I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 146 No matter how good a person is at driving, he will eventually fail (specifically)

After that, the world was peaceful for almost a month.

You must know that in an era when unidentified life forms occur frequently, the probability of nothing happening for a month can be said to be extremely low.

Not only the residents of Tokyo were in disbelief, but even the Metropolitan Police found this extremely unbelievable.

On TV, in this short month of peaceful days, many so-called experts have come forward to advocate that unconfirmed life forms have completely disappeared and been killed.

And appealed to everyone that from now on, the world will return to normal.

This argument is not held by one person, and has even gained great recognition among the group.

Whether it is a shopping street or an amusement park, these places that have become somewhat inaccessible in normal times have become turbulent again.

In particular, the killings of unconfirmed life forms have made people panic. These physical industries have encountered a huge blow. In order to protect their lives, people will not go out at all except to go to and from get off work.

This is a serious blow to these playgrounds and even shopping streets.

Therefore, during the month when the unconfirmed life forms disappeared, these places vigorously launched discounts to attract tourists, in order to replenish the lost economy.

If human eyes could emit light, then the eyes of these people would emit green light.

Compared to the general public who boast about peace and encourage people to have fun, the Metropolitan Police Department is on standby and does not dare to have any carelessness.

No one would think that unconfirmed life forms would disappear like this, even if nothing happened in this month.

Not to mention anything else, the existence that once defeated Yanlong and Kuuga, the legendary No. 0, has never appeared at all, which means that the unconfirmed life form has not disappeared at all.

When they hide, they are more worrying than when they jump out and cause carnage.

After all, these guys have the ability to mimic humans. If they are allowed to exist in human society for too long and continue like this, their every move will really be the same as humans, making it impossible to tell them apart.

The Metropolitan Police Department is still busy, but for the fifth generation, it is a rare time to breathe. The frequent rhythm before, even with the help of God, makes the fifth generation as busy as a spinning top.

Now that I have finally rested, I can fulfill my promise to Nana to take her out to play.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

The voice of Tiandao came from the mobile phone, along with the noisy operation of machines and the cheers of many people gathering together.

"I heard it, your voice almost broke my ears." Ichijo held the phone a little further away to avoid having a headache from Tiandao's loud voice: "Aren't you talking to Miss Sakurako and the archaeologist? Are you digging with the team at Jiulang Mountain? Why did you bother to call back?"

"Of course I'm calling you to come and help." Tiandao glanced at the cave: "The murals inside have been rubbed, and the broken stone slabs have been collected. Now we are waiting for an escort."

"Escort?" Ichijo asked doubtfully, "Can you just do this kind of thing by yourself? It's not like you can't drive."

"Although you drive against my car every day, you don't really have a driver's license."

"What's that? I can't leave for now. I accidentally dug another cave while digging here. Godai said... there was something calling him inside."

"I have to go see it with him."

Hearing this, Ichijo also had a headache: "You two guys are involved in the super ancient times. Sure enough, you two have a lot of things going on."

"Where's Guishan? Isn't he coming?"

"The last time he transported the Grime fragments, something like that happened, which cast a shadow on his mind." Tiandao said jokingly: "This time he said nothing."

"Okay, I'll be right away." Ichijou could only agree.

This is because the alert level of the Metropolitan Police Department, which has been calm this month, has returned to normal levels, allowing Ichiko to have time to go out. Otherwise, he would have woken up earlier than a chicken and slept later than a dog.

After hanging up the phone, Tiandao looked towards the cave not far away, where Jean was greeting his companions, carefully holding the broken stone slabs in his hands, and putting them in small boxes for safekeeping.

If these fragile stone slabs break again, the repair work will not be easy.

"Brother Tiandao!" Professor Natsume's daughter, Mika, trotted to Tiandao's side and said happily: "Sister Sakurako calls you over."

"Yeah." After touching Shijia's head, Tiandao smiled and said, "How is it? You saw the content on the mural, right?"

"Yes!" Shijia nodded heavily: "We all saw it."

"But, none of us can figure out what the meaning on the mural is." Shika's face showed a distressed expression: "Brother Tiandao, Enryu and Kuuga...are they enemies?"

Tiandao was silent, after all, whoever saw the mural would think that Yanlong and Kuuga were enemies, and they were also mortal enemies who wanted to take each other's lives.

"You can't get the correct answer by looking at the murals alone. You need to match the broken slate words to know the answer." Tiandao stretched out his finger and placed it in front of Shijia's mouth: "Don't believe what you see with your own eyes. , the real truth is by no means what it seems on the surface.”

Tiandao spoke with unusual firmness, and his words were full of confidence.

"Brother Tiandao, do you believe it so much?" Although Shijia had long known that Tiandao was Yanlong and Wudai was Kuuga, she could not imagine the extent of the trust between the two.

"Instead of believing in things from the ancient times, it is better to believe in ourselves." Tiandao waved his hand and walked towards the tent: "Even if they were enemies in the ancient times, now they are tacit partners."

"What does the ancient times have to do with us in the modern times?"

Leaving such words, Tiandao only left Shijia with a back view, and then entered the tent and saw Sakurako and Wudai who were packing documents.

"Officer Tiandao." Sakurako said immediately after seeing Tiandao: "Well, I have something to ask you."

"Godai said he wanted to enter that cave, the newly discovered cave. I am a little worried. Can I ask you to go with him?"

"No problem." Tiandao made an "OK" gesture: "I just want to know what's in there."

"But you have to wait a little." Tiandao looked at his watch: "Ichijo should be here soon, I'm waiting for him."

"Ichijo-san is coming too?" Godai became more and more happy: "Great!"

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ichijo-san for a long time."

Since the traces of the unconfirmed life form disappeared, the number of encounters between Ichijo and Godai has also decreased a lot.

Before today, Godai hadn't seen each other for seven or eight days.

"How do you feel about seeing that mural?" Tiandao asked.

"That mural really scared me." Wudai crossed his arms: "In the past, were Kuuga and Yanlong rivals?"

"By the way, you always say that there is something in that cave calling you. Can you feel what it is?" Tiandao asked: "Is it calling you or the thing in your body?"

"It should be calling me, right?" Wudai was also a little confused: "I always feel that there is a voice in my brain that makes me become a warrior, and... it seems very anxious."

"Warrior? You are not..." Tiandao was about to say something, but the ringtone that suddenly came to his mind still forced him to answer the phone first.

"Hello, Ichijo, are you here?"

"No." Ichijo's voice was a little tired: "Tiandao, you may have to pick me up."


"On the way, I hit a telephone pole." Ichijo's tone was full of doubts: "My head was a little dizzy, and I didn't control the steering wheel for a while, so something went wrong."

Tiandao: ? ? ?

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