I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 292: The Death of an Angel! (Why is there still someone dying?)

The material world seems to have changed because of some wonderful things.

As the four angels who hold the power of the material world, the reaction to this change is the greatest and they are the first to discover it.

The pulse of the earth conveys joyful emotions, which resound in the perception of the earth angel.

The pulsating earth veins are out of the control of the earth angel at this moment. The identity given by the black god and the power brought by the control authority are rejected by the authority at this moment.

The pulse of the earth has no reaction to the order of the earth angel, and it directly ignores its words.

The flowing wind descends from the sky. The colder the wind is, the more disasters it can bring to destroy everything.

However, the breeze that emerged from the ground this time was gentle and warm, blowing on people's bodies, making people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

That is the calmness of wanting to lie on the ground, blowing such a warm and gentle wind, and fall asleep.

Relax, smile, and feel it all.

The flowing water breeds thousands of lives. The water angel has insufficient authority and the weakest control over water, so its control over the power of water is also the worst.

But even so, it can feel the water vapor sprayed by the blue whale floating on the surface of the ocean, outlining a gorgeous rainbow on the sea surface, and the long whale cry echoes in the sea, back and forth.

Groups of dolphins jumped out from under the sea surface, jumping on the sea surface, and drawing waves.

The sea that has been breeding life since ancient times gave the greatest feedback at this moment.

It was not the loss of color of the world after the appearance of the ultimate life form, nor was it the destruction that made all beings fear after the appearance of the ultimate life form, but it was completely opposite to it, another appearance.

The planet became active, the earth roared with joy, the wind brought gentle warmth, and the ocean conveyed the song of life...

This is the expression of the joy of all beings, and it is the self-burst of all beings in the world that is not restricted by any authority.

Everything in the material world, at this moment, welcomed the arrival of a long-lost concept...the foundation of the world.


The Earth Angel stretched out his hand. As the owner of the power of the earth, although the earth rejected the command of the power and moved spontaneously at this moment, the Earth Angel could still sense it.

It was also it that discovered the change in the first time.

Although the mountain that was split at the moment when the thunder controlled by the Thunder Angel fell was healed, the damage caused by the shattering of the mountain still existed.

That thunder fell, killing countless lives active in Kunlun Mountain.

Even the earth veins of the mountain itself were split apart by that blow and completely ceased to exist.

The Earth Angel restored only a form, and the [mountain] itself was dead.

But just now, the Earth Angel could feel that the [mountain] was alive, and those scattered earth veins were restored again, making the mountain "alive".

Not only that, the mountain peaks blown by the cold wind on the top of the peaks were originally barren, but next to the water angel's landing, a green bud tried its best to push away the rubble piled on itself and emerged from the ground.

Feeling the warm breeze, the buds stretched their bodies under the wind, revealing more of their bodies little by little.

More and more green began to sprout, and more and more life burst out from the earth, making this barren and dead mountain not only "alive", but even gradually dyeing the originally barren and monotonous body with some other colors.

Green buds broke out of the ground, pink flowers bloomed in the wind, and fresh branches poked out from the cracks in the mountain.

Yingying waving, all things are born, after the extreme destruction, a new life bursts out here.

Destruction is by no means the end, but the arrival of a new round of life.

"This..." Looking around, the wind angel could not imagine that such a thing would happen.

All of this is completely different from the common sense they know.

How could such a high mountain be surrounded by green?

How could the wind in the sky be so warm and gentle?

This place... should be in silence and cold, and a forbidden area for most lives!

This is the natural law known by the owners of their authority.

And at this moment, the natural law has changed.

On the top of the mountain, at the bottom of the pit split by thunder, the charred marks gradually faded from the body, and the carbonized body gradually fell off, revealing new skin.

The hair grew like weeds, pushing away the old remnants and bringing new glory.

"This is..." The angel of the earth stood on the pit and looked into the pit thoughtfully.


The sound of the beating heart resounded in the ears of the four angels at this moment, and at the same time, it echoed endlessly in this mountain range.

Along with the sound of the beating heart, the life force, let this beating sound, touch the new round of rebirth.

The goat that was killed by the rockfall suddenly woke up from the blood, swinging its strong hooves and jumping away.

The bird that was killed by the thunder flapped its wings, combed its feathers, stared at the free sky, and flew high again.

The mountain rabbit buried by the surging earth broke free from the gap and jumped away.

From death to life, it's just a cycle.

From stillness to movement, it's just a reincarnation.

Since the birth of the material world, a concept that has long been transcended and never descended has descended here again at this moment.

Coming from a higher dimension to the present world, everything in the material world cheers for His arrival.

The foundation of the eternal world is the rotation of the five elements, which is given by humans.

However, the civilization established by humans has different regional views.

But there are also commonalities.

Water, fire, and earth, whether in the East or the West, can understand and explain them.

This is the eternal foundation of the material world.

But gold and wood, there is no common understanding, and they are factors that cannot resonate.

That is the foundation of the eternal world, but it is not an element manifested in the material world.

Wind and thunder are part of gold and wood, but they cannot represent both.

The last three elements are elements that can be understood.

The first two are controversial concepts.

When a dead hero realizes the true meaning of belonging to [wood] at this moment, then this concept will cast His eyes.

"This is... the power of creation..." the earth angel muttered to himself, his expression gradually becoming unbelievable.

"I've seen this scene... before..."

This is a scene engraved in memory. It is what happened around the God of Creation who lived on the earth after the angel was created.

The Black God just stood there, and everything gradually infected the whole world with Him as the center.

The sky and the earth, the trees and the ocean, all burst out at this moment and spread to the outside world.

The grass and trees are like rain and dew, and the forests are flourishing.

That is everything engraved in the memory of the earth angel, and it is everything it has witnessed with its own eyes since it was created.

That is, the power that belongs only to God, the power of creation.

And this power now reappears in front of the earth angel, reproducing the scene in its memory.

Although the scale is incomparable, but... the power of creation is the power of creation, there is no denying it.

"Could it be that you..." The Water Angel turned around and looked at the Thunder Angel in shock: "Could it be that your authority is really... creation?"

"Destruction is just a superficial disguise. The real power only emerges at this moment?"

The hand that stretched out from the bottom of the pit was so conspicuous that the four archangels saw it with their own eyes.

Compared to the disbelief of the other three archangels, the Thunder Angel showed a touch of ecstasy on his pale face, and a blush rushed to his forehead.

"I knew it! I knew it was like this!"

The Thunder Angel threw the trident in his hand aside, knelt on his knees, covered his head and cried and laughed.

"My God!! Is this what you expect of me?! I didn't realize your expectations of me until this moment!"

"Thunder Angel! I am really ashamed of your expectations!"

Holding his head with both hands, the Thunder Angel cried and laughed.

Whether it was the Earth Angel or the Wind Angel, they were looking at the Thunder Angel with an extremely complicated look, as if they had re-recognized the Thunder Angel at this moment.

Does it... really have this kind of power?

In the pit, Tiandao, shirtless, raised his body from the soil.

On his head, there was a handful of soil pressing down his hair, and a green bud was swaying its branches and leaves in the soil, swinging up and down as Tiandao turned his head left and right.

"I... am back?"

He stretched out his hand and shook it, feeling the full body and strong vitality at the moment, and the alternation of life and death appeared in front of Tiandao's eyes.

"Put it in a dead end... and then live..."

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