I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 182: Two Lines Must Kill (Emperor Stone of the Sun: What, buddy, I'm not better than th

The stalemate lasted only a moment, and the chance of victory had already tilted towards the other person.

Even though Tiandao insisted, the marks left by his feet on the ground still forced his body to retreat involuntarily.

Yingyue took advantage of the strength, pressed Tiandao's body, and forced him to the back.

Not only that, Tiandao's tense arm suddenly burst out a handful of blood, which spread along the blood mist.

The moment the blood vessels burst, Yingyue's armor was stained with scarlet.

"You are strong enough to be equal to me, but your body can't bear it?" Yingyue sneered and said: "What a pity, you are not a Kamen Rider!"

As soon as the words fell, Yingyue increased his strength and pressed Tiandao's arm, just to force Tiandao to confront him head-on, so as to forcibly defeat Tiandao's body.

But in the face of Yingyue's strength, Tiandao said nothing, but changed from holding the sword with one hand to holding the sword with both hands, relying on this to strengthen his strength and resist the pressure that one hand needs to bear.

He still had no intention of retreating, and still chose to confront head-on. His feet, which were originally forced to retreat uncontrollably, also stabilized.

"I want to see how much of the power of the Emperor Stone you have drawn out!" Through Yingyue's perspective, he could accurately see the light emitted by the Emperor Stone in Tiandao's abdomen.

Although he didn't know why Tiandao didn't transform after the Emperor Stone took effect, he didn't transform because Yingyue was confident that he could win.


The two swords were each repelled, and the moment the swords collided and shook each other apart, the sword of Satan's sword tore the clouds in the sky, and the sword of the nameless sword tore a gully on the ground.

The moment the two swords moved back, the two took a step forward, fist to fist, and met fiercely.


Yingyue kept his body stable, without moving at all, and the spreading air shock wave pressed towards the opposite side.

Tiandao, who failed in the fist fight in an instant, couldn't hear the sound of bones breaking because he couldn't bear the pressure, but he could accurately feel his body being blown away.

The gap between using the physical body to fight against Yingyue is too big.

"Hmph!" Looking at Tiandao who was knocked out by his punch, Yingyue snorted coldly and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

Why did he breathe a sigh of relief? Even Yingyue himself didn't know why.

Taking advantage of his illness, taking his life, Yingyue stretched out his hand to touch the edge of Satan's sword, and the red light suddenly rose. The fierce light wrapped the entire sword body, and slashed at the moment Yingyue raised the sword.

The scarlet sword energy tore a sword mark on the earth, destroying everything along the way, and went towards Tiandao.

The golden fire of will burned more fiercely, Tiandao opened his fingers, and slapped the earth the moment he landed.

The vibrating will energy once again communicated with the will of the earth. In front of Tiandao stood a towering earth wall, accumulating layer by layer, rising up heavily, blocking Tiandao.

The scarlet sword energy was as powerful as a bamboo, cutting off all the earth walls.

But the towering fiery red crystal at the end of the sword energy became the final barrier, completely blocking the sword energy.


Not far away, Yingyue looked at the crystal wall that was glowing red, and for a moment he didn't know what it was.

But he would soon understand, because behind the red crystal, a shallow earth-yellow crystal suddenly unfolded, and the crystal formed by the not-so-strong earth element turned into light particles, and in an instant, it turned into a circular illusory gate.

On the gate of the gate, the word "earth" was engraved.


The red crystal suddenly shattered, and the broken chips turned into countless red light particles, which turned into four streams of light, two of which meandered backwards and converged on Tiandao's body, and the other two condensed in front of Tiandao, forming a red gate composed of fire power.

The clearly visible word "fire" appeared on the gate.

The will of the sky suddenly pressed down. Although the five elements were incomplete, at this moment, based on the memory deeply buried in the blood, he used a move that even the Flame Dragon Armor could not materialize.

Above the five elements, there are still four, three, and two.

The road of sublimation and demotion is always transformed between complexity and simplicity.

The burning fire of will locked the enemy at this moment. The nameless red and white sword rose out of thin air, controlled by the will, and kept the high-speed rotation posture suspended in front of the sky.

The flowing red light attached to the sword body, and the red dragon gathered on the sword edge, penetrating the sword body, integrating the power of fire and earth into one.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart, and Yingyue lowered his body. Even though he was in a transformed state, he should not be afraid, but Yingyue could feel the opponent's attack power, which was not much inferior to himself.

The red light particles formed a pair of red wings behind Tiandao. After condensing into shape, the light wings disintegrated and all flowed into Tiandao's body.

Tiandao pushed forward with one hand and pushed the nameless sword out.

The sword tip penetrated the red door, and the dragon hovered on the sword, roaring and snarling.

The sword tip passed through the khaki door, and a straight vertical line appeared on the nameless sword that penetrated the sword body.

At this moment, the gray dimensional wall was opened. Haidong and Minglong, who calculated the time to open the dimensional wall, poked their heads out of it and greeted Tiandao anxiously.

"Success! Let's go... quickly?"

Originally, they had made plans, that is, they were prepared to see Tiandao who was beaten to death after opening the door.

Even in the best case, Tiandao was surrounded by heavy siege.

But how could they have imagined that the scene they saw after opening the dimensional wall would be so grand and so... incomprehensible.

"Actually... there was a back and forth?!" Ming Long shouted in surprise: "Who... is he?!"

Haidong Dashu did not speak, staring at Tiandao... the nameless sword in front of him, and some surging desires in his heart were ready to move.


Tearing the earth, tearing the air, flying on the sword, the galloping long sword went straight forward, carrying the will to destroy everything.

The final decisive blow, a loud attack.

After the attack, Tiandao leaned forward and fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

Yueying, who faced the sword directly, was not afraid at all.

He locked the distance of the sword and prepared to turn his body in advance. He turned his body to the side and avoided the straight attack.

Although he dodged it, the wind blade caused by the sword passing by his side still cut into his body, causing sparks to burst from Yingyue's body, but it didn't cause much damage.

The dragon moved forward straight and hit the ground at the end. In an instant, the earth and the sky trembled, and a violent explosion swept all the surroundings. The red mushroom cloud slowly rose, and the frantic wind swept around indiscriminately, blowing out everything and turning everything into nothing.

The earth cracked and shook endlessly, and the rumbling sound was endless. Haidong Dashu and Minglong, who were originally dragging Tiandao's two legs to pull him back, were also included in this explosion.

Minglong gritted his teeth and prepared to fight, but Haidong Dashu closed the dimensional wall without saying a word, isolating him and Minglong from this world.

The violent wind that was raised enveloped Tiandao's figure, and he flew towards the outside world in the chaotic sand and gravel, like a rag, disappearing in the distance.

The shock caused by the explosion slowly dissipated, and the smoke and dust lingered here, filling the sky and the earth.

The clouds were defeated, turning into disordered white dots scattered everywhere. On the ground, the huge pits still had red crystals produced by high temperature burning around them, which were all over the pits and left crisscross marks on the pit walls.

Slowly white smoke floated up.

In the ruins that were plowed thoroughly, a hand pushed away the soil pressing on the body. The silver figure that slowly stood up from the ground was stained with many dirt, but other than that, it was not hurt.

But this embarrassed figure made him unable to see the remaining fortune of the king.

"Find him for me." Yingyue's voice was unusually gloomy: "Stop conquering the world first."

"I want to see him alive, or I want to see his body dead."

"Find him for me!"

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