Huns, and abandoning the city that was built on the grassland after suffering.

Lu Bu, don't want to."

After getting this information from the scout, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Bu, after all, has transformed.

Although, he is still a little reckless, but in terms of right and wrong. i He is no different from the former Wen Hou Lu Bu. Such Lu Bu. He is qualified to let Su Mu go to the rescue: Lu Bu like this is qualified to be valued by Su Mu.

starry night rush e

Ten days after leaving Wuyuan County, Su Mu and others were about to catch up with Zhang Liao and his generals on the prairie who had gone to support them. Already able to see the traces left by the troops marching e

After thirteen days of driving away from Wuyuan County, Su Mu and others caught up with the second army led by Zhang Liao.

Contrary to Su Mu's expectations, Zhang Liao had already reached the level of no rank in the middle class at this time.

It is not as good as Zhao Yun, Huang Zhong and others, but it is much better than Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others!

can imagine. This is what Lu Bu brought_ and them into Secret Realm A again.

With Gao Shun here, there was no misunderstanding this time.

When I learned that Su Mu, the former enemy, did not appear to conquer Wuyuan County. But Zhang Liao joined the team without hesitation when he was attacking the Huns and rescuing Lu Bu who was trapped in the grassland.

The place where the two armies meet is not far from the place where Lu Bu was trapped.

With the blessing of Guo Jiamou's skills, this army with a total number of 350,000 people set out for an urgent march again. After three days, they finally went deep into the prairie and arrived at Lu Bu's location!

This is a big city.


It’s not a county seat, it’s not a county seat, it’s just =: a big city-:= If you upgrade this big city to a county seat or county seat early, Lu Bu can use the teleportation array to continuously transmit the general soil in Wuyuan County , there will be no embarrassment of being trapped in this prairie H.

And when Su Mu and others arrived:: this big city has been besieged by countless Hun cavalry

A rough estimate is that there are millions of them⊥

Millions of Xiongnu soldiers attacking a big city - many of them are innate generals and generals below the innate realm - = being able to persevere until now is enough to show that Lu Bu is strong.

If it weren't for Lu Bu's personal force to be too strong, many Hun leaders and Hun nobles would be afraid. Not to mention the millions of Xiongnu pong species. Even if there are only hundreds of thousands of troops:: they can easily break through - a big city

Millions of enemies are at hand.

When Zhang Liao and Gao Shun looked over, Su Mu just patted the Qilin beast under him, slightly raised the blood god halberd in his hand, and said calmly, "Enter the city first, meet with Marquis Wen, and then


Su Mu urged the unicorn beast u=ma to rush towards the city surrounded by a sea of ​​enemies that looked like an isolated island

no gold orders y

When Su Mu started to charge, his generals also followed Su Mu and started to charge at the same time!

The bloodthirsty killing array starts!

The attack and defense of the black armored cavalry are directly doubled

The title of "Genocide" is activated!

All troops under Su Mu's command =- including those under Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's command = have gained .10% morale and combat power bonuses, and gained _ 10% experience points and _ skill proficiency bonuses

Xiongru belongs to a foreign race.

The premise of starting the title of "genocide" is to launch a war against alien races. 1. Its scope of action_22: It is all the troops under the command of Su Mu! ,

for a while,

The combat power of these more than 300,000 troops has skyrocketed

When Guo Jia released a wide range of soil-seeking skills to bless these arms, their combat power reached its peak!

next moment

These more than 300,000 troops are under the command of Su Mu. Like a battle gun = general. Fiercely stab at the millions of Xiongnu oceans that surrounded Taicheng!

Within the city.

Lu Bu, who has just ended a war, is resting on the city wall.

Since the Xiongnu siege, he has not had a moment of rest e

When the battle is urgent, he has to appear at that critical city wall or gate to assist the soldiers under his command to resist the attack. When the battle slows down, he has time to rest on the city wall .

Even so!

In the past 20 days, this city has been almost breached many times! If it weren't for the soldiers under his command who were not afraid of death, if it weren't for the aliens who followed him to fight bloody, if it wasn't for his force is strong enough ——A mere area_ = a big city, I don’t know how many times it has been captured!


They can't last long.

With a full load of 11, they can still persist for two or three days.

Two or three days later, no matter how strong the army is, Lü Bu will be unable to defend the city alone.

That is at this time::

The scouts are here!

Reinforcements have arrived at L

PS. The second update asks for full order 1 asks for automatic subscription!

106 The king of Yunzhou came to help, ghosts and gods halberd guards! [The third update asks for a full order! 】

106 The king of Yunzhou came to help, ghosts and gods halberd guards!

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