I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 183 Even if it costs my life (Kadota Chaoren: The young man has a future)

Chapter 183 Even if you risk your life... (Superman Kadota: The young man has a future!)

He can no longer be allowed to hold the Emperor Stone!

Standing in the ruins, staring at the huge pothole, feeling the high temperature that has not dissipated, Yueying has released his transformation, but his heart at this moment is definitely not calm, but is filled with indescribable emotions.

The person who holds the Imperial Stone will gradually stimulate the power of the Imperial Stone under the guidance of the Imperial Stone. After the process of fusion with the Imperial Stone becomes longer and longer, the Imperial Stone will gradually reveal various incredible powers.

But it has never been said that someone can have such combat power in a human form while holding the Emperor Stone.

No... this is more than just the ability to hold the Emperor Stone, it's almost like a human version of Black RX.

Apart from being a human being, he is almost no different from black rx.

Yueying didn't know how long Tiandao had held the Emperor Stone, but based on his understanding of the Emperor Stone, if Tiandao could do such a thing now, he would be able to do even more terrifying things in the future.

Because the Imperial Stone is like this, it can push people's power upwards, and they will always be stronger than at this moment.

So, what does the Divine Mountain Heavenly Way look like that is stronger than it is now?

Looking at the huge pit in front of him that was gradually cooling down but still lingering in the heat, Yueying looked gloomy.

That answer can clearly appear in my mind even if I don't need to think about it.

He must not be allowed to hold the Emperor Stone anymore.

If this continues, who knows how strong he will become next time he appears?

The incredible power that the Imperial Stone can provide is fully demonstrated in Tiandao.

Even the steps to invade other worlds are not more important than finding the way to heaven first.

Yueying clenched her fists, unconsciously feeling bad.

Unexpected variables... In his plan, he never thought that there would be such a person.


A slap was slapped on Shenshan Tiandao's face, leaving a bright red slap mark. At the same time, Shenshan Heart Man slapped him again with his backhand, successfully making the slap mark on Tiandao's face appear symmetrical.

"Idiot! Don't wake up yet!" Shenshan Heart Man shouted angrily: "Do you want to burn up all your emotions and turn you into a careless monster?"

The two slaps, coupled with the voice of the Heart of the Holy Mountain accompanied by the power of his mind, were like a strong wind blowing away the swaying fire of will in the eyes of Tiandao.

After a moment, the flickering firelight dissipated, and Tiandao's pupils returned to their normal appearance.

The cold and ruthless aura that filled his body also dissipated in an instant.

The consciousness returned to the main body, and Tiandao's eyes were filled with highlights again. After regaining consciousness, he looked around, and then at the sacred mountain heart in front of him, and seemed a little silent for a moment.

"That look in your eyes must have given you a huge impact." Although it was a question, the Shenshan Heart Master used an affirmative tone.

Seeing Tiandao regaining consciousness, he also regained his cheerful appearance.

"Those who practice mind power will definitely be able to feel the will of all things in the world. This kind of mind comes from heaven and earth, is born from heaven and earth, and differentiates all things due to the emergence of humans."

"The emergence of human beings is the emergence of all things."

"Heaven and earth remain unchanged, but humans have brought changes to heaven and earth. Therefore, all living things are born from humans."

"Ideology is a power unique to humans."

If it were before, Tiandao would definitely not be able to understand the blabbering words of the Shenshan Heart Master, but today, he suddenly had an enlightenment and knew all of this.

"Is it true that Tao gives birth to one, and one gives birth to two, two gives rise to three, and three gives rise to all things?" Tiandao exhaled: "Two gives birth to three, and humans appear in heaven and earth, so two becomes three."

"Because of people, everything in heaven and earth was born."

"What does that person represent?" Shenshanxinzhi asked cheerfully.

"Everything." Tiandao closed his eyes: "With humans, genius is named heaven, and earth is called earth."

"Flowers are no longer all called flowers, but have many different categories."

"The beast is no longer an beast, but has a name that refers to it differently."

"The heaven and earth rotate, there are hours, there are four seasons, there are day and night."

"Everything in the world came into existence because of this."

"This is the three things that give rise to all things."

The Heart of the Holy Mountain kept stroking his beard and did not give any answer to Tiandao's statement, because he was looking at Tiandao with a very surprised look, as if he was meeting Tiandao for the first time.

This kind of answer...can you tell me?

"That look is a life that is still strong even in death, and a love that is still majestic in despair." The Heart of the Holy Mountain turned around and looked at the ups and downs of the mountains and seas of clouds: "When you look at that look, you Your willpower is connected with such a strong thought, which affects your willpower and causes you to go berserk."

"In a state of rage, your emotions are ignited and turned into firewood that ignites the fire of your thoughts."

"Although it will bring you unparalleled terrifying power, in the long run, your emotions will be completely burned out, and eventually you will become an empty shell that has lost yourself."

"But, I have to do that." Tiandao had no complaints about this, because in that situation, even if it happened again, he would still choose that way.

"Daishokar, who committed such evil deeds, is no different from livestock. Even if I have to risk my life, I must avenge those who died tragically!"

"Have you realized it?" Shenshan Xinzhe asked again: "Although it was a rampage of will, you did connect the common will of heaven, earth, and man at that time. Even if it was a rampage, you showed extremely high ability and used tricks that should not have been used."

"Then, try to figure out these three."

"Follow your heart."

Coming in front of Tiandao, Shenshan Xinzhe pointed at Tiandao's chest: "Feel your beating heart, and do what you think in your heart."

"Remember the feeling today, don't forget your determination, strong emotions, and surging mood at this moment."

"You must remember who you are."

Shenshan Xinzhe took a few steps back. Shenshan Xinzhe could roughly see the future of the young man in front of him and the tests he needed to endure.

"The heart of enthusiasm will never die, and you can overcome all obstacles."

As soon as the words fell, the voice of the God Mountain Heart gradually faded away. He did not intend to tell Tiandao that there was a person hidden in Tiandao's body.

In fact, when Tiandao's will energy was out of control before, if it were not for that person's full-hearted help, Tiandao's body would definitely not be able to withstand such damage even if his will energy was out of control, and would be twisted like a twist in an instant.

"The heart of enthusiasm..." The moment the top of the God Mountain disappeared, when his consciousness returned to darkness, Tiandao remembered this last sentence.

But...the eyes appeared in his mind again, and the demon scene of the people of Dashocker holding sticks high, dancing around the bonfire, celebrating.

The calmed will energy added waves, and a sudden touch of bright red appeared out of thin air and merged into Tiandao's will energy.

"Tian Dao? Tian Dao?!"

Such a shout seemed to come from the darkness. The moment his will returned to his body, Tian Dao didn't think twice and punched him subconsciously.

Lying under the ruins with his face covered and wailing, Kazushi never thought that the unconscious Tian Dao could still punch him. He was caught off guard and flew out, and he couldn't get up for a while.

It was a case of adding new injuries to the old injuries.

Tian Dao, whose consciousness returned to his body, woke up and sat on the wooden board. He didn't feel the pain all over his body as expected.

"I remember... my hand is broken..." Tian Dao clearly remembered that he and Ying Yue had a punch, which resulted in the bones of his left hand being broken, but after waking up, his left hand was intact, with no signs of injury at all.

Not only that, Tian Dao could also feel that he had endless strength in his body, as if the previous battle had not damaged him at all.

...Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to knock Kadoya Kazuya down on the ground with just one punch, making him howl for a long time and unable to get up.

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