I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 147 As we all know, in the Knight's Shed, brothers will only kill each other, and broth

Chapter 147 As we all know, in the knight's shed, brothers will only kill each other, brothers and sisters...

"You..." Looking at the car that crashed into a streetlight, with white smoke rising slightly, Tiandao was speechless.

Especially when he saw Io Io standing on the roadside with his hands in his pockets, he couldn't hold back any longer.

"Handsome boy, do you want to play with me?"

Parking the car next to Ichijo, Tiandao deliberately pinched his throat and said in a sweet voice: "Let's go up the mountain together and play some fun~"

Being startled, Ichijo immediately jumped up on the spot, and after pulling away, he turned and looked behind him.

With just one glance, he saw Tiandao smiling and gloating about his misfortune.

"You guy!" A furious man stepped forward and grabbed Tiandao's collar: "You're kidding me!"

"Who asked you to stand on the side of the road and act cool?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "Okay, come up, I will take you there."

"I have contacted the traffic police in Nagano Prefecture about the accident here, and he will be responsible for handling it." Ichijo let go of Kabuchi's collar, and just when he was about to get to the passenger seat on the other side, he found that there was something wrong with him in the car. Tiandao inside had already used his hands and feet to notice what the co-pilot was doing before him, and fastened his seat belt, as if the old god was there.

Ichijo stared at Tiandao for a long time.

"I can't drive." Tiandao slumped in the seat: "I have already tried my best to drive the car down the mountain."

“Next, let’s leave it to someone who can actually drive!”

"You lazy dog! I've never seen you so lazy!" Ichijo opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat, saying angrily: "When will your child-like character change?" Need to be a little more mature?"

"Do you want to take advantage of this small advantage?"

When Tiandao heard this, he immediately stretched out his fingers and gestured in front of him.

"My grandpa said that if you don't take advantage of something, you are a bastard. It doesn't matter whether the advantage is big or small, just take advantage of it."

Ichijo: "This is really in line with the impression that our Nagano Prefecture police and citizens have on your Kamiyama family!"

Ichijo and Tendo soon returned to Kurodake Mountain. After getting off the bus, they met Godai and Sakurako who were staying in the cave.

"I'm going to accompany Godai on a trip next. Ichichi, you can escort me."

"I want to go too." Before Tiandao could finish speaking, Ichijo expressed his attitude forcefully: "I want to follow too."

Tiandao knew that something like this would happen, and he knew Ichijo's character very well.

"But, Officer Ichijo, Tendo-san and Godai all received some inexplicable summons, so they wanted to go down to find out. And for the two of them," Sakurako persuaded from the side: "If something really happens, the two of them will I can handle it too.”

"But of these two guys, one is frizzy and the other is careless. Even if they can find any clues, they will ignore them." Ichijo took off his suit and handed it to Mika who was standing aside. : "So, I must go down."

"You can go down, but" Tiandao said, taking out a blue dial from his arms, which flashed a strange light under the sunlight: "You have to bring this."

The thing Tiandao took out immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

Godai and Shijia had never seen it before, while Zizi looked at the portrait engraved on the dial and felt a little familiar.

"Isn't this Shiratori's thing?" Ichijo recognized what it was at a glance. It was the thing he picked up from the ground at that time and handed it to Tiandao afterwards.

"When I was fighting Shiratori, she used this thing to transform." As soon as Tiandao said these words, everyone looked at the dial in shock: "Although I don't know the principle, she If you can do it, there’s no reason why others can’t.”

"You mean," Sakurako said in surprise, "using this thing, I can become a warrior like you and the fifth generation?"

"It's not the same as the fifth generation, it's the same as me." Tiandao said: "I think this should be the same as my armor. It is a clothing-type armor, and it is different from the transformation series of the fifth generation."

"So, there should be no special requirements for using this transformation." Handing the dial to Ichijo, Tiandao looked at Ichijo's eyes that suddenly shone with light, knowing that he was extremely excited now.

Although they have been fighting against the existence of unidentified life forms, Ichijo itself has not played any role.

The fighting has always been done by Tiandao and Wudai.

All Ichijo can do is to send them there, or find where the unidentified life forms are.

Watching the struggle between Godai and Tiandao, seeing them being seriously injured and dying several times, Ichijou felt very unhappy.

But he also understood that this was the only thing he could do.

But now, Tiandao told him that even humans are not without the power to fight. The small dial in his hand can give people enough power to fight side by side with them!

"Although I don't know how to use it yet, I just need you to carry it." Watching Ichijo take over the dial, Tiandao continued: "Otherwise, I would not be willing to take you with me."

"This thing was taken from Shiratori. Are you sure you won't lure Shiratori here?" Ichijo continued: "I don't know where that woman is hiding now."

"If she dares to come out, isn't that just right?" Tiandao showed the symbol on his hand, saying, "I'll call people to beat her up right away!"

After some discussion, Wudai, Tiandao, and Yitiao worked as a team to explore the deep cave leading to the underground that was exposed after the boulder was moved.

The three climbed the rope and slowly descended. At the moment they stepped on the ground, just like the scene in the movie, the torches that were suddenly lit extended all the way, illuminating the road in front of them, winding forward all the way to an unknown distance.

The three looked at each other. Tiandao, who was the strongest in human form, walked at the back. He gathered his will and condensed the Titan Sword. He stood with the sword, ready to deal with any accidents at any time.

Wudai, who had the most sensitive reaction and acuity, walked in the front. He was inspired and needed to lead the remaining two to find the right way to that inexplicable place.

Yitiao was protected in the middle by the two people, but he did not do nothing. Instead, he looked around carefully and paid attention to the details that no one could notice.

After walking to the end of this long passage, three different roads appeared at the end.

The middle road was brightly lit, the one on the far right was dark and deep, and the one on the far left was blocked by a stone gate.

". There are exactly three of us, and there are exactly three roads here?" Tiandao had a half-smile on his face: "It's too much of a coincidence."

"Could the super ancient people who built this place know that there would be such a day?"

"That's not the case." Yitiao shook his head: "Then, how should I choose among the three roads?"

As he said that, Yitiao focused his eyes on Wudai, after all, only he could feel that kind of call.

After closing his eyes and feeling it for a moment, Wudai shook his head and said helplessly.

"No, all three roads are calling me, I don't know which one is the real one." Wudai said hesitantly: "Or, the end points of the three roads are the same?"

"If the end points are the same, then the process is different." Tiandao stood in front of the door blocked by the stone: "Humph, the more it wants us to separate, the more I won't do it!"

"Who stipulated that we must take one of the three roads?"

Tiandao snorted coldly, and suddenly drew his sword. The Titan Sword pierced into the stone door, half of the hilt, and then it couldn't pierce any further.

"Dead end?" Tiandao snorted coldly: "But I just don't believe this!"

As soon as the words fell, the will energy burst out after a short condensation, and the Titan Sword penetrated another third until the entire hilt was submerged.


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