I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 228 Then there is only one answer (holding the cane), I will

Chapter 228 Then there is only one answer (holding crutches), I will...

"Tsk, it's really useless."

Although he was not at the scene, Daguaba was not incapable of sensing the intensity of this battle.

Although Daguaba is not the ultimate one now, he still has the vision of a being who has stepped into that realm and fallen down.

In its eyes, the barrier placed by the three angels including Wind Angel to avoid human detection is full of loopholes and does not exist at all.

So from the moment the war started, Daguaba was paying attention to this battle.

It is somewhat aware of what the Wolf King has been tinkering with.

But witnessing the release of this power with his own eyes still made it seem a little curious.

When this power emerged in its perception, although Daguaba had never seen it before, he inexplicably felt familiar with this power.

Especially when it felt it carefully, it suddenly felt that there was a power from the same source in its body that was about to move, and it looked like it was about to be hooked out, which made it even more curious.

Is this a power that every Gurungi has?

Even though he just sensed this breath, Daguaba actually found that he also had this power.

And it has never been discovered, and it has never been touched.

It was as if it had been lurking in its body since its birth.

Then, Daguaba attempted to use his molecular control ability to pull this power out of his body.

However, the idea was good, but in the face of the capture controlled by Daguaba's elements, this power quickly disappeared from Daguaba's body, without giving it a chance to catch it.

And this, on the contrary, made Daguaba value this power even more.

Angels call it a forbidden power, so those angels would know the source of this power, right?


When Daguaba turned his attention to it again, he had already seen the wolf king being pulled by gravity and trapped in place, unable to move.

...It is obvious that it has indeed surpassed it in terms of energy level, but is the combat power it displays so unsightly?

Daguaba had never had any hope for the Wolf King, but it was beyond his expectation that he could be wasted to this extent.

Because of this, Daguba had to put down the Mandarin encyclopedia in his hand and take off the glasses on his nose.

It was grinning extremely happily, and its figure faded in an instant. It disappeared from the place in an instant and was no longer visible in this library.

On the frontal battlefield, although the Earth Angel controlled the entire battlefield in an instant by manipulating the gravity of the earth, and had already planned to seal the Wolf King in the center of the earth and destroy it with the power of the planet, the Earth Angel was still in an instant. In between, he captured the strange whistle made by the flowing air.

This kind of whistle was no stranger to it. Having experienced it once before, it put down the scepter without saying a word and moved the crystal barrier in front of it behind it.


The gray-white figure penetrated the crystal barrier like lightning. The crystal wall that could not leave any scars despite the Wolf King's efforts was shattered by one blow, and passed by the Earth Angel, hitting the Wolf King with a heavy punch. On the chest.

The molecular control ability, which is more powerful than that of the Wolf King, spreads to the surroundings, breaking down the ground layer into molecules.

Not only that, the spreading aura inspired two forces in the Wolf King's body. Under the impact of the third force, the power of Gurungi and Yajituo merged again, and the dark green flames turned into thin films and spread around. , permeating the whole place in an instant, reducing the gravitational environment of blessing.

"It's true, you are indeed wasting air."

He retracted his fist and looked at the Wolf King in front of him, clutching his chest with an expression of disbelief. Daguaba, who had returned to his original appearance, slowly turned around and faced the angel on the ground.

"Da Cuba!"

However, facing Da Guba, Earth Angel no longer had the calmness he had when facing the Wolf King. His serious tone and extremely serious attitude also made him extremely wary of Da Guba.

"It's not you who should stand in front of it." Daguaba said as he looked at the Earth Angel who intervened in his plan.


If it were this time in the past, it would have been the water angel who had stood up and said something like "What did you say?!" and then been slapped by Daguba like a top.

But now that Water Angel has taken to the streets, naturally no one is here to warm up the atmosphere.

"This has nothing to do with you." The Earth Angel refused to give in. When faced with the power of light, the Earth Angel would never compromise: "It is dead, so you are the one who should be the most happy!"

"No." Daguaba shook his head: "If it dies, I will be very sad."

Earth Angel:?

Wolf King:…

Although he didn't know what Daguaba was planning, the Wolf King was sure that Daguaba was definitely not the kind of person who would come to save it.

Daguaba...must have his own plan!

"If you want to kill it, you can try it." Daguaba said with a smile, but his words were quite cold: "I believe your strength is enough to defeat us."

"If you want to say why I want to protect it, that is..." Daguaba smiled contemptuously: "It is the king of Gurungi."

"Isn't it right to protect the king?"

Earth Angel:…

Wolf King:? ?

Are you kidding me? Isn't the king of Gurungi your own Daguba? !

When did the Wolf King become the king of Grunghi?

Maybe it used to be, but now...

"What are you planning, Daguba!" The wolf king was very direct. He was convinced that Daguba was not a good person, so he asked directly about its purpose.

"No plan, just to save you." Daguba turned his head with a smile: "Are you going to refuse me?"

Wolf King:...

It is undeniable that although the wolf king suspected that Daguba's motives were not pure, the wolf king really needed Daguba's power now.

Without Daguba, it would have been...

Even if there were doubts, the power of Daguba was what the wolf king had to fight for.

"No matter what you want to do, Daguba, I will remember this day." The wolf king lowered his voice: "In the new world I create in the future, there will be a part for you."

"Then I'll wait and see." Daguba nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Suppressing some concerns in his heart, the wolf king stepped forward and stood beside Daguba.

A king of the previous generation and a king of the present, the two should have been enemies to the death, but at this moment, they stood side by side and faced the enemy together.

Even if they had ulterior motives, it was not false that they were standing together at this moment.

But this was definitely not good news for the Earth Angel.

Looking at the Wolf King on the left, who was waiting intently, and then at the smiling Daguba on the right, the Earth Angel unconsciously tightened his hand holding the scepter.

The Wolf King was slightly inferior to it, but Daguba was slightly better than it.

These two guys joined forces...

Will this crusade end in failure?

Inevitably, the figure of the Fire Angel emerged in the mind of the Earth Angel.

If it had not betrayed the Angel, with the power of the Fire Angel...


The battle between the Angel and the Gurongi was in full swing, and in the human city, Kuya was also working with the police to hunt down a Gurongi who was riding a motorcycle and killing people everywhere.

Because Kuuga's previous motorcycle had been fused with Golem many times, its body had reached its limit. In addition, it was originally a prototype, and its performance was not complete, so it lost in the chase with the opponent.

Because there was no suitable vehicle to catch up with the opponent, Wudai also seemed helpless.

At this time, it should be Tiandao's home court. As long as he transformed into a flame dragon and drove the light and shadow horse, he would let the opponent feel what real speed is.

But Tiandao is a little busy now. .

An unexpected guest came to his home.


Looking at this guy who came uninvited and rang the doorbell early in the morning, Tiandao looked at him carefully: "Bishop? What are you doing here?"

"Of course, I came to see the great hero of mankind." Bishop unbuttoned his collar and relaxed a little.

"Steel Masked Man."


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