I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 271 What? From 28 to 2 in one day, can you be more normal?

Chapter 271 What? From 28° to 2° in one day, can you be more normal?

Why is he still so confident until now?

Maybe it is hard for others to imagine this, but for Daguba, this is a part of his confidence.

Kuago has become the Ultimate before him, and as long as Kuago wants, he can end his life at any time, even if Daguba was the Ultimate.

Before, it doesn't mean it is now.

And the reason for Daguba's confidence has always been because of himself.

Although it is impossible to become a complete body because of the lack of belt fragments, if you want to take back the belt fragments, you need to get rid of the bat first.

Even if the bat is solved, the belt needs to be handed over to a craftsman of the La Group for repair before the belt can be repaired.

In this way, Daguba can recover and become the Ultimate again.

And this takes time.

But there is a way that does not require time, and even the fragments of the belt itself may not be needed.

That is the Hokage Stone.

Although there is a blood curse between Daguba and the Hokage Stone, which makes Daguba be blown away by a terrifying explosion when it touches the Hokage Stone, Daguba is not without a way to deal with it.

It has found a way to deal with the blood curse, and... it is so simple.

Since the existence called Daguba cannot touch the Hokage Stone, then... can't it be that it is not Daguba?

Therefore, Daguba used the molecular reconstruction ability to reconstruct one of his hands, and reconstructed the arm that originally belonged to Daguba, turning it into a human arm. At the molecular level, it has no relationship with Daguba at all.

This hand is the key that Daguba has kept in order to break the blood curse, and it is enough to bring a second to the ultimate at a critical moment.

And now, it is such a time.

"In Tokyo Tower."

After feeling the direction of the molecules flowing in the air, Kuga gave the current location of the Wolf King: "That guy is now occupying a high place and is constantly spreading his power."

"That's quite insightful." Tendō loosened his wrist: "No matter what, as long as it is destroyed, everything will be over!"

"That's right." Ichijo nodded. Of course, he only had one attitude towards the Wolf King: "The human world should return to the past and return to the normal world from now on."

The three looked at each other, raised their hands and bumped each other's arms one by one, and then Ichijo and Tendō took the lead and left here first, heading towards the direction of Tokyo Tower.

Godai did not set off immediately. He still stayed in the same place, taking a deep breath, calming the restlessness and frenzy in his heart, and slowly calming his mind, trying to calm himself down.

"I haven't told Nana yet. I am looking forward to the day when she becomes a big star."

With his eyes closed, Godai murmured, telling his friends what he expected and the wishes that belonged to everyone.

"I haven't told my dad yet, but I've already decided where to go for my next adventure."

"I don't think I've had time to tell my sister either... I'm going to travel next, so... I may not be able to go to kindergarten for a long time."

The mood became calmer, but the active Adamu Spiritual Stone in the body was beating more and more, and in Wudai's cognition, it was expanding little by little.

There are still many things that have not been done, and similarly, there are many wishes that have not been realized in time.

In a person's life, if you want to have no regrets at the end, then before that, what kind of perfect life will the person experience?

It must be perfect and without regrets, right?

And can I... have such a life?

Or is it that now... such a perfect life can no longer appear?

I... always have regrets?

How can I make up for it?

Those tragedies, those regrets...

The things I should do, the things I can do, then...

"What do you want to eat?"

Such a voice suddenly came from my ears, and Wudai, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, he still maintained his amazing omnipotence, revealing the appearance of a hideous monster, not a human.

But even so, Sakurako still stood in front of him, staring at Kuuga's appearance.

"Cookies, sweet cakes, coffee, or pie." Sakurako tilted her head and said slowly: "Your taste seems to be always open to everything, and I don't know what you want to eat."

"Anything is fine." Wudai turned and continued: "I'm not picky."

"As long as you make it, I'm fine."

"Eh? Must it be made by me?" Sakurako shouted, scratching her head in distress: "I didn't prepare those today. If I want to arrange these, I have to prepare them now."

"Okay." Wudai smiled and waved her hands: "I haven't felt Sakurako's cooking skills for a long time, I miss it."

"What, I haven't eaten your fried rice for a long time." Sakurako wrinkled her nose and snorted.

"Wudai, you don't..."

"Please spare me!" With his hands clasped in front of his chest, Godai made a begging gesture: "I will definitely reward you well in the future! Sakurako!"

"After all, thank you for taking care of me during this period of time!"

"I just want you to come back early for dinner." Sakurako shook her head: "I will go home and prepare everything at home."

"Will you come to dinner then?"

"Ah! Of course!" Godai nodded heavily: "I will be there soon."

"Then, you and I, we will be together."

If it was the previous Godai, he would definitely add the words "everyone" at this time.

But at this moment, Godai, who was not really a wooden man, obviously did not stay to that extent, but only answered Sakurako at this moment, making a promise that belonged only to him.

Sakurako obviously understood Godai's words, showing an unusually bright look, and gave Godai a thumbs up.

"Come back early."

"Of course." Godai also raised his hand, holding his thumb high and holding it above his head.

The surging black fog gradually penetrated the green dome, sinking into the clouds little by little, forming a dark green cloud layer in the sky.

The heavy strange molecules gradually spread out in a posture that could not be seen by the naked eye, sinking into the corners of the city little by little, filling up the entire city little by little.

The first to arrive at the battlefield was Gangdou. He was of course the first to arrive at the scene after turning on his acceleration ability.

Standing under the Tokyo Tower, he raised his head and could naturally see the tiny guy standing on the top of the tower.


Gangdou raised his hand and was about to question the Wolf King, but was interrupted by the Wolf King's voice.

"Your attitude!!"

Looking down at the tiny figure, the Wolf King released cruel coldness in his green eyes: "White Bird..."

"You are related to that woman!" Gangdou's super perception is not weak. Although the Wolf King is far away from him, the other party's whispers are still captured by Gangdou.

Therefore, Gangdou confirmed one thing.

"Hahaha!! Aren't you the same? Using the power of the white bird, you stand in front of me!" The wolf king opened his hands and laughed wildly.

"It seems that the world has become what it is now. Whether it is me or you, we ultimately rely on the power of the white bird!"

"Whether it is Sora or Yanlong, facing the power outside the world, we can't do anything at all!"

"That's not to say that we can't do anything." Gangdou took off the double swords on his shoulders and pointed them at the wolf king: "It's that we are going to do something now!"

"If you can do it, try it!" The wolf king howled, and in an instant, the infected bodies hidden in the surroundings jumped out one after another.

Not only that, the new life forms that were previously frightened away by the Ultimate Black Eye Sora were also re-collected by the wolf king, and at this moment they were thrown back into the battlefield by him, becoming the soldiers he relied on to conquer the world.

"All the infected bodies here are the humans you once wanted to protect! They are your partners and your friends!"

The claws swung, tearing a piece of steel above the Tokyo Tower. The wolf king transformed the fragment into a scepter and held it in his hand.

"Human who has obtained the power of the white bird, don't you want to kill me?"

The wolf king looked down at the steel bucket on the ground that was as small as an ant.

"Come on."

"Let me see if you who have obtained the power of the white bird can stop me!"

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