I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 312 It seems that as long as I want, the trump card of victory will come into my hands (real

So... just like in the Decade world, what can I do, or what should I do, after I have just arrived in a new world?

If I can't go back in a short time, I think the first thing I should solve should be my housing problem.

Standing in front of the square, Tiandao, sitting on a chair, watched the fountain surge and thought about what he should do in this world.

This is different from the Decade world. In the Decade world, I was picked up as soon as I went there, and I had food and shelter, and everything was arranged properly, just like at home.

But here, it is obviously impossible to have similar treatment as in the Decade world.

If you want to do something here, it depends on your ability.

However, what kind of job can a person who has no identity certificate and has never had any signs of activity before find in this world?

If it is provided with food and shelter... it shouldn't be difficult, right?

Tiandao raised his head thinking this way, and just happened to see a guy wearing a brown linen windbreaker, covering his face with the collar, passing by a couple as if nothing had happened, and then... two wallets and mobile phones naturally fell into the hands of this person, and were put in his arms.

Although the method was very skillful and sophisticated, nothing could escape Tiandao's eyes.

"It's true that someone sent a pillow when I was sleepy." Tiandao patted his knees, stood up from the chair, followed the other person's footsteps, and followed him from a distance until they came to a place where few people went.

A courtyard that looked very desolate and overgrown with weeds.

"It's still a young couple who come out together like this, affectionate, carrying a lot of things, and not so vigilant."

Playing with the mobile phone in his hand, the man was very proud.

"In this case, I will..."

"Before you say that." Tiandao appeared from behind the man, and stepped into the darkness from the world full of sunshine: "Should you come with me?"

"I am a police officer."

Tidying up his clothes, Tiandao stood in front of the thief: "Although the business is a bit beyond the line, it should be natural to catch thieves, right?"

"Who are you!! "At first, he was a little surprised to hear Tiandao's voice, but after turning around and finding that Tiandao was the only one, the thief suddenly became proud again.

"Me?" Tiandao put his hands in his pockets and stood in front of the other party: "Just a warm-hearted police officer passing by."

"Mind your own business!" Taking out a switchblade from his pocket, the man rushed towards Tiandao, and stabbed the switchblade in his hand forward, without any intention of giving Tiandao a chance to survive.

From this point of view, he is indeed a vicious and evil person.

And facing the vicious and evil people, Tiandao, as a police officer, naturally has his own way of dealing with them.

In the past, he used a gun to scare the opponent, but now... he saw the right moment and kicked the opponent in the chest, forcing the opponent to fly back at a faster speed, fall to the ground in a mess, and roll several times.

"I advise you to surrender." Tiandao put down his foot: "After all, for me... no... it should be for you, resistance is not a good thing."

I have the first pot of gold in this world, but I will take you to the Metropolitan Police Department to collect the bounty!

"Oh my god! (Damn it)" He climbed up from the ground, as if he was not injured at all. This relaxed attitude made Tiandao's pace of progress stop immediately.

"You guy, you are looking for death!"

The ferocious look was occupied by the alien in the blink of an eye, and the green light filled with it covered the human appearance. In front of Tiandao's eyes, he changed from a human to a green, alien monster.


Tian Dao took his hands out of his pockets and looked at the scene of the human turning into a monster. He immediately thought of Gurongi's mimicking a human and then liberating himself.

When Gurongi changed from mimicking a human to his original appearance, wasn't it exactly the same as the scene before him?

"How is it possible...is there a monster like Gurongi in this world?"

At first, he thought that this world was a peaceful and tranquil world, and Tian Dao was very moved by it, but the change of this guy in front of him made Tian Dao recognize the reality of this world at once.

It was not the peaceful world he thought, but like his world, here was also...

The alien monster roared inexplicably and rushed towards Tian Dao with its slender claws.

The sturdy figure looked a little bloated, and compared with the humanoid monster like Gurongi, it looked more like an alien.

The sound of breaking through the air caused by waving the claws was still echoing in his ears, but the speed that was difficult for humans to react to was extremely slow in Tian Dao's eyes.

You know, even though Tiandao can't transform at this moment, he is not without any fighting power without armor.

He dodged the opponent's attack to the side, and took advantage of the moment when the monster lost balance, Tiandao raised his hand and materialized the purple Titan Sword in his hand.

Without waiting for the alien monster to turn around, Tiandao turned his hand downward and directly pierced the opponent's body with the blade of the Titan Sword.

The blade passed through the body, bringing up a handful of hot blood. Tiandao did not wait stupidly in place, but pulled back and immediately distanced himself.

The next moment, the body of the green-skinned monster exploded, igniting the debris in the courtyard, turning into countless blowing winds, and going to both sides.

The heat wave blew up Tiandao's hair, and the falling Titan Sword dissipated and was cancelled by Tiandao.

"Sure enough... like Gurongi, it will explode after death..." Looking at the scene of the monster exploding after death, Tiandao showed an expression of "Sure enough".

"Then there should be something similar to Gurongi in this world?"

Thinking so, Tiandao squatted down and picked up the things that the monster had dropped after it fell down in the form of a human.

Especially this business card swaying in the wind, which was grabbed by Tiandao.

"Tiangu Kazuto... private detective..."

After browsing the information on the business card, Tiantiandao knew the other party's identity.

"I see, is it called this name?"

"It seems that the private detective business is not easy to do, and they all come out to steal things."

Putting the business card in his arms, when Tiandao raised his head again, his eyes had turned emerald, which was the strange eyes that were enough to see through the essence of life and see through the creatures themselves.


Tian Dao exhaled and closed his eyes slightly: "I hope it's not what I thought..."

"I also hope... not too outrageous."

With this thought in mind, Tian Dao took a few steps and walked out of the weed-covered courtyard to the outside world, allowing himself to bathe in the sun little by little.

Until he felt the breeze blowing past his cheeks, Tian Dao slowly opened his eyes, revealing his emerald eyes and looking at the world.

The world seen in these different eyes is completely different from the world seen at ordinary times. What Tian Dao is watching at this moment is the most real side of this world.

"That is..."

In Tian Dao's eyes, the green-skinned monster holding the human girl walked away with laughter, and the monster on the street kept telling someone on the phone something.

The human stood in front of the stall opened by the monster, bargaining with the monster, without realizing the other's true appearance.

Looking around, from here, what Tiandao saw was a world where humans lived, and monsters lived together in human skin.

Those monsters, wearing skins that did not belong to them, lived other people's lives, and... were they still enjoying it?

Tiandao, who had witnessed the true nature of this world, could not help but clench his fists.

"What on earth is this..."

"What kind of world is this, right?"

A cold female voice took over Tiandao's subsequent questions, and at the same time as this voice sounded, the movement of the world that Tiandao was watching was stopped in this instant.

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