I’m Really Not An NPC

I'm Really Not an NPC Chapter 736

Just listening to the deepest despair contained in this black breath makes Su Mu's mind a little unsteady!

its to

Two tiny black scales.11

began to grow from his skin


He just crossed the crack in the research room. Appeared in an unknown place outside this world.: Under the erosion of the desperate wailing and black breath, his body began to alienate!


He is pregnant with colored glaze and real fire.


He is already in the body of glass.

When the black aura invaded his body and the howling of despair was also affecting his mind: the Liuli Zhenhuo L that shrouded his body originally burned even more ferociously!

Constantly purify the black aura that invaded his body, and also constantly remove the negative emotions that affect his mind.

at this moment

On Su Mu's attribute panel, the proficiency of _ began to increase at a speed beyond Su Mu's imagination 1i Even his cultivation progress in the Tibetan Consciousness Realm, that: a legendary characteristic that has never been formed:-: is also in this black breath and despair Under the influence of Jinghao, the rapid increase of H⊥

For Su Mu, this is a treasure land

If there is no enemy, there is no influence of other factors, just stand outside this space crack. Let Liuli Zhenhuo continuously purify the frantic black breath, and his cultivation base and realm can be improved rapidly⊥

Not to mention knowing the Tibetan realm. Even at Royal Sky Realm and higher realms: Su Mu is confident that he can complete the training in a very short period of time

But life,

It's just fantasy. B. This unknown land beyond the space crack not only has the existence of alien NPCs and alien military generals, but also has terrifying existences beyond Su Mu's imagination and beyond his resistance limit.

Vision is blocked 2

That ubiquitous black aura that is so thick to the limit. Su Mu could only vaguely see the scene in the distance.

In front of him, there are countless alien NPCs and alien weapons that are frantically rushing in.

In the distance of his line of sight, Siping saw a piece of shattered Tailu, and saw a huge figure on top of that shattered Tailu exuding a terrifying aura.

at the end of his sight 22

I even saw an incomparably huge floating continent.”

There are majestic buildings and palaces all over that floating space land. And all the buildings and palaces were as black as ink. At the highest point of that floating continent, above an exceptionally majestic palace, there is even a sign board!

The plaque is broken e

incomplete e

But at the beginning and end of the broken plaque, there are still two handwritings depicted with mysterious divine patterns!

Su Mu doesn't recognize this kind of handwriting, but it feels familiar 2

And when his line of sight touches these two handwritings:: what do these two handwritings represent. , also automatically surfaced in his heart.”

The handwriting on the head is Ling.

The handwriting at the end is the hall.

Ling Dian.

When you understand the meaning of these two words on the plaque. This caused an uproar in Su Mu's heart! He thought of the myths and legends of his previous life. I thought of the mythical building that represented the supreme theocracy in the myths and legends of the previous life_represented the control of everything!

He was shocked.

Also panic.

If his guess is true, the enemy they are going to face A:: is really the existence of those legendary bugs:: this is destined to be a desperate battle!


After a little panic, Su Mu calmed down.


If "it"_ l are they really legendary bugs, they = Zhinao Nvwa can't persist until now 1. Take the entire game world plus Xiang Yu and Bai Qi. Even the strength of A such as Shi Huangdi and Liu Bang has been expanded ten times and a hundred times. It is absolutely impossible to be their opponent!


There are hidden secrets that he doesn't know about.

Su Mu is thinking e

The enemies in this unknown land are not idle.

The extremely strong black breath made the colored glaze real fire on Su Mu's body burn violently. So that he doesn't need to care about the countless alien NECs and ordinary alien generals that are constantly used_=-they have been burned to ashes by the glazed real fire fan that spread more than ten meters away before they approached Su Mu.

But this fiercely burning glazed real fire. Also like a torch in the dark night, Su Mu attracted the attention of other existences!

Su Mu saw the floating space above the continent. When the handwriting on the broken card area of ​​the majestic palace "seems to have alarmed some horrible existence! -

A strong sense of crisis rises from my heart

Just as Su Mu subconsciously stepped forward. When returning to the space rift from the unknown place beyond the space rift: the big hand covered with countless fine black scales, which is only enough to cover the sky and the sun, directly protrudes from the floating continent, and grabs it in this direction. Come!

Just one hand!

Then crossed the endless distance L between Su Mu and the Floating Continent

just one hand⊥

It made Su Mu feel a more serious crisis than when he faced Bai Qi."

Step into space crack L

Follow the crack in the space and return to the Great Secret Realm⊥

Su Mu, who was still in shock, only heard a roar that was more shocking than the thunder: = The (good king, good) huge space crack in front of him suddenly shattered L. It was directly smashed L and collapsed by the big hand that struck!

The largest space crack near his territory disappeared.

Su Mu should be happy

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