I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 287 Quack! It's the Minotaur with a strong magnetic field! It wants to whip the corpse

His own family knows his own affairs, and Thunder Angel knows better than anyone else that he has now lost the power to draw the thunder from the sky to reach it.

It used all its strength when dealing with Daguaba, and later when it was "humiliated" by Rick and took action with hatred, it naturally also used all its strength.

But instead of bringing it victory and erasing its shame, its full strength actually drained away all its own strength.

Even when it comes back, its body is almost like an empty shell.

But the physical weakness cannot stop the excitement in the mind. For Thunder Angel, the power can still be regenerated, but the fact of breaking through the illusion and getting a glimpse of the essence of his own power is far more important than anything else. is more important.

So it came back full of joy just to tell its good brothers about this, and to make its eldest, second and third brothers happy for itself.

However, what greeted him was not the admiration from his brothers, but the words of love from his eldest brother.

The eldest brother doesn't believe it, the second brother doesn't believe it, and the third brother doesn't even believe it.

Thunder Angel couldn't understand why the three brothers just turned a blind eye to this obvious thing before him. Anyone who saw it would know the truth.

Could it be that I still don’t know my own strength?

The general became stronger right in front of my eyes, Daguaba upgraded right in front of my eyes, and Kuuga's evolution was also vividly visible to me.

None of this is false!

Therefore, even though his condition has not yet recovered, Thunder Angel is still determined to prove to his three brothers that his ideas are correct and the nature of his power.

So it chose here, the Kunlun Mountains.

With the help of the higher magnetic field here and the height of the higher mountain peaks closer to the sky, here, the three brothers are given the most grand and glorious proof.

Likewise, this will also be the rebirth of its thunder angel, the rebirth of finding the essence of authority!

"Just watch, you guys..."

While muttering to himself, Thunder Angel raised his head, with an extremely serious look on his cow face: "I will prove to you how wrong your stereotypes are!"


The Earth Angel activates the earth's veins, converging the power of the surrounding magnetic field on the Thunder Angel's body, strengthening its power bit by bit.

The Wind Angel summoned the wind from the sky and blew a dark cloud far away in the sky, hanging it above the Kunlun Mountains, blocking the sun and changing the sky in an instant.

The water angel injects water vapor into the drifting dark clouds, filling the dark clouds little by little.

Thunder Angel took a deep breath, waved his trident, and poured his authority into the dark clouds in the sky.


The moment the golden flash entered, there was a roar of thunder, a muffled thunder sounded in the dark clouds, and the dancing arc of electricity flashed away in the dark clouds.

The magnetic field is gradually increasing in size due to the influence of the Earth Angel, causing distortion.

"The Heavenly Way of the Holy Mountain, it's up to you to confirm the rebirth of my Thunder Angel!"

Holding the trident high in both hands, Thunder Angel urged himself and released all his strength, causing a golden light of lightning to fly from the tip of the trident, rising from the ground and rushing straight into the black clouds above.


A flash of terrifying thunder passed across the sky, as if it was about to tear the sky into countless parts. The dancing arcs were densely scattered in all directions, causing cracks in the sky at that moment.

Then, the violent thunder resounded in everyone's ears, and at this moment, the Kunlun Mountains ushered in an extremely terrifying thunderstorm.

But Thunder Angel was not in a hurry to chop it down. It still kept holding the trident high, widening its bull's eyes and watching everything happening in the sky.

It’s not enough. A thundercloud of this size is not enough!

This is not strong enough! Not exciting enough! !


He completely spread out his authority, so that some strange runes appeared on Thunder Angel's body.

These rune words can be seen by the earth angels at a glance. They are the authority engraved into the angels by the Black God when they created them, that is, conceptual words.

Having this means having corresponding authority in the world created by the Black God.

"Thunder, destruction, judgment..." Wind Angel's eyes lit up. Even though the wind roared, the wind still brought everything it wanted to know.

"The authority given to Thunder Angel by my god turned into runes and appeared. Thunder Angel has pushed himself to the limit."

"Now if someone goes up and gives it a try, I'm afraid he can easily take away everything it has." Earth Angel shook his head: "This is almost equivalent to taking out your own roots and putting them in front of the public, without any cover. ”

"It seems that it really wants to prove itself." Water Angel rubbed his chin: "But the runes are the rules of authority inscribed by our god, and there can be no mistakes."

"Thunder Angel, how can there be any creation?"

The three archangels looked at each other, and they all saw doubts and confusion in each other's eyes.

I simply don’t understand why Thunder Angel got into the horns of a bull...

However, the improvement brought by the manifestation of authority is also huge. The rules of the concept are revealed, the magnetic field suddenly explodes, and the thunderclouds in the sky also expand countless times in the blink of an eye. They never just gather on one peak, and gradually move towards As it spread around, it soon encompassed the entire Kunlun Mountains, plunging the high mountains into an extremely dark and terrifying thunderstorm.

Starting from the periphery, the jumping arcs gradually converged towards the center.

The process of convergence was very slow because the Thunder Angel was extracting all the thunderstorms from the periphery without missing a single one, and converging them towards the center.

So this also caused the thunderstorms spreading in the black cloud to gradually become calm from the periphery.

And the further inward, the more violent it became.

The three angels raised their heads and watched the changes in the sky together.

"This accumulation of power... gathers the thunder covering the entire mountain range to the center and then strikes down..." The Earth Angel looked at everything happening in the sky and couldn't help but complain.

"Is it really to prove itself, rather than having a deep hatred for Tiandao?"

"After this thunder strikes, Tiandao can still have some ash left, which is considered the blessing of the ancestors of the Shenshan family."

"Let's see." The Wind Angel spread his hands: "Anyway, it's like this. At worst, we can make a tomb for Tiandao, which can be regarded as a memorial to him."

The Water Angel turned his head away in surprise, as if he had met the Wind Angel for the first time.

If we fail, we can be said to be the culprit who crushed Tian Dao to dust, and you actually said that you want to build a tomb for him? !

Why did he fall to the point of having to build a tomb?

Isn't it because of us!!

In the sky, the calmer the outer part is, the more violent the inner part is. The thunderstorm covering the entire mountain range is compressed with all its strength and gathered on the peak where it is.

This... Kunlun's highest mountain!

This rich thunder and lightning even formed a dark vortex above the head of the Thunder Angel.

And in the center of the vortex, a dazzling purple ball of light with endless light stood in the sky.

"Tian Dao!" The Thunder Angel's face was gray, but his momentum reached its peak at this moment.

"Wake up... for me!!"

The trident held high suddenly fell down, and the end was heavily clasped on the ground.

As the trident fell, the purple ball of light in the center of the vortex suddenly fell from the sky as if it had received some order.


It was not a ball that suddenly fell, nor was it a lightning bolt that shook the world but flashed from the vortex, but the entire purple ball exploded and instantly covered the entire vortex, and then... the purple beam of light that fell from the sky crashed down.

Just like a judgment from heaven, the materialized purple lightning turned into a beam of light, which crashed onto the mountain peak, completely covering the "corpse" of the Heavenly Dao.

The purple light fell to the ground, and the mountain peak cracked. One of the Kunlun Mountains that stands above the earth and overlooks the world, this high mountain in West Kunlun, could not withstand such a blow, and with a click, it gradually cracked.

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