I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 258 The Angel of the Earth still likes me before Chapter 230, how cool. (Tears)

"Don't hesitate. Even if you use all five powers together, there is no possibility of defeating it."

The voice that was directly transmitted to Yanlong through the earth veins carried an irresistible persistence and seriousness.

"The ultimate existence is not a realm that can be achieved by the power of elements alone. You are now only qualified to survive under it. What you have to do is to call back the real consciousness of Kuga before this power disappears."

"Real consciousness?!" The flaming sword was across his chest. This extremely sharp but strange-looking sword revealed why it had such a strange power at this moment.

Kuga's molecular sword energy hit the flaming sword. In the process of a hazy blue light and shadow jumping and flickering, the blade of the flaming sword was intact, resisting this force that was enough to decompose any object into molecules.

This is also the fact that Yanlong discovered after taking out the flaming sword and slashing the demon-sealing slash.

Although Yanlong used to dislike the Flame Blade and even said that it was worse than a fist fight, at this moment, Yanlong wanted to slap his former self in the face.

The Flame Blade is so powerful, if you don't use it well, it's purely your own problem! What does the Flame Blade have to do with it!

With a weapon that can directly resist Kuuga's ability to decompose objects into molecules, Yanlong no longer has to dodge like before and dare not confront it directly, but has the capital to confront it head-on.

The two sides have been fighting on the beach for a long time. After finding that the decomposition ability was not effective, Ultimate Kuuga chose to use supernatural rage.

Facing this attack that was both decomposition and burning with flames, Yanlong chose to use the power of water elements to wrap his whole body, and under the jumping of aqua-blue water vapor, he continued to restore his burned body.

In Tiandao's body, the earth crystal stone formed by the condensation of earth elements released a strong earthy yellow light, blessing Tiandao who had transformed into a flame dragon at this moment, allowing Tiandao standing on the earth at this moment to continuously absorb the power from the earth, greatly enhancing his own attributes and abilities.

This is the earth crystal stone that has been owned by Tiandao for a long time, and it has been illuminated by the Emperor Stone of the Sun. It is the power of the earth that has been bred long ago and has been reborn before. It is the power of earth derived from fire and earth.

The power of water and earth are jointly promoted. The former constantly recovers the injuries of the flame dragon itself, and the latter provides a strong protective force to resist damage. This can make the supernatural anger of the Ultimate Sky ego barely resisted.

But as the angel of the earth said, this power is limited.

The earth crystal stone is a solid that exists at all, and there is no possibility of exhaustion, but the illusory stone condensed by the power of water gradually becomes dim in the process of increasing use.

This is also proof that the power of water has been consumed in large quantities.

"Yes, through the earth veins, I can feel its current state." The Earth Angel tried to keep his words short, because the Ultimate Kuuga was already showing a stronger power.

"Kuga must have suffered a serious injury before, causing his consciousness to be dormant and kept by the spirit stone. In other words, you are not facing Kuuga himself, but a consciousness that is active through his body."

"The earth told me that the general severely injured Kuuga, and then the wolf king wanted to create a new life form with Kuuga's body, but it backfired and made Kuuga become what he is now."

"What you are facing now is either the hazy and chaotic new consciousness that was spawned by the wolf king and deposited in Kuuga's body, or the instinctive resistance of the spirit stone that chose to take over its body to protect Kuuga."

The Earth Angel can know a lot of secrets through the earth, even things that have already happened will be recorded by the earth.

And at this time, Yanlong does not think that the Earth Angel will harm him.

At this moment, they are allies standing on the same front.

"So what I have to do now."

Yanlong took several steps back to avoid the terrifying fire spreading from the ground. The invisible flames rising from the sky connected the sky and the earth.

Yanlong's unique power allowed him to see the invisible flames rising, rushing out from under the earth, connecting with the sky, and then quickly approaching him.

At the critical moment, Yanlong soared into the air, and the power of wind covered his whole body, allowing him to fly in the air. Continuous dodging allowed him to quickly avoid these invisible flames.

As long as you can see it, you can resist it.

"Either defeat the instinct of the spirit stone and force the spirit stone to release the consciousness of Kuga."

"Or, destroy the false hazy consciousness that occupies Kuga's body, so that his body can calm down."

"But no matter which choice you make, you must fight him here."

The earth angel's hasty words suddenly paused, and then what resounded in Yanlong's ears was the thunder from the earth angel and the tremor of the collapse of the sky and the earth.

"Earth Angel? Earth Angel?!" Tiandao kept calling out the name of the Earth Angel, but he was greeted with only a long silence without any answer.

"Could it be..."

The blue figure holding the flaming sword rushed straight into the sky, and then swooped down. The violently rising flames wrapped around the flaming sword, and the fire dragon fell straight down like a meteorite falling from the sky, slashing towards Kuuga's head.

Raising one hand, the scattered air around was gathered above Kuuga's head, forming a thick wall of air.

Yanlong's swiftly falling figure suddenly entered the air wall, but was not blocked from outside. Instead, it sank into it, and its forward momentum was gradually disintegrated, and it finally fell into the air wall and was trapped.

Ultimate Kuuga slowly clenched his fist, and Yanlong knew something was wrong, and immediately used the teleportation to transfer himself out of it, and appeared behind Kuuga in the blink of an eye.


The air wall was compressed into a point, only the size of a palm.

If Yanlong was still inside, the consequences would be disastrous.

"You can manipulate the air at will, start plate movement to create earthquakes from a long distance, and manipulate the sky to attack with thunder at will." He stood up quickly, showing the killing card in front of him, and the flaming sword swept backhand, and the red sword energy flew out and hit Kuuga's back.

Yanlong's attack continued, and the flaming sword was swung several times, continuously releasing the Demon Sealing Slash, and seven sword energies flew out one after another, heading towards Kuuga.

Ultimate Kuuga slowly turned around, without dodging, and let the sword energy of the Demon Sealing Slash fall on its body, hitting it completely, and successfully revealing a faint red circle on Kuuga's body.

But then, the body of Ultimate Kuuga was like a bottomless pit, swallowing all the surrounding matter, including the air, into its body, and naturally wrapped up the power of the Demon Sealing that lingered on its body.

But that was enough.

Even if the Demon Sealing Slash only took effect for a moment, it was enough for Yanlong to identify the identity of the Ultimate Kuuga in front of him.

If it was driven by the instinct of the spirit stone, as two spirit stones that also fell from the sky, the Demon Sealing Power of the Hokage Stone could not have an effect on the Adam Spirit Stone.

And all along, the power of the Demon Sealing Slash had only worked on the undead beast.

And now, it also had a slight effect.

"The newborn consciousness implanted by the Wolf King?" Yan Long made up his mind immediately. The five forces of wind, thunder, water, fire, and earth were simultaneously activated by him, turning into a surging force, forming an alternative beam of light, rushing straight into the sky.

Although this power was originally intended to fight the Wolf King, now

With his mind set, Yan Long no longer held back, but was determined to fight here.

"Wudai. This guy who occupied your body, I will send it off immediately."

He lowered his body, and under the light flow of the five-color beam, a ray of sunlight suddenly fell from the sky covered by black clouds, and by chance, it just shone on Yan Long's body.

"I will definitely call you back!"

Those were two rays of light that passed through the dark universe, chasing each other like meteors, one in front and one behind, running non-stop.

Wudai opened his eyes in a trance. He thought he was dead, but found that he was now.

Turned into a stone?

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