I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 313 Everyone has a hidden true identity, no matter who they are.

It's you again! Although she has a hot body, I don't like the woman!

Of course, Tiandao didn't say this, after all, women are usually narrow-minded, and he can't be sure that he can leave this world alive if he says it.


"Why, isn't it you who sent me to this world?" Turning his head, Tiandao stared at the woman in front of him, and his green pupils did not close, but turned to Melina as his perspective turned.

These eyes that can see through the essence of other people's lives, after seeing the disguised appearance of those mimic monsters, were taken by Tiandao to look at Melina.

And at the first glance when he turned his head, Melina in Tiandao's eyes was no longer a human image, but a sword floating in the air... A sword.

A sword that Tiandao didn't recognize at all, but had colorful light and looked quite fancy.


Before the subsequent surprised words were spoken, the sword seemed to feel that it was being observed, and suddenly released a strong light, interrupting the inexplicable peeping.

Not only that, the strong light hit the main body along the line of sight, causing a burst of stinging pain in Tiandao's eyes.


He covered his eyes with his hands, and the endless tears slid down the corners of his eyes. Tiandao, who was stimulated by the strong light, could no longer see anything in front of him, and could only half-kneel on the ground.

"What's wrong?"

But for Melina, she had no idea why Tiandao suddenly became like this.

After all, in her eyes, everything about Tiandao was fine, and the two of them just had a simple conversation, and there was no physical contact, but Tiandao suddenly covered his eyes and knelt down.

How could she know what was going on.

"You guy!!" Tiandao raised his head with difficulty and wanted to question Melina, but when he really wanted to ask something angrily, he suddenly got stuck.

Anger? Why am I angry?

And... what was I going to do before?

Why am I squatting?

But it is true that my eyes hurt...

"Okay, I came here just to include your story." Melina didn't bother to pay attention to Tiandao's jokes. She took out the Book of Omniscience and watched that Tiandao's story really continued and had a new sequel. Then she closed the book with satisfaction.

As expected, it seems that her expected choice was not wrong. This guy's story does need randomness, and it has not yet reached the final ending.

He is not like a white bird.

"Really, I don't know why, I feel uncomfortable in my eyes." Rubbing his eyes, Tiandao stood up from the ground.

Although his eyes were slightly red, they were much lighter than before.

But the emerald eyes returned to normal at this moment and became the same as ordinary people.

"Listen carefully, this is the world of Kabuto, which is almost the same type as your world. In this world, humans are threatened by a kind of monster."

Melina brought very important information to Tiandao.

"Unlike the Gurongi you are familiar with, the monsters in this world come from the universe and are alien creatures. They have the ability to completely disguise themselves as humans. It is difficult to detect them unless they actively expose themselves."

"And in this world, there are also Kamen Riders."

"Kamen Rider?" As if he heard some key words, Tiandao immediately reacted: "Kamen Rider... Kamen Rider, what is it in the world of Kamen Rider?"

"The Kuuga you know is also a Kamen Rider." Melina only said this: "Okay, that's all, the rest you need to explore by yourself."

"I came here just to confirm one thing."

Melina has no obligation to fully explain to Tiandao what this world is like. As I said, she must reduce her presence in Tiandao's story. Even if she provides help, she cannot appear in Tiandao's story accurately with her name.

This is her insistence. She originally wanted to catch those guys who don't stay in her own story and run around and interfere with other stories. So how could she become such a person?

It's already the limit to be able to talk to Tiandao.

"Hey! Why are you only saying a little bit? Speak clearly! Speak the whole thing!"

"And the belt you gave me! How do I use it? What are the steps to transform? Hey!!"

As a man who had experienced several riddlers, Tiandao immediately knew what this guy was going to do when he heard Melina's words "that's all", so he immediately prepared to grab her hand.

But Tiandao was still a step too late. Melina's body turned into scattered golden light spots, which scattered in front of Tiandao's eyes, and he didn't catch her at all.

The golden light scattered everywhere, leaving Tiandao with only the feeling of his empty palm and looking at the void where no one existed.

"You stinky woman!!"

Obviously, after the woman left, a guy who didn't dare to complain finally had no burden this time, and was able to roar to the sky and complain loudly about the woman.

It's impossible for him to jump out and cross his sword across my neck this time!

"Amanagawa Kazuto... Nagoya..."

After knowing the area where he was from this business card, Tiandao followed the records on this business card and accurately found the private detective agency opened by this guy named Kazuto Amaya.


Looking at the door, which even had a dilapidated door number, Tiandao fell into an eerie silence.

The dilapidated house number makes this place look so desolate. The dead leaves flying next to it are rolling in a swirling arc, and even the rusty iron nails reveal the fact that they have never been replaced.

On the steps at the door, a layer of ripples of ashes was lifted up by Tiandao's fingertips, making him immediately aware of the fact that no one had set foot on this road for a long time.

"It seems that not only is there no business, but the owner doesn't come back very often."

Looking at the dust on his fingertips, Tiandao sighed and said helplessly: "The original Kazuto Tiangu is dead. Is that guy mimicking this person and wandering around all the time?"

With this thought, Tiandao pushed open the door of the private detective, and suddenly...the dust that came from his face infected Tiandao's door, making him cough uncontrollably.

"This guy...hasn't been back for how many days!"

Constantly waving his arms to disperse the dust, Tiandao stepped into the detective agency. In addition to the dust that hit his face, there were messy furniture and messy footprints, as well as documents and plastic bags scattered everywhere.

Especially broken glass is everywhere.


"It seems that it has been ravaged a lot." Looking for a place to stay carefully, Tiandao looked a little helpless: "It's not that no one visited, but that there were too many people visiting."

Really helpless, Tiandao came to the clothes hanger, took off a round-neck hat, and flicked the dust on the hat.

"I don't know when Kazuto Tiangu died, I can be considered as avenging you." Looking at the white dome hat in his hand, Tiandao said with emotion: "So... anyway, you... There’s no need to keep the place, so why don’t you stay here for a while?”

Putting the hat on his head, Tiandao looked around and sighed helplessly.

"Although it's a bit excessive to ask for a favor, but..." Tiandao shrugged helplessly: "I am indeed homeless."

"So please, just let me stay for a while."

"If you don't agree, just say something and I'll leave right away!"

With his hands open, Tiandao stood in the room and waited for a long time, but he could not wait for Tian Gu and Ren's rejection. There was only dust floating up and down in the air, symbolizing the calmness where nothing happened.

Then Tiandao turned around and showed a big smile.

"If you don't say anything, does that mean you agree?"


(Amaya Kazuto: Damn!)

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