I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 229: Moon Rider I can’t wait to steal the show from Big Brother! (Kuga, you evil creature!)

"Although this is indeed my code name in human society, I hope you can still call me by my real name, Yanlong."

"Okay, Steel Masked Man."

"..." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Steel Masked Man."

After an interesting question and answer session, the bishop sat on the chair and looked at Tiandao from a distance.

Except for the previous conversation, the two sides had nothing else to say.

"Guests come, and there's not even a cup of tea?" After sitting for a long time, the bishop was the first to speak, breaking the gradually cold and quiet atmosphere: "This is not the way a good host treats guests."

"Tea also depends on the person." Tiandao's fingers tapped the table, making a rhythmic sound: "A good host will of course entertain good guests. If a good guest comes, tea will naturally be served."

"But if it's a bad guest..."

"Then of course I'm a good guest." The bishop nodded and admitted it without hesitation.

"I came here with sincerity."

"Sincerity must be shown." Tiandao spoke again: "And I can't see your sincerity."

Tiandao's aggressiveness was within the bishop's expectations. After all, the two sides were in a tense atmosphere when they first met. This time, they would not have a good face.

It is better to say that Tiandao did not turn into a fire dragon at the first time, which was a good situation expected by the bishop.

"I came here for two things." The bishop stretched out two fingers: "One is about you, and the other is about me."

"About you?" Tiandao stopped knocking on the table: "I can't imagine what kind of relationship there is between you and me."

"Yes." The bishop nodded: "But no."

Tiandao: ...

Can the riddle man die?

"First of all, it's about you." The bishop pondered for a moment: "You are indeed on the front line of mankind. Will you continue to protect mankind now and in the future?"

"What else?" Tiandao asked back: "Who do you want me to protect?"

"Is that so." The bishop nodded, knowing the answer: "Then I have a bottom line."

"What do you want to say?" Tiandao frowned: "If you come for that guy, then there is no need to say it."

"I don't know how to remove the seal."

In the memory of blood inheritance, there are indeed steps to seal, but Tiandao does not know how to remove the seal.

So the Hercules beetle has now become a card, and it can only be a card.

"I know." However, the bishop's answer surprised Tiandao.

He personally sealed the other party, and he didn't know how to remove the seal. Why would the bishop, an outsider, know?

"Don't believe it?" The bishop smiled and said, "Shenshan Tiandao, you have always forgotten the most important thing."

"Do you know why the blood of the Fire Village is now scattered all over the world?"

"Although our Vampire clan does not have such a long lifespan, as a complete inherited clan, we also have rich records of ancient times." The bishop deliberately paused and said, "Of course, the history long before our clan, the records about the super ancient times were not made by us, but..."

"Fire Village."


Although he did not speak, Tiandao's slightly narrowed eyes had already revealed a hint of coldness.

He was not a fool, so he could naturally hear the hidden meaning in the bishop's words.

"Is this what you said about you?"

"Not really." The bishop spoke again: "I came here just to say that the undead beasts are just like their names, they will not die, even if they are killed, they will be resurrected soon."

"But the Fire Village was the one who finally figured out the method of sealing, and the cards of the sealed undead beasts were also kept by the Fire Village."

"And after that..."

The bishop paused for a moment.

"Thirteen different tribes worked together and planned together to overthrow the Fire Village and completely destroy this ancient village from the ancient times."

Tiandao's narrowed eyes slowly opened. He didn't know whether what the bishop said was true or false. He didn't know about the ancient history.

And he was not the kind of person who believed everything others said.

"The thirteen tribes each want what they need."

"Some want the legend of the Fire Village, the sacred stone."

"Some want to get the seal of the undead beast kept by the Fire Village."

"Some want to destroy the Fire Village for no other reason."

"Others want...the detailed history and information of the Fire Village."

"After conquering a Fire Village, everyone will have a full stomach. Quite satisfied."

The bishop's alert has been raised to the highest level. After saying this, he didn't believe that Tiandao would have no reaction at all.

If he wanted to take action, he would be ready in the first place.

"Among the thirteen tribes, are you one?" However, the expected sudden attack did not happen. Tiandao still spoke in a calm tone, as if it had nothing to do with him.


The bishop admitted without hesitation: "The Vampire Clan is also one of the thirteen clans."

Tian Dao: ...

"You admit it so straightforwardly, aren't you afraid that I will kill you here?"

In fact, after the bishop admitted this, Tian Dao actually believed what the bishop said.

"This is the truth, and I believe that I can't hide it from you." The bishop seemed to be open and aboveboard. Of course, he might also feel that even if he denied it, as long as Tiandao asked the angels on earth, he would still know the answer.

Concealment is meaningless.

"Hmph, you are honest." Tiandao snorted coldly: "But what does it have to do with me? Things in ancient times have been a long time since now."

"I am not a ghost who has survived with hatred. It is ridiculous to carry that hatred on my body."

"Indeed." The bishop nodded: "Then it seems that the fact that the thirteen tribes also include humans is not important to you."


"Human?" Tiandao repeated: "Hmph, as expected."

"It seems that you also understand the nature of humans." The bishop had no doubt: "For the seal card of the undead beast, in order to get a power that can be relied on, humans..."

"Say Wrong. "Tian Dao interrupted the bishop directly: "You are a vampire, don't speculate on the human's intentions."

"You don't understand at all, what humans say, do, and think are never consistent. "

Bishop: ...

"Human is a general concept, even in modern times." Tian Dao continued: "All humans are divided into different skin colors, different regions, and different languages. "

"This is still the case in modern times, what about ancient times? What about super ancient times?"

"The Fire Village is a gathering place for humans, but humans are not just the Fire Village."

Even if they are of the same race, the rule that those who are not of my race must have different hearts is applicable.

Even humans must be divided into high and low.

Even humans must be divided into different levels.

The most capable of killing humans has never been aliens, but humans themselves.

This nature is hidden in the root of human existence and can never be eliminated.

"I see, I've learned something." The bishop nodded: "It seems that I don't know enough about humans."

"Thank you for your advice."

"Did you come here just to say this?" Tiandao spoke again: "What do you want to tell me?"

"Am I protecting the enemy who destroyed my ancestors in the past? Or do you want to tell me... that humans are a race that should be exterminated?"

"Neither." The bishop shook his head: "I just want to see the attitude of the Flame Dragon."

"...Because your ancestors once participated in the destruction of the Fire Village, you want to see my attitude?" Tiandao narrowed his eyes: "You are really cautious, are you afraid of my revenge?"

"This is indeed hatred for you." The bishop nodded without hesitation.

"What are the other ethnic groups?" Tiandao asked.

"No, they are all extinct." The bishop replied.

"Extinct?" Tiandao was stunned: "Only the vampires and humans are left?"

"... To be precise, if the tribe is thriving, we are the only ones left." The bishop added: "Others, either only have one seedling left, or are struggling to survive, and some have already died and no longer exist."

"Humph..." Tiandao snorted coldly: "Are they also eliminated by the evolution of life?"

"Not really." The bishop shook his head: "They were destroyed by the king of the previous generation of our vampire clan."

"The mermaid clan, the puppet beast clan, etc., have all been extinct."

"The vampire...king..." Tiandao repeated the name.

"The extinction of the clan?"

"It really fits my impression of you."

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