I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 291 Born with us, returning with death, embarking on a path different from the ultimate, thi

After coming out of the City of Wrongful Death, he was judged by a King of Hell who looked like the King of Hell in Journey to the West, and then he was brought to Meng Po.

After drinking a bowl of soup and tasting the taste of Meng Po soup, Tian Dao smacked his lips.

The taste of Meng Po soup, I guess, can only be tasted after a person's life ends, before reincarnation.

Then, it's time to enter the cycle of reincarnation, knowing nothing, and then start a new life.

The same is true for Tian Dao. After entering the cycle of reincarnation, he spent a long time in the colorful tunnel.

It seemed like a long time, but it seemed like only a moment, and this time, Tian Dao stared at it with wide eyes.

This time, the process was no longer unpredictable, but was seen and certified by Tian Dao himself.

He was very excited about this, perhaps in this way he could feel the true meaning of "death", and then feel the meaning of life.

Then, after coming out of the colorful tunnel, what appeared in Tian Dao's eyes was the dark world as always.

He came back here again.

But this time when he came here, Tiandao had a different feeling in his heart.

Everything that people experience is all-encompassing. The living are experiencing different lives, meeting different people, and experiencing different things.

That is the colorful, rich and brilliant life of the living, which is wonderful and has never been repeated.

And when life transitions to death, the world of death seems to be such an unchanging darkness, which is the fixed unchanging of everything.

The life of the living is all-encompassing and has never been repeated.

The world of the dead is unchanging, but it is the quietness that comes when it moves.

The colorful life is as ever-changing.

Death is silent and still.

If life is moving, death is still.

If life is colorful, death is unchanging.

Then from life to death, from movement to stillness, isn’t this a cycle, isn’t it a...

Is this reincarnation?

Life and death, movement and stillness, everything goes back and forth, everything seeks change in the unchanging, and seeks stability in the change.

From the moment of birth, a person's life has been given various meanings, shouldering responsibilities and missions.

But when death comes, it is the relief of unloading everything, whether it is mission or responsibility, they are all unloaded at the moment of death.

Then, the dead who abandoned these things, after completely letting go of those things, perhaps it was the effect of that bowl of Meng Po soup, or perhaps it was just the obsession of self-letting go.

After having nothing to do with all that, people will start again, from static to dynamic, from death to life.

The past responsibilities and missions have been unloaded at the moment of death, and when life moves again, it will usher in new responsibilities and missions, and start a new round of life.

Life has never been a new life.

Death has never been an end.

If the two are in a cycle, then there has never been a new beginning, and there has never been an end.

And himself...

Tian Dao raised his head and looked at the darkness of the darkness.

"Let there be heaven."

As soon as the word fell, the dark world surged at this moment, and the silent and unchanging stillness began to move, black turned into white, and the concept of heaven emerged here, changing in the unchanging, and moving in the stillness.

"Let there be earth."

The earthy yellow earth spread out bit by bit, and the moving world moved at this moment.

The movement of heaven and earth broke the stillness.

Movement brought vitality.

Although the world with only heaven and earth was desolate, Tiandao looked at this world and felt inexplicably moved.

Whether it was infinite horror or the underworld, they were all changes sought in the unchanging.

And heaven and earth existed from ancient times, and even at this time, heaven was not called heaven, and earth was not called earth at this moment.

Concepts did not exist at this moment.

Between heaven and earth, there was only one person standing alone.

Tiandao closed his eyes slightly, and a new perception emerged from his heart.

The reason why heaven is called heaven and earth is called earth is because there is a person standing between heaven and earth.

Human beings have endowed the concepts of heaven and earth. It is precisely because of the concepts of heaven and earth that humans have endowed that humans can... bring movement.

Human beings' activities on earth, their active figures, have endowed all kinds of concepts for all things in the world.

Heaven, earth and man, that is, heaven gives birth to earth, heaven and earth give birth to man, and heaven and earth give birth to all things.

This is... the three talents.

So humans stand between heaven and earth and endow all things with concepts.

But there is only one concept that is not endowed by humans, but it automatically emerges in humans.


All people will die one day.

But humans also have a new life.

This is not a concept endowed by humans, but it transcends humans, transcends heaven and earth.

The sky will eventually die one day.

The earth will eventually collapse one day.

Only life and death are above heaven and earth...

"So, the earth has everything, and life and death have become the existence that all beings fear and fear at this moment."

Tiandao slowly raised his head. In his eyes, the world born because of his thought became blurred, and in the world born because of him, a surprise call was ushered in.

"It's a boy!"

"Yeah! The chief will be very happy when he finds out! This is the 100th child born in our tribe this year!"

"Wait for the chief to come! The 100th child in the tribe must have a resounding name!"


Although he couldn't open his eyes, his hearing was not very clear, and he cried loudly when he wanted to speak.

But Tiandao had a new understanding at this moment.

This was his rebirth, a change from dead silence to activeness, and it was also proof that he... embraced the world again.

The breath of life, the activeness of all things in the world, was so happy and joyful.

It was like a black and white world, which became colorful at this moment.

The motionless portrait also became active at this moment.


So lively and active.

Life is such a beautiful, glorious and beautiful thing.

"Hu... Hu..."

Leaning on the trident and panting continuously, the Thunder Angel's body became hunched, and the breath that had always been high also fell into a trough at this moment.

Obviously, the Thunder Angel used a power that it had never used before, and tried its best to bring a fierce thunder bombardment to Tiandao.

Filled Tiandao's body fiercely.

"Wow, you have split and blown up a peak of Kunlun Mountain." The Earth Angel came with the other two angels and stopped beside the Thunder Angel.

The Wind Angel came to the edge of the mountain, staring at the interlaced cracks of the split mountain, and the clear view of the bottom of the mountain from above, and couldn't help but smack his lips.

"It doesn't matter." The Earth Angel waved his hand indifferently and stomped his foot on the ground. Under the authority of the Earth Angel, the mountain that was split into two halves suddenly became active. Under the control of the Earth Angel, it healed towards the middle little by little and turned into a complete mountain again.

This kind of thing is just something that the Earth Angel can do easily.

"How is it? Tiandao, does he have anything left?" The Water Angel came straight to the point and searched for Tiandao's body parts everywhere on the mountain.

Yes, the Water Angel has already assumed that Tiandao only has some body parts left.

Even he is lucky to have some body parts left.

However, after searching everywhere for a long time, the Water Angel still couldn't find the body.

"It's over, there's no body left now." The Water Angel spread his hands and turned to the Thunder Angel and said, "Isn't it too powerful?"

Thunder Angel:...

It didn't speak, but stared at the healed mountain in front of it, and fell into silence for a while.

Could it be that it misunderstood?

"Wait." At this time, the Earth Angel suddenly spoke: "Something is not right."

"I feel...something..." The Earth Angel frowned, and the authority of the earth sent a cheering breath to it.

"The earth... is happy?" The Earth Angel was a little unsure.

"Wind..." The Wind Angel stretched out his hand and led the majestic wind blowing from the ground.

On this peak, there was such a warm breeze that made it intoxicated.

"The wind is telling me..." The Wind Angel closed his eyes slightly.

"The planet is rejoicing."

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