I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 735

How long will it take for millions of heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous generals to be eliminated? 31082 Even if there are still a steady stream of heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous generals coming out of space cracks: it takes less than an hour. All the millions of alien NPCs and alien generals L that came out before were all killed by Su Mu_with his own subordinates

Just for Su Mu himself, the number of alien NPCs and alien generals killed exceeded two-thirds!-

Nine Destroy Millions of Troops!

This is Su Mu's strength after fully displaying his strength!

In the absence of heterogeneous generals with equal combat power, no matter how many heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous generals: it is difficult to pose a threat to him! ,

There are still heterogeneous NPCs and heterogeneous generals pouring out of that space crack. _

It seems never-ending.


There is no name for Su Mu and others

When all the alien N2C and alien generals in the wilderness were killed, Zhao Yun, Xuanjia cavalry and silver dragon milling cavalry all surrounded them, enclosing the huge space crack

Almost the next second when the heterogeneous NPCs emerged from the crack in the space, they were beheaded by so many black armored cavalry and silver dragon cavalry!

What Su Mu and Zhao Yun need to do. It's just to eliminate the alien generals mixed in it P⊥


This is not a long-term concession.

This space crack is not the only one.

Just near the city system under Su Mu's command, there are six space cracks appearing in front of them. This space crack L is just the most extreme one among them!

It is meaningless to contain space cracks.

Even if the space crack in front of him is blocked, enemies are still pouring out from other space cracks. ,


In other places, more space cracks have already poured out countless enemies

Defense is the right thing to do.

Just like the task of the first link issued by the system =. Building a city. 2 Relying on the city

The best way to clear this secret realm is to increase your strength as soon as possible by fighting to raise your strength.”

On the premise that there is no city to rely on._There is no time to transform the equipment and general inheritance dropped by heterogeneous NRC and heterogeneous generals_ into one's own strength, and to support the battle with battle.

It is to kill no matter how many alien NPCs and alien generals. it doesn't make much sense

after all.

National war record: = It is really only after clearing the secret realm. Instinctively exchanged

After thinking of this link, Su Mu didn't care much about the space crack in front of him.

= _After swiping the halberd and killing several alien generals who had just emerged from the crack in the space, Su Mu asked Zhao Yun to return to the west city with the black armored cavalry and the silver dragon cavalry

Relying on the city that has already built a defensive formation, it can resist 220 more and more famous alien NPCs and alien generals. _

And himself:-

On the other hand, maintaining the Wushuang form, rushing towards the gap in the space.

Since heterogeneous generals and heterogeneous NPC_ can continuously emerge through the space rift:: it means that they can reach the other end where they are through the space rift!

The other end of the space rift is very likely to be the base camp of the introduced NPC and alien generals.

More likely: it is the bigger and crueler battlefield above the starry sky!

Su Mu was not afraid of the black breath.

With his current strength::: as long as he doesn't encounter an existence like Bai Qi who can instantly kill him, it is an existence in the fourth or even fifth realm of the legendary field: = Su Mu has absolute certainty that he will be invincible L

It's just a "shrink the ground into an inch" passive skill. It can be called an escape skill!

If he can't beat him, he can safely withdraw from the siege of many legendary generals at any time!


Only Su Mu dared to cross the gap in space. -Explore the situation at the other end

Zhao Yun has already left.

Leaving with Xuanjia Cavalry and Silver Dragon Cavalry

After he had no worries about his future:-: He took a deep breath, stepped out in one step, crossed the many alien NPCs and _ alien generals that had just poured out, and stepped into the gap in the sky

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017 Ling... Temple and the giant hand that covers the sky! [The first update asks for a full order! 】

013 Ling Dian and the giant hand covering the sky_

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There was a strange noise.

The real one spans the gap between the curtains. When entering the other side from the Continent of the Secret Realm, Su Mu felt like a drop of clear water dropped into a boiling oil pan


Malicious L

A black aura so thick that it is almost suffocating is overwhelming. 2 completely surrounds Su Mu!

The concentration of this black breath is not only countless times beyond that of the Secret Realm Continent at this time. It is ten times, a hundred times better than when he was in the high-level secret realm and deep A enemy area.

As if *.:

I stepped out in one step and appeared in the enemy's lair."

An endless black breath poured in.

In this extremely dense and extremely pure black breath, Su Mu seems to be able to hear countless frightened hisses 1. Hear countless desperate cries!

as if

Countless worlds and countless lives are gathered in this black breath, and when countless lives are terminated, the direct negative emotions emanating from it are just like that."

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