I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 288: Earth Tiger Warrior killed Flame Dragon Warrior. Why did I have such a strange dream?

At the same time, a guy who was thought to be dead now appeared in a very strange place.

The top of the sacred mountain.

"It's you again!"

At the moment of entering, Tiandao dodged the incoming fist to the side, avoiding being hit while keeping a distance from the opponent, so that he could look at the opponent properly.

The khaki armor is thinner than the Flame Dragon, and it can be seen from the style that it is a light armor type. This was already felt by Tiandao during the first fight.

The faster movement speed, more superb jumping ability, and more lasting air-staying ability compared to the Flame Dragon Armor are the characteristics of this set of armor, which is higher than the Flame Dragon Armor.

Even in terms of energy storage, the opponent can get a constant supply of power as long as he stands on the ground, and it completely surpasses the Flame Dragon in terms of energy storage.

It can be said that although it is a light armor, its characteristics are still very distinct.

And this set of armor has a name, a name that everyone is familiar with, that is, the Earth Tiger Armor.

Although in the original work, the Earth Tiger Armor is jokingly called the armor given away for recharging phone bills, the power of the armor is always the same. How much power the armor can exert depends on the summoner himself.

The Earth Tiger Armor summoner in the original plot is the youngest among the other summoners, and has never undergone any special training before.

Before taking on the armor, he can be called a completely ordinary person.

Compared with the other four armor summoners, the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor has the lowest starting point, the youngest age, and the lowest training.

But even so, his performance in the plot can never be said to be very bad.

If anyone treats the armor with the performance in the original plot, it would be really ridiculous.

But this thing can't happen to Tiandao. As the summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor, he has a clear understanding of the power of the armor.

He doesn't underestimate the appearance of the Earth Tiger Armor and the power of the Earth Tiger Armor.

So after pulling away, Tiandao said nothing, opened one hand and pointed it at the sky, then raised his hands above his head and put them down.

"Flame Dragon Armor!"

Even at the top of the sacred mountain, Tiandao can summon armor as long as he wants.

After all, the last time he faced the sudden attack of the Earth Tiger Armor, Tiandao summoned the Flame Dragon Armor to fight against it, and successfully held on until he woke up.

It was also from that time that he felt the power of the Earth Tiger Armor.

Even the Flame Dragon was in a difficult battle with the Earth Tiger Armor. Who dares to say that the Earth Tiger Armor is not strong?

(PS: In fact, it is a joke that the Flame Dragon is a bitter man in civil wars and has never won a civil war.)

Although he still has to fight the Earth Tiger Armor this time, Tiandao is sure that he will not lose to the opponent.


After maintaining this posture for a long time, the Flame Dragon Armor did not respond to Tiandao's call at this time, and did not attach to him at all.

He was not able to transform, and still maintained the appearance of a human.

"Alas... why is it like this again..." Tiandao has gotten used to the fact that he shouted "Flame Dragon Armor" and then couldn't transform, which made the scene very awkward.

After all, it happened so many times that he gradually became numb.

"Of course you can't summon the armor." Dihu did not take advantage of the situation to pursue, but stood there and talked to Tiandao: "Because you are dead now."

The Dihu armor was removed in a burst of light and shadow changes, and the appearance of Shenshan Xinzhe appeared in front of Tiandao.

"It's you!" Tiandao raised his hand and pointed at Shenshan Xinzhe unhappily: "Okay! You are so bad... You old man, why did you come to hit me for no reason?"

"And you turned into that look!"

"The power of the earth has been nurtured, and your body has carried the crystallization of the earth." Shenshan Xinzhe stroked his beard: "Although it is not the Earth Shadow Stone, there is no way to make you have the blood of the earth, and it is even more impossible for you to transform into a Dihu, but..."

As he said, Shenshan Xinzhe spread his hands, raised them on both sides, and spoke with happy words.

"But I can transform now."

"I can completely transform into a ground tiger and teach you how to fight with the ground tiger, help you grow, and make you stronger!"

Shenshan Xinzhe opened his hands with a bright smile on his face.


You'd better say teaching, not unilateral beating me.

I don't know why, when Shenshan Xinzhe said this, although Shenshan Xinzhe was an old man, looking at the old man's appearance, Tiandao always wanted to smother him with a fist in his face.

"What do you mean by I'm dead?" But in the end, the good character of respecting the old and loving the young occupied Tiandao's mind, so he didn't go up to hit Shenshan Xinzhe.

"Literally." The Heart of the Divine Mountain said, raising his hand to the sky: "When the cracks in the sky become more broken and completely covered, that is when your life fire is completely extinguished."

Tian Dao looked over and saw a huge crack across the sky on the top of the Divine Mountain, dividing the entire sky on the top of the Divine Mountain into two parts.

One part was filled with red clouds, while the other part was filled with a dim dusk scene, but was covered by a black crack in the middle that was constantly swallowing both.

"That's the line of death. When the line of death swallows up all the colors of the sky, your life will end." The Heart of the Mountain continued, "So, your body in the outside world is not optimistic now."

"So, I am not..." Tiandao carefully recalled what happened before he entered here, but he couldn't think of what happened specifically.

"I remember that I was about to rush up to stop Daguba, and then... I opened my eyes and came here." Tiandao rubbed his chin and said uncertainly.

"It shouldn't be, how could I enter the top of the Mountain of God during the battle?"

"Could it be that I..."

"That's right, you were struck by a thunderbolt and died on the spot." The Heart of the Mountain of God stroked his beard and admired.

"Well... die well!"

"Huh?" The happy look on the face of the Heart of the Mountain of God made Tiandao unable to hold back.

Why are you so happy that I'm dead!

"You should know that among the five elements, fire, water, and earth are all part of the material world, but metal and wood are not."

"Although there are metals and trees, and perhaps they can be applied to them to some extent, the real metal and real wood are not materials, but concepts."

"Using the basis of the material world to summarize these two, what we can get is only the appearance, the nothingness floating on the water, and it is definitely not real."

"If you really want to understand these two, you need to understand their essence."

"And now, this is the time."

The Heart of the God Mountain said happily.

"Your life sent you here at the moment of death. This is the body's protection mechanism, but it should not protect you now."

Tian Dao: "So it's wrong for me to be alive now?"

"Of course you shouldn't be alive now." The Heart of the God Mountain answered firmly: "You should die now."

As soon as the words fell, the Heart of the God Mountain transformed into a tiger in front of Tian Dao again, and immediately raised his hand and threw out the secondary weapon of the tiger, the earth-breaking claw.

Two chains flew out from the end of the khaki-colored Earth-Splitting Claw, wrapping around Tiandao's arm that was blocking in front of him. Dihu pulled it apart casually, forcing Tiandao to expose his empty door and keep his posture.

"You!" Tiandao exclaimed, "What do you want to do?!"

"Send you to where you should be now, instead of lingering here."

Materializing the weapon card in front of him, Dihu took out the Earth-Splitting Knife from the light and shadow, and slid the killing card, a killing card engraved with the word [Splitting] appeared in front of him.


The killing sound effect of the armor sounded.

"Stop! Shenshan Heart! How can you!!" As an armor summoner, Tiandao is of course very familiar with Dihu's set of actions.


“Tian Dao, don’t be attached to the feeling of life.” The Earth-Splitting Knife was across his chest: “Sometimes, life should die at the right time. That is not the end of life, but a new beginning.”

“Attachment to life will only make your death filled with endless regrets.”

“Death is not a terrible thing.”

“Go to the world of death and understand the truth.”

“Who understands what you are saying!” Tian Dao struggled hard: “Ah mea!!”

“It’s time to get going, Tian Dao.” Di Hu swung the Earth-Splitting Knife.


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