I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 272 First, the God of War went up and ate all the pie.

Although I don't know why Tiandao chose to go back to the apartment halfway, Tiandao is definitely not the kind of person who would retreat at the last minute. He must have his own reasons for leaving temporarily.

And I don't need to question it, I just need to fight here and wait for his return.

Before that, the battle here will be taken over by myself.

The Metropolitan Police Department has been broken, and the civilized world built by humans is on the verge of breaking. Those who are designed as warriors in the framework are now the only ones who can continue to fight. I am the only one who is still standing here.

Although I am the only one left, my power is small, but no matter how small the power is, it can work at this moment.

With a slap on the belt, Gangdou activated the acceleration ability again. The blue figure disappeared and appeared in an instant. In the blink of an eye, he climbed up the Tokyo Tower and was on the same level with the Wolf King.

The blessing of the acceleration ability makes Gangdou's movement speed extremely fast. Even the Wolf King can't capture Gangdou's figure under the influence of the particles in the accelerated world.

Unless you have the same type of ability or another acceleration ability, there is no way to interfere in the accelerated world.

"Come on! Linduo, who inherited the power of the white bird!"

Gangdou is the power that the white bird once showed, and the power of Agito that he later possessed also came from the gift of the white bird. It can be said that whether it is the wolf king or the person in front of him, they are now using the power of the white bird to fight.

Although the woman didn't know where she ran, the influence she left behind was obviously still interfering with this world.

Under the influence of the white bird, all the stories now have to develop in another way.

Gangdou only has deep hatred for the wolf king. Although he doesn't know what the monsters Sugita and others have become, as long as he thinks of the pain when they become monsters, Gangdou's heart is particularly furious, and in the rush of killing intent, he carries an uncontrollable anger.

Gangdou is like this now. His fury is all transformed into a move on his fist, and all poured on the wolf king.

He moved on the steel with one foot, changing his posture several times in the process, so as not to fall into the chaos under his feet.

He blocked the fist of the wolf king with one hand in front of him, and after retreating a few steps, Gangdou hooked the steel under his feet and stepped forward again with his fist clenched.


The wolf king wiped the fist mark on his chest. Although he didn't know why the blue guy in front of him seemed a little weak, and the punch only made the wolf king feel a little pain, but the opponent's speed forced the wolf king to cheer up.

"Is your anger just like this?" The wolf king grabbed Gangdou's arm and pressed it down, forcing Gangdou to be unable to rise up: "Or is your so-called anger just a pretense?!"

"Shut up!"

Gangdou was suppressed by the wolf king in terms of strength, because this was a data gap. As an armor of the armor system, if he wanted to improve himself, he could only use new accessories or corresponding upgraded hardware to improve his own data.

The upgrade of the armor system has always been very rigid, unlike the biological system, which can always raise its own limits and improve itself.

If the armor of the Kabuto series wants to be upgraded, it needs a Hypa insect.

However, in the original work, there is only one Hypa insect, and it is owned by Kabuto.

Although Gangdou also has an upgrade posture, it is not normal, and it has nothing to do with the current one.

With the force of his arms, the wolf king instantly lifted Gangdou up, allowing Gangdou to break away from the steel bars under his feet, forcing Gangdou to fly in the air, and his feet had no place to rest.

With his body in mid-air, Gangdou lost his fulcrum and had to fall down in a free fall posture.

The wolf king looked down at Gangdou who was gradually falling, sneered several times, and raised his thumbs and looked down fiercely.

Gangdou fell to the ground, and his body grabbed the outer periphery of Tokyo Tower while falling. The descending posture suddenly stopped, and Gangdou half of his body was hanging outside, which was very dangerous, but in the end he successfully stopped the posture from continuing to fall.


The voice of the Wolf King came faintly from the top of Tokyo Tower.

"Your familiar friends are here!"

As soon as the words fell, a thin figure climbed up from the bottom of Tokyo Tower. At the same time, two entangled twin new life forms, one on the left and one on the right, hovered on the edge of the tower, and flew up at a faster speed, like a yellow and blue lightning, spreading towards the top of the tower.

"That is!" Gangdou climbed up the edge of the tower and looked at the situation below: "These are..."

"They used to be humans! Humans who protect humans!" The voice of the Wolf King continued to sound: "Same as you are now!"

"But now, they are fighting for me!"

"You bastard!" Hearing the words of the Wolf King, Gangdou raised his head and looked up.

In anger, he punched the steel under his feet, transmitting his own electric current to the entire tower, and quickly released it towards the entire tower.

For a moment, the jumping arcs kept jumping between the steel bars of the tower, pulling out arcs, forcing the new life forms that were climbing upwards to let go and fall to the ground.

Gangdou grabbed the gap in the iron tower with one hand, took off the scimitar on his shoulder and threw it up.

The high-speed rotating blue scimitar was like a boomerang, cutting off all obstacles along the way. The high-speed rotating boomerang rushed upwards, heading towards the Wolf King.

With a cruel smile on his lips, the Wolf King stood up slightly, facing the boomerang that was coming down from below, snorted coldly, and raised his foot to suppress it.


The blue scimitar was stepped on, and the Wolf King leaned down, looking down at the steel bucket, showing his own strength in the midst of defeat.

"I'm looking for something to give you."

The molecular reconstruction ability decomposed the steel on the left and right sides. Under the control of the Wolf King, a huge, sharp heavy sword without a blade formed above his head.

Above the Tokyo Tower, the spiked tower body had disappeared, replaced by a huge solid iron sword, which was still growing stronger in the gradually converging molecular composition.

"How about sending you despair?!"

Opening one hand, with five fingers pressing down, the giant iron sword that was still growing bigger fell down with a bang, like a judgment from the sky. The black sky sword fell straight down and penetrated directly into the Tokyo Tower, tearing through all obstacles with an unstoppable momentum. The sword tip destroyed everything and descended majestically.

The entire Tokyo Tower was suddenly destroyed. The destruction caused by the downward pressure of the giant sword made the entire iron tower shaky, broken steel fell down, and the terrifying pressure of heavy objects pressing on the air was also applied to Gangdou.

"You guy!"

The iron tower was shaky, and Gangdou couldn't stabilize his body. Facing the catastrophe from above, Gangdou couldn't resist this move and had to flee in panic.


"If you run away, those people who have become new life forms below will not survive!"


Time is precious in a crisis, and Gangdou has no time to think. Under the control of the Wolf King, those originally active new life forms all stayed obediently under the iron tower, silently waiting for death.

Gangdou didn't have time to think about it, and activated the acceleration ability again. At the critical moment, all the new life forms were transferred, and everyone was rescued before the Tokyo Tower was completely destroyed and before the sword fell to the ground.

Maintaining such an acceleration ability in a short time and rescuing everyone was a huge burden for Gangdou himself, so much so that when Gangdou pulled the last new life form away, he couldn't maintain his acceleration ability and had to withdraw from that state.

Therefore, the terrifying air wave caused by the sword breaking the ground completely hit Gangdou himself, submerging his figure and making him fly away in the spreading smoke and dust like a piece of rag, and finally fell to the ground with dust and gravel.

The original Tokyo Tower has disappeared, replaced by a sky-supporting sword that has sunk into the earth. The sword body is covered with dust, and the hilt is sunken into the clouds, which cannot be seen directly.

Gangdou lay on the ground not far away, coughed hard a few times, covered his chest and gasped.


The next second, the twins' new life forms came together, blocking Gangdou's way one after the other, and their lowered bodies kept digging on the ground.

The golden horns shone brightly in the dim light and shadow.

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