I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 259: The events surrounding the fall of the Hokage Stone and the Adamu Spiritual Stone to Ea

To be honest, Yanlong's proficiency in controlling this power was not precise enough to awaken the fifth generation's consciousness without harming the fifth generation's body.

So as long as you use all your strength, no one knows what will happen in the battle.

However, with the current form of Ultimate Kuuga and this tough physique, how many scars can Yanlong leave on his body even if he uses his full strength?

"It's coming, Godai!"

With a low shout, Yanlong suddenly activated his body shape, and the five-color light changed with his body movements. The five intertwined beams turned into spiral shock waves, and rushed forward along with Yanlong's body, speeding forward. Running quickly, he set off a series of terrifying explosions on the beach.

The Ultimate Kuuga spreads his hands to both sides, leans his whole body back, swallows the air in front of him into his belt as much as possible, and gathers a vortex-shaped energy position in his chest.

Then, the body of Ultimate Kuuga suddenly rebounded, as if the bow string that had been stretched to the limit was suddenly loosened, and a burst of dark light suddenly burst out from the energy position.

The air was extracted, and under the vacuum environment, the dark beam replaced the air of the original material world and became a brand new existence, announcing its appearance in this world.

Dark and pure darkness.

Colorful colorful colors.

At the beginning of the deathly silence of all things, everything must be returned to the silence of darkness.

The power of various colors is the power that creates the basic framework for the existence of the world after opening up the world.

And this framework is precisely what supports a world in the dark universe and lights up the world in the darkness.

Fitting forward and colliding head-on, Yanlong held the flaming sword across his chest, the blade lingering with the brilliance of colored glaze, as if it was a sharp weapon to open up the world.

Facing the arrival of the ultimate darkness, the flaming knife cut into it, and the two sides were in a stalemate for an instant, with no one willing to take the lead in withdrawing their power.

Head-on confrontation, the collision of darkness and elemental power, no one can stay out of it.

Once it fails, it is an irreversible outcome.

The ultimate emptiness knows this, so the darkness is even greater.


The five-color light lingering around the body suddenly separated and separated from Yanlong's body. Five beams of different colors flew out from the dark surroundings. Instead of facing the darkness directly, he chose to bypass the surroundings.


However, in this way, the Flame Dragon lost its protection, and the ultimate darkness instantly shrouded it. The terrifying devouring power in the darkness carried the power of decomposition, and quickly devoured the Flame Dragon armor itself.

So much so that in just one second, the Flame Dragon Armor was already running low on energy, and even the Flame Dragon Armor itself emitted some reddish light particles.


After taking a few steps back, Yan Long pushed his foot forward and stood firmly on the spot, not moving back any further.

"Hold on a little longer, Flame Dragon Armor! Give me the last moment!"

I don’t know if the Flame Dragon Armor really understood the call from the transformer, and the collapsed posture was suppressed, allowing the Flame Dragon to maintain its basic protective effect and resist the power of the ultimate darkness to the maximum extent.

The five beams of light that broke away from Flame Dragon's body were instantly connected to the hands and feet of Ultimate Kuuga. The chains of wind and thunder entangled the wrists, and the whip locks of earth and water bound Ultimate Kuuga in place.

The crimson power of fire rushed straight to the belt of the Ultimate Kuuga, entangled with each other, and connected with each other regardless of each other.

The chains solidified by the power of the elements were formed in an instant, and at the same time, the Flame Dragon Armor also reached its maximum limit.

The armor dissipated and lifted itself, leaving Tiandao's figure exposed to the ultimate darkness.

Dead silence... nothingness... emptiness...

Killing... numbness... cruelty...

The things contained in the ultimate darkness are definitely not very good elements. Previously, the Flame Dragon Armor resisted these elements, but now that the armor has been decomposed, those who face these elements become the way of heaven itself.

"Even the Creation King can't control me!" He stretched out one hand forward, and blood flowed from Tiandao's eyes, slowly dripping down his cheek.

"Merely...ultimate darkness!!"

The hands were straightened and the knees were intertwined, causing the body of the Ultimate Kuuga to become unbalanced for a moment, forcing the release of the Ultimate Darkness to pause for a moment.

"Wake up! Godai!"

The crimson chains wrapped around the belt penetrated into the core of Adam's belt. The elemental chains can naturally do things that ordinary matter cannot.

The huge mental energy spread out in an instant, and the terrifying storm of mental energy enveloped the surroundings, creating a terrifying waterspout, which then collapsed suddenly.

The way of heaven radiates its own will, and uses the power and power given by the four angels to temporarily seal the darkness of the ultimate void. Then it uses the chain of the power of fire to penetrate into the belt, and uses its own will to link to the Adam spirit. Stone, trying to rush into it and liberate the consciousness of the fifth generation.

Tiandao's idea is very good, and the probability of success is not low.

But he still suffered from the loss of information.

After his consciousness was linked to the Adam Stone, the dark tunnel in front of him had not yet seen a glimmer of light, but in his ears, a sharp, frustrated scream suddenly sounded.

[It’s you, you damn pervert! 】

【Dah! Get out of here! ! 】


Before he could think about anything, Tiandao was instantly repelled by the strong resistance of the spirit stone, forcing the outside Tiandao to open his eyes suddenly and spit out a mouthful of blood with a "wow".

The chains that were still tied up rustled. Tiandao, who was holding his chest, calmed down his restless blood and couldn't help but have more questions in his heart.

Adam spirit stone...what's the reaction?

[Hey hey hey...where are you going, little sister? Can I give you a ride? ]

[Little sister, don't be silent. Let me introduce myself first. I am the Hokage Stone from Mingjie. The boss above is called Mingjie Tiandao, and my little brother is called Yanlongxia. I am the carrier of the power of fire, one of the five basic elements of the world. ]

[In Mingjie, I have a respected status and noble identity~]

[Don't ignore me, little sister, you see I have introduced myself, let's reciprocate, can you tell me your name too? 】

Godai: ...

To be honest, although I don't know why I can hear such a series of speeches that can be called Shirou in my mind, Godai clearly recognizes what the red stone behind him is.

Isn't that the Hokage Stone of the Heavenly Path? !

That voice just now, the voice that sounded like Shirou, couldn't it be the voice of the Hokage Stone?

Is the Hokage Stone...conscious?

Godai didn't know this, and now he didn't even know why he was here, and didn't know what he was now...

[Disgusting guy, get out! ]

Then, Godai heard the voice from his consciousness carrier, this crisp voice, it was completely a girl's voice.

This immediately confused Godai.

[Don't be like this, I came here with sincerity, you don't know how far we are from you. ]

[Look at my naturally formed water chestnuts, look at my amazing runes, these are all natural gifts, without any trace of artificiality]

The red stone, which fully revealed its shameless personality, accelerated its speed and caught up in a very short time, entangled with the stone where Wu Dai was now, parallel and circling.

[Your temperature is so high, leave me quickly! If you get too close to me, I will be brittle by you! ]

[It's just a layer of useless rotten shell that has shed off the surface of your body. What I really like is the essence inside you. ]

[Where did you come from, damn guy? ! Why are you following me? ! ]

[I said, I came from...]

The subsequent conversation is no longer important, because Wu Dai has seen the end of the road ahead of the two stones, the blue and green radiating third planet belonging to the solar system.

"Earth..." Wu Dai murmured.

"Then these two stones are not..."

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